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Tesla Unionization

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I would bet a $100 to musks horse charity that if we were to hold a poll in these forums, you'd be voted as most in need of therapy for your misplaced anger and hatred. but keep projecting, it's fun seeing the same strategy being used by tesla famous hardcore legal team. I'm sure you can win the public perception battle, and aren't just digging your hole further and further. as tesla certainly isn't going to win any legal battles.

But hey, like the other big brain poster suggested, maybe tesla can invent their own ev union and through forum theorycrafting, tesla can wiggle out of this jam they've gotten ourselves into.
Feel free to open a polling thread. Nobody is stopping you, yet.
Feel free to open a polling thread. Nobody is stopping you, yet.

Apparently someone is, he got banned.

I work with spacex contractors and I hear their stories, goddamn what a shithole. their redmond space is hilarious, got a walkthrough of the 'presentation' area of staged equipment that gets used for VC walkthroughs, It's one of the most 'fake it till you make it' things ive ever seen in my professional life. so ya, I want musk and his companies out of my state. that's why it's personal, because I've seen first hand the way employees get treated working under the musk leadership.
I call BS. Those anecdotes, if real, would have been brought up on your 2nd post
Stepping back a little, the only ones that have already won this conflict is Russia/FSB with their stated goal to start conflicts in the west and in EU.

Edit: Adding a bit background to why I think so,
Not surprised. Been going on since Bush junior p.o’d Putin in ~2002…Putin been hammering at all liberal democracies via troll farms/targeted disinformation ever since.

Edit: if one reads this book, one will come to the same conclusion: Blowout (book) - Wikipedia
In this interview in Swedish, the Union representative says that, in their view, collective agreements are not voluntary and that you are supposed to join them. They say this goes back to 1938. So I guess that the unions disagree on the voluntary part...

I read that and just ignored it. Misinformation among union members is rampant in part at least from union leadership propaganda.
Tesla appears to be getting around the plate delivery issue. They order the plates as usual, deliver the car without plates, and then have the new owner request replacement plates sent directly to them. (I think someone mentioned that the new owner could also get the police department to issue temporary plates while waiting for replacements.)

And no surprise to me, it sounds like the union has been lying: They say that they didn't start the sympathy actions until after Tesla was hiring "scabs". But they notified 17 non-Tesla shops of the required sympathy actions days before the strike even began. On top of that the majority of what they refer to as "scabs" are actually preexisting Tesla employees that are not IF Metall members. (How dare Tesla not fire all of the non-union members as soon as the strike started.)

Tesla appears to be getting around the plate delivery issue. They order the plates as usual, deliver the car without plates, and then have the new owner request replacement plates sent directly to them. (I think someone mentioned that the new owner could also get the police department to issue temporary plates while waiting for replacements.)

And no surprise to me, it sounds like the union has been lying: They say that they didn't start the sympathy actions until after Tesla was hiring "scabs". But they notified 17 non-Tesla shops of the required sympathy actions days before the strike even began. On top of that the majority of what they refer to as "scabs" are actually preexisting Tesla employees that are not IF Metall members. (How dare Tesla not fire all of the non-union members as soon as the strike started.)

They’re already trying to change the history of this event, huh? Well, good to know other people besides us see what they’re doing and have documentation of the real sequence of events.

From the article:

IF Metall is recognized worldwide​

When IF Metall challenges Musk, it gets attention all over the world. If you win, the good example can spread.

Next time it might be Tesla's technicians in Norway who get a contract, or the workers at Tesla's large factory in Berlin.

Maybe even the workers at Tesla's factories in the US who will now be without the pay rise that others get.

This is exactly why Elon/Tesla do not want to give in to collective bargaining agreement with IF Metall.
This is the fallout because of the IF Metall strike against Tesla.

This can't be very positive for the public IF Metall image.


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Elisabeth Thand Ringqvist Member of the Swedish Riksdag (C)
Letter Translation:

The ongoing conflict between Tesla and IF Metall has increasing consequences outside the workshops affected by the conflict.
The electric car chargers that Tesla has erected around Sweden are important for the ability to easily get between different parts of the country. In some areas, Tesla chargers are critical infrastructure and in other areas essential to ensure that waiting times do not become endlessly long with a lot of traffic.

On the Gävle-Funäsdalen route, for example, there are 32 chargers of various brands with a capacity of over 100 kilowatts. and there are 61 Tesla chargers. On the Gävle-Storlien stretch, there are 32 chargers of various brands and 70 Tesla chargers.
The families who plan to take their electric car (doesn't have to be a Tesla; these chargers are open to everyone) from southern Sweden to go to the falls during Christmas and New Years want to be sure that this trip can work regardless of whether Tesla chargers could pay out for various types of industrial action from both unions and employers.

In connection with this, I would like to ask Minister of State Andreas Carlson:
Has the government taken any measures to ensure that critical charging infrastructure is not drawn into the conflict concerning Tesla's workshops?
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This is the fallout because of the IF Metall strike against Tesla.

This can't be very positive for the public IF Metall image.


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View attachment 997984
View attachment 997985

Elisabeth Thand Ringqvist Member of the Swedish Riksdag (C)
Letter Translation:

The ongoing conflict between Tesla and IF Metall has increasing consequences outside the workshops affected by the conflict.
The electric car chargers that Tesla has erected around Sweden are important for the ability to easily get between different parts of the country. In some areas, Tesla chargers are critical infrastructure and in other areas essential to ensure that waiting times do not become endlessly long with a lot of traffic.

On the Gävle-Funäsdalen route, for example, there are 32 chargers of various brands with a capacity of over 100 kilowatts. and there are 61 Tesla chargers. On the Gävle-Storlien stretch, there are 32 chargers of various brands and 70 Tesla chargers.
The families who plan to take their electric car (doesn't have to be a Tesla; these chargers are open to everyone) from southern Sweden to go to the falls during Christmas and New Years want to be sure that this trip can work regardless of whether Tesla chargers could pay out for various types of industrial action from both unions and employers.

In connection with this, I would like to ask Minister of State Andreas Carlson:
Has the government taken any measures to ensure that critical charging infrastructure is not drawn into the conflict concerning Tesla's workshops?
Yes, Minister of State do tell us when you’ll put the leash on your out of control union dog.
Sorta comes down to rugged individualism, every man looking out for himself, vs acting together for the common good. It’s a choice.

A movie directed Paul Newman which he also stars in would be a good example of what you said. The movie has had two titles, Sometimes a Great Notion and Never Give A Inch. It's based on the novel Sometimes a Great Notion by Ken Kesey who also wrote One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

The Stamper family represents Elon/Tesla and the union loggers are of course IF Metall.

The last scene in the movie is iconic. While towing logs down a river with a tug boat Paul Newman retrieves something from the family house, which resides along the river, and puts it on top of the tug boat.

This is why Elon doesn't want unions. Having the unions trying to run operations.

DUESSELDORF (Reuters) – Thyssenkrupp must not divest its steel and marine units against the will of workers, the group’s labour leaders said on Friday, criticising the conglomerate’s top leadership for a new confrontational approach to decisions.

The comments, made in a handout by the IG Metall union to staff, come a week after the group’s management expanded the board by two seats against despite labour opposition, which unions called a break with tradition.
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Mod: I am temporarily locking this thread. The tone of the back-and-forth argumentation is not bringing any new information to the debate. So I request, forcefully, that when I unlock the thread in a day or two, only post about new developments. I hope this is clear.

Edit: OK, unlocked again in time for breakfast in Sweden. But be careful in discussions. --ggr
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Ahh, sweet bitter pill:

German trade union IG Metall labeled IF Metall’s strike against Tesla Sweden illegal. IG Metall shared its perspective on the Tesla Sweden vs. IF Metall issue.

“That would be illegal. You strike for your own business, for your own wages. A political strike would mean violating the duty to work, and then the employer could take action against the employees,” said IG Metall spokesman Markus Sievers.
At least someone in the IF/IG Metall union camp is publicly calling IF Metall-Sweden out for their unsavory tactics.

This reveals that a "duty to work" aspect exists in union agreements, and, that political and union business goals are never supposed to be part of the purpose for any union. All of which aligns well with a world of logic and reason.

Not so much alignment with extortion tactics, attention-getting stunts, and putting their union members second to their goals of securing power as we here have expected to find further evidence supporting.

(Edited for clarity)
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