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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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FYI, I'm working my own IRA in TD Ameritrade (without a money manager because they keep telling me I'm crazy with 50/50 TSLA/Cash only). It's all tax free gains until I start pulling it out slowly (only 2 yrs to go). As far as Tesla is concerned, these are my shares and no different than anyone else's shares here. I'm likely taking this to 75% then pull out 25% at or above $420, back to 50% private. I'd go to 100%, but stupid stuff can happen.

Not an advice! (but counting on it myself)
Just had a friend of a friend staying at my place for a few days who WORKS FOR TESLA. He was saying that he could be fired if he told me information. I said "Wink if they are making over 6000 cars a week NOW" got the WINK.
Just had a friend of a friend staying at my place for a few days who WORKS FOR TESLA. He was saying that he could be fired if he told me information. I said "Wink if they are making over 6000 cars a week NOW" got the WINK.

Everybody leaks the production rates. ;) Your friend isn't at any particular risk.

Do be aware that you need to be specific: 6000 cars or 6000 Model 3s. Also, Tesla can be over 6k at Fremont but under 6k packs/motors at Giga, or vice versa.

But yes, Bloomberg seems to think that Tesla will be right around 6k out the door next week. Q3 is going to be a barnburner :)
I'm on a wait & watch where it goes mode before buying. I don't think we have seen the bottom yet - with SEC subpoenas etc. and likelihood of leaks from SEC in the future.

It might be a wild ride until funding/price/date are announced.
This seems to suggest it may take 1-2 years for results from SEC, although some optimists :confused: hope for a few months.

Terms of Service Violation
Hm, what's the deal with violation title when copying Bloomberg's url?
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I think @mongo logic still holds from #26597. If you are short you want SP to drop, if you believe Elon will be successful, you also want to maximize the delta between SP and $420. I think certain folks here and in the media see the SP as a vote on the privatization deal and I think that is a flawed PoV.
Point is, that we don't know. So please don't guarantee. Someone may believe you know something. As you wrote, no one knows.

I’ve studied and watched the company and the man for years. I’m as sure about how this will end as I am in knowing where I’m sitting this very second. Unless this is all just a simulation in which case we’re all screwed anyway so what does it matter?

I’ve watched this movie many times over the years as have many on this forum. People are always melodramatic and panicked and worst case and all that is bad, could go bad etc...

It’s inherently known and understood we’re all voicing opinions here.
The scty buy out offer was adjusted downwards from the originally announced ratio.

Not his company. He merely sat on the board and spent very little time overseeing it - I think obviously that’s true otherwise it wouldn’t have worked the way it did. He’d have steered that ship differently, don’t you think?

It makes zero sense for him to backpedal the $420 when at the same time he’s been clear he wants to help all longs go private with Tesla. It would be out of character and up to this point he’s been true to his character - frustratingly so on occasion.
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I don't know. How could Elon know what the stock would do? We follow it daily and struggle to predict it. I find it hard to believe he would even try to control the stock price.
Dropping some questionable tweet about funding secure is sure to generate FUD and drive price down. It may be worth it even if SEC hits him with $20m fine afterwards.

However, to me this idea also does not quite make sense, b/c Q3 results should weigh in heavily on SP. I mean, what's more important - whether Tesla goes private or whether it starts generating positive cash flow?
Then anything that happened before Q3 kinda loses all meaning.
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Laura Unger, former Chair of the SEC did not help the scandal that CNBC is constantly trying to generate!!

Scott Wapner: Do you have an issue with the sheer dissemination of potentially market-moving and material information by a CEO on Twitter itself?

Laura Unger: No. Because, the duty is to make an honest and truthful statement, and not a misleading statement, and so that goes no matter what the medium or mechanism is to make that statement. And I think the Commission wants to encourage broad dissemination of information, and certainly the internet makes that possible, so I don't think the regulator of market information, and the regulator of investors having access to that information would say "this is the wrong medium" - but I also think it can send a strong signal that you must be honest and truthful in your disclosures on that medium.

And with that answer, her interview was over!!!

I think we are all in agreement that Elon was honest and truthful when he sent out his tweet(s), so once the financial scandal media figure this out, they will stop broadcasting bullshit.
I think the SP in the short term is going to stay down or go down even lower.

The reason is right now in the short term, it is in EVERYONE's interest for the stock price to be depressed. Tesla wants the price to be depressed to make the $420 offer more attractive. The investors want the SP to be depressed so they can quietly buy cheap and prevent needing to raise the $420 offer. The shorts obviously want the price down.

Therefore, even when good news comes, like the impending 6k/week announcement, the stock price is likely to jump, then pushed down quickly. It's in everyone's interest to keep the stock price low, and it will stay low. If Tesla's finance team is smart, and I think they are, they will take advantage of the short's shenanigans on depressing the SP to their advantage.
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