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Warning!!! Model 3 will make you immature (again)

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Right......i used the term “mom” because your smart and not at all related to your controlling, over-bearing comment that attempted to force your views down our throats instead of just letting people enjoy their cars.
So, it is a view you don't agree with so somehow words I've typed in a forum is forcing my view down your throat? Usually that kind of reaction is elicited from someone who knows the person is right but they don't want to admit it (or don't want to admit it to themselves).

Its funny, some of these reactions could have been made by a habitual drunk driver that doesn't want to admit they are doing anything wrong. Let's try it with a edit:
"Right......i used the term “mom” because your smart and not at all related to your controlling, over-bearing comment that attempted to force your views down our throats instead of just letting people enjoy their drinking."
Yep fits.
Sorry, couldn't figure out how to edit


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So, it is a view you don't agree with so somehow words I've typed in a forum is forcing my view down your throat? Usually that kind of reaction is elicited from someone who knows the person is right but they don't want to admit it (or don't want to admit it to themselves).

Its funny, some of these reactions could have been made by a habitual drunk driver that doesn't want to admit they are doing anything wrong. Let's try it with a edit:
"Right......i used the term “mom” because your smart and not at all related to your controlling, over-bearing comment that attempted to force your views down our throats instead of just letting people enjoy their drinking."
Yep fits.
Now your against drinking too.... nice, and also an amateur psychologist. Yep its mom.
You clearly were unconcerned with the potential loss of lives from this immature and illegal act!! Think of the children!
Hell .....think of your tires!! Their little lives reduced in just a few seconds.
So well written! Our M3 stays in Chill except for demo launches from the bypass on-ramp up to the speed limit. My wife is just as bad as I am when some kid needs to demonstrate their vehicular superiority. Followed a very late model Corvette out of a restaurant parking lot on Saturday. He was doing everything he could to incite envy with the car's significant exhaust note. Yet he never seemed to be able to pull away from the funny little whatzit behind him (up to the legal limit that is).
First full day of driving my P3D today. Let me preface this with been driving over 30 years, only two speeding tickets.... :)

Four blocks north and five blocks east I pull up to another red light and yet another non perfected hold accelerator stutter combo naturally comes into play, but eventually I come to a stop. I glance over; it's a Dodge Charger Hellcat and I can see all this from the corner of my eye... I know he's looking... This time I'm ready... I confidently reach down and turn up spotify, flutes, trombones, big brass horns and wood instruments blare within my new found world, echoing off the glass roof and circling around to memories of when I was fifteen and drove my first stick.

And I wait for it to turn green...

The story of my life!! Picked up my M3 AWD on 12/1/18 and after driving it for 2 minutes, I understood why people want to race cars. I have NEVER had a speeding ticket and my first thought was....I better slow down or I am going to get a ticket.

I can't help myself at stop lights. They hear my music. I hear their noisy or fancy car. I ALWAYS beat them off the line and rarely even go over the speed limit doing it. So fast!! And then they want to catch up to me and see me clapping.
I can't help myself. Because I clap to the awesome music for most of my 47 miles each way to and from work, I almost always have the windows slightly down. Last week, I was driving through Sandy, OR and when the car next to me doesn't pass me, I know they are watching me clap. They were filming me with their phone!!

Tesla does not need sales people. We sell them!! They want a Tesla!! I love my Tesla! Tomorrow it will reach 25,000 miles. Pure heaven!
Sadly at 63 years old I can relate to your experience. I find it interesting trying to compare this experience to drag racing. No tires squeal, no roaring engines just a humbled gas car driver that thought he had a hot car. For those seeing this as being irresponsible...my foot comes off the accelerators right around the speed limit. The point is completely made by that time.
I am older than you...I get sign up for Medicare calls every day!! I know those driving BMWs, Mustangs, Mercedes Benz, Porsches, Audis etc. think....MAYBE, I will look into getting a Tesla. I've had BMWs, a Porsche, Fiats and they just don't compare. Speed, maneuverability, Autopilot while listening to the amazing music and not one beats a Tesla.
@Gize you should have "post of the week" prize!
You put in a few words (well maybe quite a few) how we all feel about our cars. I too drag race myself from the lights whenever I can to the speed limit.... it is so easy and to my mind safe as long as you double check for red light runners. So much fun without stupid speeds. What a wordsmith. Apologies but I sent your text to a colleague who has seen mine and certainly now wants one!
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I have turned into a teenager again..

unless I put it in chill mode to purposely keep myself in check..

I've been doing it since August 2018. It's just a rush. I stop for yellow lights, make sure no one is about to run the light when it turns green, then accelerate! I let off before the speed limit to avoid exceeding it. The acceleration is addictive. And yes sometimes there are other fast cars at the light. Also, I've received no tickets.
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really, you think this is relevant? there's a big difference between a red light race and

>Hart had pulled ahead when Vasapolli crossed the double yellow line on the opposite side of the street to pull ahead.

these guys were nuts
No there isn't actually, all's it takes is for you to either lose control, hit a pothole or have someone pull out in front of you which could all cause you to swerve into oncoming traffic at high speeds. Again, it isn't legal so to make the decision to do so is really no different than getting behind the wheel after drinking. Take it to the track, end of story and no one innocent is involved.
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Right......i used the term “mom” because your smart and not at all related to your controlling, over-bearing comment that attempted to force your views down our throats instead of just letting people enjoy their cars. I would hardly equate the op’s post to the latest fast and the furious movie. I mean he did mention smashing the accelerator pedal all of “50%” of available power. Oh the humanity!!!
LOL! Now drag racing on public streets = "just letting people enjoy their cars"! Hahahaha!!! Why do you think cops don't allow for this on public roads? Because it's illegal and puts innocent people in harm's way, esp. with cars that have instant acceleration and sub-3 sec. 0-60s. Is it really that hard to track it somewhere or find a parking lot? The OP's entire point of the post was "drag racing from stoplight to stoplight" as an adult.
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LOL! Now drag racing on public streets = "just letting people enjoy their cars"! Hahahaha!!! Why do you think cops don't allow for this on public roads? Because it's illegal and puts innocent people in harm's way, esp. with cars that have instant acceleration and sub-3 sec. 0-60s. Is it really that hard to track it somewhere or find a parking lot? The OP's entire point of the post was "drag racing from stoplight to stoplight" as an adult.
Whatever grandma. I think you are making the OP’s post into something it isn’t. If I accelerate to the speed limit is it drag racing? Go buy a Prius.