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I bought 250 in pre-trading this morning - not big money, but I'm a beginner and it seemed a good gamble. They're up 100% right now, wondering whether to sell...

A mentally comfortable strategy would be to sell half now to lock it in. If the other half goes back to where you bought it, you still make 50% overall. If it goes to zero, you're flat. If it goes higher, you don't miss out on additional gravy.
I'm paying close attention though because I want to understand how this all goes down. I am also learning how others are reacting. And running through "what if this happened to TSLA" since I am heavily invested in Tesla at the moment.

The big questions for me are (1) Who is going to end up with GTAT's assets? There's wild speculation that Apple will buy up the company (2) Are there going to be legal consequences for management of GTAT? (3) How much, if anything, will shareholders recover.

My personal belief is that an event of this magnitude is extremely unlikely with Tesla at this point. From what I am reading, GTAT was overwhelmingly dependent on Apple revenue for large portions of future growth. When Apple decided not to use sapphire for iPhone 6/6+, that growth disappeared in the short term and long term prospects became uncertain. Tesla, in contrast, makes money on a shipping product that customers love, and Tesla cannot meet demand. Tesla was highly speculative from IPO through 2012, because nobody knew if they could make good on their plans, but Tesla ultimately triumphed.

Still, no company is immune to black swan events. The fog of war can prevent critical information from reaching even the smartest investors. Tesla is a company in which I have enormous faith, but I would never risk my retirement on any one company, including Tesla. I lost a significant % of assets in the late 90's/early 2000's tech bubble, so I invest in individual shares with the knowledge that it could go to 0.00 in an instant.
Just type of behavior I was discussing. A beginner day trading in a bankrupt stock.

I agree. No offense meant, Lycan -- but making investment decisions without a thesis as to why you are making them is no better than gambling, and might even be a worse use of your money. Please be careful.

Guys, debtors get everything in a bankruptcy liquidation, decided by arbitration you have zero input into, and shareholders usually get NOTHING. If you don't know this you should not be investing in unproven small-caps, or perhaps investing in individual stocks at all.

You are better off going to Vegas -- at least there your losses might get you a free trip to the buffet.
What other cool tech stock to consider?

Nearly got some gtat calls yesterday just for kicks, expecting a dead cat. Would have been well under 1% of my portfolio. Had no idea the cat would be this bouncy. $1 calls up 1000% today, yeesh.
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Nearly got some gtat calls yesterday just for kicks, expecting a dead cat. Would have been well under 1% of my portfolio. Had no idea the cat would be this bouncy. $1 calls up 1000% today, yeeha.

Their volume today is higher than their current market cap. I looked at the options yesterday and thought, who would buy those. This definitely ha my interest. So much so that I might watch the activity on the next chap 11 filing, whatever that company may be.

My initial thoughts were that the volume yesterday was from shorts closing out their positions. Now I'm thinking its day trading speculators that got wind of the announcement last night and they came in to turn some quick cash.

If you knew what you were doing playing both sides off this could be some rewarding (or devastating) gambling. If you take a fraction of a percent of your portfolio and that becomes your one lottery ticket and you try to build a bank roll off of that and set a time limit of say two days, then get out....

Just thinking out loud here, all I have are a couple of leaps worth 0.0000.
Use the proceeds from your GTAT trade to buy another share of TSLA!

It's a possibility, but the broker's order price is around €30 per trade, so it's painful to for a single share. Today was different as it felt obvious the GTAT stock would bounce, so I was prepared to pay and take the risk.

I've €273 in my trading account now versus €214 - that's after charges. I'm going to use this pot of money for this type of risky day-trading, see what I can do.

TSLA I'll fund from elsewhere, unless I do well with the gambling :wink:
Anyone here either invested in VeriFone (PAY) or looking at it. Unfortunately as I was doing a little research over the last two weeks, then Cramer came out in favor of it, so I think it may jump a bit. It is a play on the new Applepay system and the new chips they have in their cards in Europe that we will be getting in our US credit cards soon.
Anyone else looking at the 3d organ tissue printing company Organovo? A company I have looked at a couple of times in the past, it seems to me they could improve R&D in the medical industry immensely if they succeeds in their mission, which they seem to be on track to. I am generally not big on biotech, probably because I believe it takes an education in the field to really understand the companies thoroughly, but ONVO does seem interesting, I remember someone on the board with a background in medicine, Johan was it? Anyone with some insight or comments on the company?
Anyone else looking at the 3d organ tissue printing company Organovo? A company I have looked at a couple of times in the past, it seems to me they could improve R&D in the medical industry immensely if they succeeds in their mission, which they seem to be on track to. I am generally not big on biotech, probably because I believe it takes an education in the field to really understand the companies thoroughly, but ONVO does seem interesting, I remember someone on the board with a background in medicine, Johan was it? Anyone with some insight or comments on the company?

I believe Bonnie on this forum among others was a very early investor. I am a doctor yes and I guess all I could tell you is that 3D printing of organs is still a long way off for use in humans, but the concept is sound. From researching it it seems Organovo's primary goal right now is to synthesize liver tissue which in turn can be used in experiments and/or drug testing (toxicity, how medicines are processed etc) which seems like a very good business case. I have not been able to value the company though and since I feel I came late to the table I have not invested.