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  1. T


    I’m on 2023.2.12 and I’m still getting the same issue. Had it for at least three weeks.
  2. T

    [UK] Anyone else considering refusing delivery by of Model Y? (USS)

    What is pragmatic about removing a feature before the replacement is ready? Sounds like complete lunacy to me. You really don’t get the argument. I’m so glad you haven’t scratched your car, and while you may be able to parallel park a juggernaut in a standard sized parking space with your eyes...
  3. T

    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    And would you have to clean the cameras so often if the car still had USS? Nice to see you’re trying to defend the indefensible.
  4. T

    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    Oh, my decision that my first Tesla would also be my last was made a LONG time before the USS debacle.
  5. T

    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    Yes, but when you spend £50-60k on a car you expect certain things, such as decent lights, wipers that work and parking aids. The fact that someone can parallel park a juggernaut with their eyes closed doesn’t excuse the lack of parking aids. Especially when there’s no replacement in sight.
  6. T

    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    Anyone who gets behind the wheel of a car should be capable of parking without cameras or sensors. But that is entirely missing the point. The point is that Tesla have removed a paid for feature with no indication as to when the alternative will arrive, and no guarantee that it will work...
  7. T

    Has anyone sued Tesla for FSD costs?

    They shouldn’t make massively overly optimistic claims when they are not in control of the process. Charging people £thousands for what is, in this country, little more than vapourware in permanent beta just because they “anticipated a faster change in regulations” is just not acceptable. If...
  8. T

    [UK centred discussion] The cat is out of the bag. True FSD will never happen for cars below HW4

    At least they now know there’s no point in them ever buying a Tesla.
  9. T

    [UK centred discussion] The cat is out of the bag. True FSD will never happen for cars below HW4

    I believe you are being a little pessimistic. I’m pinning my hopes on HW21 🤣😂🤣
  10. T

    [UK centred discussion] The cat is out of the bag. True FSD will never happen for cars below HW4

    Musk in February 2019: “I think we will be feature complete, full self-driving, this year. Meaning the car will be able to find you in a parking lot, pick you up and take you all the way to your destination without an intervention. This year. I would say I am of certain of that, that is not a...
  11. T

    [UK centred discussion] The cat is out of the bag. True FSD will never happen for cars below HW4

    Expectation has certainly decreased over the years, no doubt helped by the realisation that Musk is a fantasist who constantly over promises and under delivers. But if you go back to mid 2019 there was lots of hype about FSD on this forum, with people truly believing it would become a reality...
  12. T

    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    Well you clearly haven’t hit the unwatch button 🤣
  13. T

    Tritium to deliver 10,000 EV DC fast chargers to the UK by 2030

    But is it not the case that always charging on ultra fast chargers is not good for battery health and will lead to faster battery degradation? People who can’t charge at home will want to have access to slower chargers in order to minimise battery degradation.
  14. T

    [UK] used value of their Tesla cars plummeting?

    Couldn’t agree more. FSD is my biggest waste of money to date.
  15. T

    [UK] Would you buy another tesla

    I’m also really interested in BYD. I’ve watched several reviews and all have been extremely positive. Their cars are likely to be very competitively priced when they reach these shores. People will say they are an unknown quantity and the infrastructure isn’t in place, but when Tesla first...
  16. T

    [UK] Would you buy another tesla

    But then not so many years ago Skodas were the joke of the motoring world. Now they produce some fantastic cars. Just look at how many police forces use them as pursuit cars. Personally, I like to be open minded.
  17. T

    UK FSD - What does it actually do on Model 3?

    Oh yes, like “autosteer on city streets” that I was promised by 2019. Still waiting!
  18. T

    [UK] Price cuts

    A key difference is that very few CEOs shoot their mouth off in the way Musk does. The guy has verbal diarrhoea, and much of what he says is complete crap. Just look at his ridiculously inaccurate predictions about FSD and robo taxis over the years. He needs to learn to zip it up. It’ll be...
  19. T

    [UK] Price cuts

    There are even bigger reductions in the US -up to 20% off an MY. A comment from electrek: “These price cuts will reverse the price portion of Tesla’s demand concerns, but it remains to be seen whether customers will remain turned off by the brand destruction to which its CEO seems committed.”...
  20. T

    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    It would be great if China were shunned and unable to sell their goods abroad if only because it would weaken a dangerous country. However, if they start to produce excellent cars (using stolen intellectual property) at a low price I’m sure they won’t be short of customers. People tend to look...
  21. T

    Have you lost faith in Tesla?

    And I didn’t contradict your point, in fact I fully agreed with you.
  22. T

    Have you lost faith in Tesla?

    Because it didn’t seem unreasonable to point out that the improvements you mentioned have come at a significant cost to the consumer.
  23. T

    Have you lost faith in Tesla?

    You are absolutely right about all these improvements, but they have come with a very substantial increase in price. We’re not getting any extras for free. I’m not sure you can justify your last point unless you’ve done very extensive research.
  24. T

    Have you lost faith in Tesla?

    It won’t affect sales. It will be complete crap because it isn’t a Tesla 🤣😂🤣
  25. T

    Have you lost faith in Tesla?

    Why do you think “half” the people on this forum hate Tesla? Is it just because they have the temerity to offer perfectly justified criticism of cars they actually own and use? Presumably you think this forum should be reserved for fanboys, true believers and those who live in a “Tesla bubble”.
  26. T

    Have you lost faith in Tesla?

    Oh, I would never sink that low 🤣😂🤣 I bought an M3 because back in June 2019 there wasn’t much competition. Things are very different now and there are some fantastic cars out there with plenty more on the way. I’m looking forward to BYD establishing themselves in this country. The huge...
  27. T

    Have you lost faith in Tesla?

    I wouldn’t describe the MG as ugly. My M3 is by far the ugliest car I’ve ever owned, and the MY sinks to new depths of ugliness. But I don’t buy cars for their looks. O-62 in 7.5 secs is not exactly rapid by EV standards, but it was hot hatch territory just a few years ago. MG produce excellent...
  28. T

    Nightmare! (Supercharger queues)

    I charge quite frequently at Gretna, but I don’t use the superchargers. There has been a queue for them every time on my last few visits. Instead I use the Ionity chargers. They are 350kw, and although I can’t utilise the full capacity I do get a significantly faster charge than the 150kw SuC...
  29. T

    [UK] 2022.44

    You got that right. Crappest lights I’ve had in many years. I like to think that Tesla will enable full matrix functionality at some point but given it’s taken them several years to make the lights just about usable I won’t hold my breath.
  30. T

    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    The reason people like to moan about Tesla vision is because it’s crap. Which is a pretty good reason to moan.
  31. T

    [UK] 2022.44

    That’s fantastic, but my Audis have been doing this flawlessly for over 10 years. Nice to see that Tesla might finally be catching up.
  32. T

    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    I know you’re being sarcastic, but as you know it’s the complete opposite. Tesla’s are the most amazing EVs on the road. The Musk personally invented the battery and the electric motor. In fact he invented the damn wheel. All the competition is crap and Tesla are so incredibly advanced that...
  33. T

    [UK] 2022.44

    if Musk stopped making wildly impossible promises about FSD then people might stop complaining. He needs to put a sock in his mega mouth.
  34. T

    [UK] 2022.44

    That isn’t my experience at all. I’ve heard this argument that dirt or something obscuring the camera is responsible for the crap wipers, so at one time I was assiduous in thoroughly cleaning the glass in front of the camera before every single journey. It didn’t make a lot of difference. Of...
  35. T

    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    When I first joined this forum I was ridiculed for suggesting there would be meaningful competition within a few years. The fanboys assured me Tesla were at least ten years ahead of anyone else. What a load of b*ll*cos that turned out to be. Tesla are still holding their own when it comes to...
  36. T

    Tesla readies revamped Model 3

    That will change, and more quickly than most people think. In just 5 years Tesla will not be dominant in any market anywhere in the world. In 10 years no one will be talking about Tesla.
  37. T

    Tesla readies revamped Model 3

    I don’t think anyone who owns an M3 can criticise the screen in any other car. The M3 just has a small screen or large tablet randomly attached to the dash without any attempt to blend in to its surroundings. It looks like the cheapest possible option, but then that’s very much in keeping with...
  38. T

    [UK] 2022.40

    My experience is different. I can’t see any improvement and AHB is as crap as ever. Not fit for purpose.
  39. T

    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    It’s an issue in my eyes when the feature is so emasculated it’s little short of useless.
  40. T

    [UK] 2022.36

    Well my wipers were thrashing about on a dry screen on a sunny morning again today so no improvement at all. Absolute crap.
  41. T

    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    Yes, because of course the cameras never get blocked or blinded.
  42. T

    [UK] 2022.36

    My thoughts exactly. But lots of people do get wildly excited about updates. They obsessively check their app or their car hoping that the Musk will choose them to be the next recipient of an update. When they get it they might suggest that it has cured phantom braking or fixed the wipers. The...
  43. T

    The Elon Musk Show

    Sales figures for a few months are irrelevant. It’s a 5 year trend I’m interested in. Will Tesla still be market leaders in 5 years? I doubt it. I bought my Tesla on the basis of a lie. I was promised autosteer on city streets by the end of 2019. Three years later and it’s still nowhere near...
  44. T

    The Elon Musk Show

    I bought my last two Audi A6s through an online broker and saved 22% on each of them. The people who pay full whack for everything subsidise discounts for the rest of us. That’s fine with me 😄✅
  45. T

    The Elon Musk Show

    So if I manage to negotiate a lower price on some commodity or service I’m getting an unfair deal? Bartering is as old as civilisation itself and Musk/Tesla are not going to change that, except in their own unrealistic world. You carry on paying top whack for everything. I’m more than happy to...
  46. T

    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    Good grief, is that it? I knew progress has been minimal but I didn’t realise it was this bad.
  47. T

    [UK] 2022.36

    I actually think the UI has got worse over the years. The update that shrunk the map on the screen was a big retrograde step. I embrace change, but not when it makes my car significantly worse. Over the last three years updates have given me small improvements (as well as a load of complete...
  48. T

    [UK] 2022.28.X

    We’ve known that AHB is crap since the M3 reached these shores more than three years ago. It is remarkable that Tesla can take something that is already completely dysfunctional and release a software update that makes it even worse.
  49. T

    FSD. This should be interesting!

    Good point, and this could be very problematic for Tesla because so many software releases are quite obviously deeply flawed, so much so that sometimes I think their software testers must be a bunch of 12 year olds. My latest update (2022.28.1) has caused raised beam to go on and off more often...