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  1. A

    $1200 to repair?

    I don't see how that is fixed for $1200. Labor to straighten it + paint will definitely be more. Cutting and replacing would be more still. Beyond that, tesla tax puts porsche tax to shame.
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    Replacing shocks and struts on a 3?

    Suspension is one of those things people ignore, but they get weak and degrade the quality of the ride. All things equal, it is one of the cheapest bang-for-the-buck things you can do to a higher mileage vehicle to make it drive and feel like new again. 80k miles is my number. By then, the...
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    Lease purchase option?

    The lease paperwork bases the payments off of the purchase price, less the 'residual value' they've assigned and is not negotiable. That number is plainly written on the lease agreement. In about 10 different locations I read a buy at the end of the lease was not available, and I am OK with...
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    Lease purchase option?

    I received this email today. Judging by the residual value, compared to what used examples are selling for.. I'm DEFINITELY buying at the end of the lease if it is offered. Always figured they should be paying me for leasing a model 3 if it is indeed going to be worth $300k due to robo taxi...
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    What's the lowest charge level you've had?

    0%, in one of the colder nights in Minnesota, -28 degrees. Limped into a public charger and spent the next 2 hours cycling between using the heat and pulling a charge (couldn't do both at the same time)
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    Text notifications pulling texts from 2 years ago

    Anyone else getting odd, seemingly-random text notifications while driving only to find no message when looking at the phone? I've had on 4 occasions now where I'll be driving and a text notification comes up and I respond, only to have the other party confused. Digging in a little, I've found...
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    Where do you keep your car registration?

    From MN here, and 'registration' is a weird one for me. "License and Registration, Please" is a phrase I've heard all my life, but never have I ever needed to present the vehicle's title, or the paperwork that comes with the registration tabs. The tabs go on the plate, and the paperwork goes...
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    need help deciding which car to buy

    IMO the sound isolation is VERY worth the difference, and if you haven't driven the performance, you won't miss it with the LR. The LR is no slouch at all.
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    Grooves etched into rotor, why and what to do?

    We had a CPO Chevy Bolt with all 4 rotors that looked like this. Dealership is calling it "lot rot." Apparently if the brakes aren't used for a very long time, the rotor rust gets bad enough that it will actually eat groves into the pads. Then, where the pad is making decent contact the rotor...
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    How bad is M3 paint in reality?

    Tesla as a vehicle is an 11th hour effort - they are a technology company. IMO, the level of enthusiasm for the actual car is in equal, opposite correlation to the vehicle a person is coming from. This is narrow and anecdotal, but owners I know that are completely enamored with a Tesla have...
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    Glitch Allows Nag to be Turned Off

    Delete this please. Remove from Youtube is even better.
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    Check List for Prospective Passengers

    On this day, September 29, 2021~~~~~ "it's too much work to take the truck.. just load the landscaping mulch in the car. Trunk, Frunk, back seat, front seat.. I don't care"
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    WTF Alignment Estimate from Tesla

    What are you guys doing that makes the alignment go out of adjustment? Everyone getting coil-overs? Maybe letting autopilot mash every pot hole in its path? Finding edge of the road by bouncing off of curbs? Letting your wives drive?
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    Model 3 - Windshield wiper washing not efficient.

    My 2020 model year 3 wipers are pretty terrible as well, specifically when trying to utilize the fluid. I can hear the pump only activating at the bottom of the arm action, which means it never gets the window wet enough at the top of the swing to actually clean anything. It leaves streaks all...
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    I own a model 3 because of the Taycan. I know Porsche's more luxury-oriented vehicles, having owned several, and a Model 3 does not hold a candle to even the most stripped down basic modern Porsche (as a nice place to be.) The move into a turbo or turbo S brings along a LOT of niceties and...
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    Is it only me or happens with any one else?

    Pro tip - If you really feel the need to be that fussy about paint/dings/etc, save that feeling for a weekend cruiser and pamper the hell out of it. It remains in superb shape and you won't grow tired of it as quickly since driving it will be an occasion. And, when it comes time to sell/trade...
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    Thoughts on demo Vehicles?

    I know how I drove the demo vehicle. If it were an ICE vehicle there is absolutely no way I'd buy it for a paltry few hundred $ off. With an electric, that matters quite a bit less so long as the kick panels, wheels, seats, etc are all in great shape.
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    will the Model S or X seats fit in a Model 3?

    In my experience, your body will get accustomed to the seat pretty quickly. I have the trouble where I drive the Model 3 for weeks on end, then switch to our Avalanche for a week or two. The first few days after the change always produces some back pain that rapidly goes away. I've found it to...
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    Anyway to look up NADA value?

    I guess people aren't selling used 2019 models enough to be included in the values. Closest is 2018 and the site works like it has for the last 15+ years. 2018 Tesla Motors Model 3 Sedan 4D Performance AWD Prices, Values & Model 3 Sedan 4D Performance AWD Price Specs
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    Impressive battery on 2020.20.12

    I believe that update required Sentry Mode to be turned off. If it did not get turned back on, that may account for the lack of draining.
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    How effective is regenerative braking in recharging?

    Related video: Apparently it is more efficient to use a Ford Raptor to pull a model 3 around a track to fully charge it, then drive to your destination with the Tesla, than it is to just take the Raptor to your destination.
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    In praise of leasing the Model 3

    The model 3 appreciates over time, (according to Elon) by a pretty wild amount. If they wanted to structure the lease appropriately, they should be paying ME for the difference in appreciation during my time with it. Jokes aside, apparently the plan is to turn all lease model 3 cars into their...
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    In praise of leasing the Model 3

    Absolutely sound financial choice, but only by comparison. I bought a new car in Feb 2007, 21 miles on the odo. Sold in May 2009 with 172k miles on the odo. I lost 95% of the car's initial value in those 27 months. These days I'm closer to 25k miles per year, own a business, and have the...
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    In praise of leasing the Model 3

    Then you pay for more miles up front. Or pay more for the extra miles on the back end. Or in my case, spread the miles out over multiple cars and not get tired of them as quickly. (3 years is a LONG time to drive the same car IMO)
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    Number One shortcoming of the supercharger network

    No doubt, the trip was extremely convenient. However, my style is absolutely overnight or even straight-through day and night driving. Between closed malls, seemingly random placement in "closed at 8pm" retail areas and at least one hotel parking lot that Covid policies dictate no public...
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    Number One shortcoming of the supercharger network

    I'm so happy at least one person got the word play. We can be friends.
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    Number One shortcoming of the supercharger network

    People need to pee. Seriously. Just went from Minnesota to Florida and back in a Model 3 (watching the SpaceX launch) and the single largest inconvenience is not charge times, range or any of the other FUD. It is the severe lack of toilet options at most of the Superchargers. Change my mind.
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    I find I'm driving my ICE more than my Tesla (right now...)

    Why are your ICE cars so fragile? I have a 12 yr old pickup that sits for months between uses, outside, with no trouble what-so-ever. Likewise, I have a 30 yr old Prelude si that sits in the garage for 8 months of the year and starts up every spring.
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    Blackberry as key for Model3?

    BB Key2 works just fine, though it runs on Android. Physical keyboard, Android AND BB email. All that for just a few hundred $. If only it were a 5g phone.
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    Vehicle expense method used in Federal Income tax Schedule C

    OP is in Texas, I'm in Minnesota. $.575 is the federal mileage rate in the US for 2020. Taking the mileage deduction (for me) would result in 15K miles at $0.575/mile. Just saying that taking the straight-up mileage isn't always better than actual expenses. In my case, it's significantly...
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    Vehicle expense method used in Federal Income tax Schedule C

    Actual expense for me. 15k miles @ $0.575 = $8625.00. Lease payments are $850/month, plus tires and energy, not to mention tax and all of the other items that count towards vehicle expenses. Even at 90% work utilization (office is less than a mile from home) actual expense is a higher...
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    Car will not respond unless app is running

    Upon further testing for me, I get 100% success when wearing slacks and my phone is in my front-left pocket. If I'm wearing cargo pants, carpenter jeans or foreman cut kakis (phone in right thigh pocket) I'll usually have to lift the phone out of my pocket before the doors will unlock. Mashing...
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    Car will not respond unless app is running

    Restarting my phone (android) has made this go away in the past. Also, (I kid you not) they type of pants I wear makes a huge difference for how readily the car will unlock on the first push of the handle.
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    Percent or Miles & Why?

    % Miles really don't matter at all when you start treating the car like a phone or laptop. You wouldn't want your laptop or cell to display 'minutes remaining' because even if it did, it would be wrong more often than right as you change your usage. Now, if it would display an estimate range...
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    Bluetooth Calendar Sync + Pin to Drive

    Anyone else using both Calendar and Pin to Drive notice it being handled really poorly since 2020.8? I LOVE the calendar integration, specifically how the navigation automatically routes depending on the next meeting. I also enjoy the security of Pin to Drive. Starting at 2020.8 (and the...
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    its' not my wife's car

    Yes, I'm sure with some purpose she could figure it out. The barrier is SOO much higher than my old Cayenne turbo with entry and drive (which she did take while I was out of town and subsequently crashed.) That crash, and the release of the Taycan is catalyst that has me in a model 3 so I...
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    its' not my wife's car

    My wife didn't get a key. oops.
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    How does one find the Supercharger Credits from Referrals?

    Interestingly, I too have 1000 miles showing in my 'loot box'. I've charged at a supercharger on two occasions more than a month ago. The 1000 miles has not been decremented, nor has my card been charged. This system appears to be extremely low priority for Tesla.
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    Accident for unable to brake efficiently: Tesla's or my fault? [early 2020]

    Doesn't sound practical to be aware of what's going on around you when driving? YES! EVERY STOPLIGHT! EVERY MINUTE OF DRIVING! I'm in the minority here - I'll own that. I guess it surprises me 0% if this is a slice of the general driving public. Edit: to be clear - your rear view mirror...
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    Accident for unable to brake efficiently: Tesla's or my fault? [early 2020]

    I'm glad some people get what I'm saying. I'm not saying the Hyundai driver is in any way 'at fault' in our litigious society. Just saying that were it me, I'd take some self-preservation responsibility and be aware of what is going on around me. It appears like an avoidable bumper-thumper by...
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    Accident for unable to brake efficiently: Tesla's or my fault? [early 2020]

    Apparently more people disagree with my original comment then agree, so I must be looking at it wrong. To me, it appears that after being pushed forward by the collision and a moment of the Hyundai letting off the brake, it STILL not yet into the generously-wide crosswalk. "Legal perspective"...
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    Accident for unable to brake efficiently: Tesla's or my fault? [early 2020]

    There seems to be two drivers in la la land in this video. OP braked too late for sure. However, the lead car driver should have some situational awareness and notice the car in the rear view mirror coming in hot. There does not appear to be any pedestrians near the crosswalk and plenty of...
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    Company Fleet of Teslas?

    That's a very good question I hadn't thought about, nor have I read about any testing. Conventional wisdom says pulling through snow beats pushing. I'd expect in a FWD EV vs RWD EV, the FWD would still win. Surely RWD EV vs RWD ICE has the EV winning.
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    Company Fleet of Teslas?

    I have an IT company and am in the processes of switching to EVs. I of course have a Tesla, but to keep the math making sense the tech's vehicles need to be in the $30k range. We could stretch as a luxury to go with the base Model 3, but the Bolt EV makes more sense in Minnesota. (If you're...
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    Told I don’t have FSD??

    As a data point, not necessarily on OP topic - I have a 2020 purchased in November 2019. HW3, and it ping pongs to the point I just don't use it.
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    Notification about Window Open? (But Windows are Closed)

    When it is super cold, I've found that the windows drop down a bit after closing a door. Presumably this is to assist in NOT getting frozen shut. Unfortunately, whatever is sensing the window position considers this not closed. I use TeslaFi and set up a warning to let me know if windows are...
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    Is reduced range in cold just from heating the car?

    FWIW - I took a trip last weekend in northern MN. -21 degrees and 210 miles between the supercharger and destination. Very shortly after leaving the supercharger with 100% battery, I was told to keep it under 75. Then 65, then 55... then "charge before destination" in red. I ended up crawling...
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    Should a 2020 Model 3 make a warning sound?

    I'm unsure about Tesla, but the Porsche Cayenne Hybrid and several other vehicles would throw error codes if the speaker is unplugged.
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    Model 3 - Left Windshield Wiper Fails to Clean Window

    In my case, the wipe is just fine in rain.. or lately, with sufficient road spray from the vehicle in front of me.