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Got new firmware today.

Autosteer now 55 mph on freeway
more "granular control of fan speed" for ac

I am hoping this release has better trained autosteer algorithm/logic.... I have not had time to really test it, I spent about 15 minutes driving with the new firmware. My initial thought is it does seem marginally better, it seems to drive just a bit smoother, but this could totally be placebo effect. I did notice when it loses its locked blue lines, it locks on the car in front and it highlights blue. I did not notice this happen in the previous firmware.

I got to test the 55 mph+ for just about a mile or so in the slow lane on the freeway, it didn't seem to try to take the exit as much prior. Some times it seemed like it was creeping over to take the exit then it moved back, smoother, not a huge swerve like previous firmware.

will update more tomorrow. Curious to here everyone else's thoughts on this release


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That's great news.

I'd be really interested in when the AP 2.0 features are enabled so that it actually exceeds the AP beta functionality.

Specifically, when

1) The longer-range radar will slow the vehicle way before mine does when at highways speeds and "sees" a stopped or slowed vehicle ahead. Currently if I am going above 40ish MPH, the response time results in a "hard" brake to slow, when sensing a vehicle sooner will allow for a more gradual deceleration.

2) Integration with GPS and mapping will facilitate more advanced AP steering, such as in navigating a simple roundabouts

3) Using better visual clues than just road markings, for example just before hitting the crest of a 1/4 mile "hump" in the road, the camera temporarily loses visualization of the road lines, almost always resulting in a leftward deviation into oncoming traffic unless cancelled. I keep hoping for "hive learning" to kick in after the 200 plus times this occurs, but still happens everyday.

Just waiting for my friend's AP 2.0 to get more updated, so to put these and other "wishes" to the test.

Overall, I think it is a shame that AP 2.0 owners has to wait this long for just AP to reach this level, yet still not as functional as AP beta.
That's great news.

I'd be really interested in when the AP 2.0 features are enabled so that it actually exceeds the AP beta functionality.

Specifically, when

1) The longer-range radar will slow the vehicle way before mine does when at highways speeds and "sees" a stopped or slowed vehicle ahead. Currently if I am going above 40ish MPH, the response time results in a "hard" brake to slow, when sensing a vehicle sooner will allow for a more gradual deceleration.

2) Integration with GPS and mapping will facilitate more advanced AP steering, such as in navigating a simple roundabouts

3) Using better visual clues than just road markings, for example just before hitting the crest of a 1/4 mile "hump" in the road, the camera temporarily loses visualization of the road lines, almost always resulting in a leftward deviation into oncoming traffic unless cancelled. I keep hoping for "hive learning" to kick in after the 200 plus times this occurs, but still happens everyday.

Just waiting for my friend's AP 2.0 to get more updated, so to put these and other "wishes" to the test.

Overall, I think it is a shame that AP 2.0 owners has to wait this long for just AP to reach this level, yet still not as functional as AP beta.

Tell me about it! But on the upside, just about every two weeks we get at least a speed bump in AP, and a new feature. So they are improving, and it does seem quickly. Every two weeks is pretty impressive, as long as it stays consistent, I think we have good times ahead
But on the upside, just about every two weeks we get at least a speed bump in AP, and a new feature. So they are improving, and it does seem quickly. Every two weeks is pretty impressive, as long as it stays consistent, I think we have good times ahead
I wish "we" was "the fleet" not "cars that don't include mine". Then I would be excited. But so far I'm just getting more impatient to be included in the crowd that gets updates.

I got my car in early January, and have gotten exactly 2 OTA updates (+1 SC update between them). It's been over a month since I've gotten anything new. Part of my impatience stems from the voice from the passenger seat "Why did we trade in the AP1 car again?"
I wish "we" was "the fleet" not "cars that don't include mine". Then I would be excited. But so far I'm just getting more impatient to be included in the crowd that gets updates.

I got my car in early January, and have gotten exactly 2 OTA updates (+1 SC update between them). It's been over a month since I've gotten anything new. Part of my impatience stems from the voice from the passenger seat "Why did we trade in the AP1 car again?"
What version do you have now? I got my car in December and received 2 updates (plus updated maps) in December alone. I'd have to double-check but I think I've received 5 updates since the beginning of the year and at this rate, I expect I'll be getting another release between 3/10 and 3/17.

12/7/16 Delivery
12/20/16 2.48.204 Auto headlights
12/25/16 2.50.114 Supercharger amenities, 5 band equalizer and key fob linked profiles
12/25/16 Updated maps
1/30/17 17.3.15 First Autosteer enabled
2/03/17 17.5.28 Increased speed limits for Autosteer
2/23/17 17.6.15 Looks like the 5th update I'm remembering this year was on the loaner.
2/24/17 17.5.36 Local Autosteer
3/3/17 17.7.2 Auto Parallel Parking
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But on the upside, just about every two weeks we get at least a speed bump in AP, and a new feature.

First release, 45 MPH: Jan 20th
Second Release, 50 MPH: Feb 3rd
Third Release: 55 MPH: March 9th

On average they are taking 24 days between releases that increase speed, which is basically double "every two weeks". At this rate it will be August 2017 before it can do 90 MPH like AP1 can. At least on this fact Elon seemed to be accurate as he tweeted "2-6 weeks between speed bumps" and they're hitting that pretty dead in the middle. But make sure you don't just remember the "2 week" part of that.
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What version do you have now? I got my car in December and received 2 updates (plus updated maps) in December alone. I'd have to double-check but I think I've received 5 updates since the beginning of the year and at this rate, I expect I'll be getting another release between 3/10 and 3/17.

12/7/16 Delivery
12/20/16 2.48.204 Auto headlights
12/25/16 2.50.114 Supercharger amenities, 5 band equalizer and key fob linked profiles
12/25/16 Updated maps
1/30/17 17.3.15 First Autosteer enabled
2/03/17 17.5.28 Increased speed limits for Autosteer
2/23/17 17.6.15 Looks like the 5th update I'm remembering this year was on the loaner.
2/24/17 17.5.36 Local Autosteer
3/3/17 17.7.2 Auto Parallel Parking
8.0 17.3.2 22-January-2017 OTA
8.0 17.3.15 31-January-2017 SC
8.0 17.5.28 05-February-2017 OTA
Got new firmware today.

Autosteer now 55 mph on freeway
more "granular control of fan speed" for ac

I am hoping this release has better trained autosteer algorithm/logic.... I have not had time to really test it, I spent about 15 minutes driving with the new firmware. My initial thought is it does seem marginally better, it seems to drive just a bit smoother, but this could totally be placebo effect. I did notice when it loses its locked blue lines, it locks on the car in front and it highlights blue. I did not notice this happen in the previous firmware.

I got to test the 55 mph+ for just about a mile or so in the slow lane on the freeway, it didn't seem to try to take the exit as much prior. Some times it seemed like it was creeping over to take the exit then it moved back, smoother, not a huge swerve like previous firmware.

will update more tomorrow. Curious to here everyone else's thoughts on this release
Personally, I could care a less of about speed upgrade software releases. Would prefer Tesla held back any future software updates until performance of AP2 is improved. Speed releases simply provide the consumer a sense that things are moving along and improving to parity. If the system is not working and it is not safe why would I want to go FASTER?
Personally, I could care a less of about speed upgrade software releases. Would prefer Tesla held back any future software updates until performance of AP2 is improved. Speed releases simply provide the consumer a sense that things are moving along and improving to parity. If the system is not working and it is not safe why would I want to go FASTER?

They only up the speed when things are moving along and improving to parity. It literally means exactly what you are asking for when they put out an update that ups the speed.
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Personally, I could care a less of about speed upgrade software releases. Would prefer Tesla held back any future software updates until performance of AP2 is improved. Speed releases simply provide the consumer a sense that things are moving along and improving to parity. If the system is not working and it is not safe why would I want to go FASTER?

[pure speculation follows]

The speed limit arises as a function of safety: I'm sure Tesla could lift the limit, but the reaction time the SW can muster would lead to unsafe driving.

It might be useful to think of the speed limit as the point of 'constant safety'. If you stuck to 50mph on the latest firmware, it would be safer than the last firmware.
Personally, I could care a less of about speed upgrade software releases. Would prefer Tesla held back any future software updates until performance of AP2 is improved. Speed releases simply provide the consumer a sense that things are moving along and improving to parity. If the system is not working and it is not safe why would I want to go FASTER?
Disagree. Without the speed being raised to something near the speed limit, my driving (and traffic) patterns don't allow me to use the feature at all -- much less contribute data.
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What version do you have now? I got my car in December and received 2 updates (plus updated maps) in December alone. I'd have to double-check but I think I've received 5 updates since the beginning of the year and at this rate, I expect I'll be getting another release between 3/10 and 3/17.

12/7/16 Delivery
12/20/16 2.48.204 Auto headlights
12/25/16 2.50.114 Supercharger amenities, 5 band equalizer and key fob linked profiles
12/25/16 Updated maps
1/30/17 17.3.15 First Autosteer enabled
2/03/17 17.5.28 Increased speed limits for Autosteer
2/23/17 17.6.15 Looks like the 5th update I'm remembering this year was on the loaner.
2/24/17 17.5.36 Local Autosteer
3/3/17 17.7.2 Auto Parallel Parking
Data from a personal spreadsheet or Teslafi?
I installed it and took it for a drive. I found notable improvement in performance and usability at 55mph. I'm still disappointed it can go that slowly but it worked well and avoided a lot of the issues that plagued the previous ones. Only 1 day but no slowdowns even under signs. It seemed to track cars and visually represent them better but still only 1 lane. Sometimes it saw cars in the adjacent lane but it quickly lost them. Once the lead car turned blue briefly while stopped while using Autosteer but mostly it was the usual gray.