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2017.46 3387a54 is out

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I was a few updates behind (2017.36) and got the latest an hour ago (2017.46). If there’s anything amazing with auto steer I will be sureness to post. So far seems like I can enable TACC at much lower speeds as I approach traffic jams which is nice!


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I found that autosteer saw even further. Maybe 1/8th mile and it appeared in the IC clearly in the black Haze area after the lane lines end. I found that it took different only lanes in local roads. Tried for one it's never done even with very early versions. Otherwise it seemed very similar to .42 which I had previously. The best news is that it seemed even more confident in highway situations but I also noticed a sinusoidal movement that wasn't as pronounced before. I'll be doing 813 miles tomorrow so I'll definitely know more.
Wait, how many people are in on this lol? Are we all doing $100 or is it $100 total and the payoff depends on how many people are on each side?

I am definitely in on the bet. I can't see Tesla releasing any auto stop light or auto lane change or auto highway exit feature before end of this year.

Couple thoughts:

1. The bet between csnow and myself is for $100. Whether he wants to take additional *individual* action is up to him. But there should be no pressure to do so.

2. While I very much like the idea of a pool, I don’t see that many optimists putting their $ where their sunshine is. But sure, if you get multiple people to post that they’ll back either side of a pool (or whatever amount is agreed), then I’d imagine that the losers would divide the common (covered) amount by the # of losers who would then pay a share each to the winner’s charity.

3. While it’s not about the money, $10, $100, $1000 or any number in between has different impact to different people. On top of which, we are a global community and it is the holiday season with family and other commitments. So here’s my $0.02 to everyone/anyone who wants to be part of this holiday merriment: post whatever amount you are comfortable with, and which side of the bet you want. Proposed as an individual bet or as part of a pool if one materializes.

Then, if anyone wants to take an existing individual bet, post to take it (first come, first served). Then you have a wager, payable by the loser to the charity of the winner’s choice. It doesn’t have to be a mirror of my bet w csnow - it can be whatever, but it should be crystal clear in the post, agreed to likewise, and so forth.

For a pool, it would mean people joining up and splitting the impact; I’ll leave the administration of that to others.

I’m sure the above can be improved upon - have at it. For example, presumably action could be taken right up through 12/31 (2359 Pacific time)...

Should be relatively painless (famous last words).

Edit: with a bunch of lawyers as part of the owner group, what could possibly go wrong :)
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Cool, I'll bet one person $20 that Tesla won't release an AP2 update by the end of the year that includes *any* new EAP / FSD / etc. feature. It should be an easy bet for the optimists: literally *any* new AP2 driving feature. I don't even care if it doesn't work well. First person to call the bet in this thread will pinky swear :cool:

Hell, they can't even get single lane highway driving right now.
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Cool, I'll bet one person $20 that Tesla won't release an AP2 update by the end of the year that includes *any* new EAP / FSD / etc. feature. It should be an easy bet for the optimists: literally *any* new AP2 driving feature. I don't even care if it doesn't work well. First person to call the bet in this thread will pinky swear :cool:

Hell, they can't even get single lane highway driving right now.
You're on. This is separate from my bet with taojones.
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Got .46 yesterday at the Service Center in Dubai. The biggest difference I noticed on my AP1 is that it now allows undertaking while on Autopilot - meaning if the car in the left lane is slower, the AP1 will drive past it without slowing down. Before this update, this was not allowed. If the car in the left lane was slower, AP would slow down and maintain distance and would not undertake without driver's input.
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Is it just me, or is anyone else getting constricted by the lap belt when pressing the “Park” button when “Easy Entry” mode is active?
I have the Easy Entry profile adjusted to fully raise and move the steering wheel forward plus setting the seat higher than my normal driving position.
This causes the seat belt to get uncomfortably tight.
The passenger side of my garage is a bit tight, so I often let my wife out of the car before I pull in. She opens the door and I get the open door warning. So, Instinctively put in Park and the big squeeze begins.
I wish “Park” was not the trigger.
To me, unbuckling my seat belt while in Park should initiate the sequence.

Started the thread above regarding Easy Entry.. No responses...
Any thoughts??
Just drove up and down the 405 carpool lane and it is bouncing around when the lane goes from dotted to solid and narrows. There was one close call where it almost hit the center divide while going 405 N in the carpool lanes.
Which firmware are you on? Touch the big "T" at the top center of your screen. The screen that then pops up will have your firmware written at the bottom.
Started the thread above regarding Easy Entry.. No responses...
Any thoughts??

Glad to have Easy Entry with .46 - received Saturday morning right after being dropped off at my home by a Tesla Service Center associate (previously .42).

I like the automatic function whereas before we had our manual Enter/Exit profile.

On entry, I would prefer the steering wheel lower before it projects out. When exiting, I would prefer the steering wheel move up prior to retracting. Or better yet, it should perform both up/in and down/out at the same time. Currently, these functions do not work concurrently. Therefore, I deleted my first settings so there is no more retraction or projection of the steering wheel with Easy Entry; it's now just up and down.

The projection/retraction of the steering wheel allows for more room when getting in and out. Unfortunately with the current iteration of Easy Entry, it doesn't make sense to incorporate this action when you also raise and lower the steering wheel with this feature. Keep it simple with up and down only, unless you're extra patient.

As @Daniellane mentioned, the seatbelt can be an issue depending on your settings. For instance, if you have your seat adjust forward when entering like I do, be sure to delay the fastening of your seatbelt. Otherwise, it tends to squeeze you a bit.

No other noticeable changes with AP2 with .46. I do miss AP1 in the loaner and being able to change lanes automatically on side roads - not possible in AP2.

Good luck with all your bets.
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Glad to have Easy Entry with .46 - received Saturday morning right after being dropped off at my home by a Tesla Service Center associate (previously .42).

I like the automatic function whereas before we had our manual Enter/Exit profile.

On entry, I would prefer the steering wheel lower before it projects out. When exiting, I would prefer the steering wheel move up prior to retracting. Or better yet, it should perform both up/in and down/out at the same time. Currently, these functions do not work concurrently. Therefore, I deleted my first settings so there is no more retraction or projection of the steering wheel with Easy Entry; it's now just up and down.

The projection/retraction of the steering wheel allows for more room when getting in and out. Unfortunately with the current iteration of Easy Entry, it doesn't make sense to incorporate this action when you also raise and lower the steering wheel with this feature. Keep it simple with up and down only, unless you're extra patient.

As @Daniellane mentioned, the seatbelt is an issue depending on your settings. If you have your seat adjust forward when entering, be sure to delay the fastening of your seatbelt. Otherwise, it tends to squeeze you a bit.

No other noticeable changes with AP2. I do miss AP1 in the loaner and being able to change lanes automatically on side roads - not possible in AP2.

Good luck with all your bets.

Good point about the AP1 lane changing. Forgot about that.

Also for AP2 through *.44 and presumably *.46, not only is it more difficult to set TACC at low speed, attempting to set AS can fail *and* cancel TACC which is *not* good.

Good point also about EE. Am going to go back to a manual egress DP setting while they tune EE. Not for the behavior you’ve noted but because there is also a delay in the profile menu showing at the top of the disappearing Nav menu bar which makes it more of an exercise to also select Valet mode.

I don’t valet ever - I use valet mode because it makes it incrementally more difficult to get into parts of the car.

Still pretty good for a first pass (EE). Not sure how it and Chill mode made it to the top of the feature list above fixing audio management and such, but it is what it is.