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All American Car Day

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Moderator Aus/NZ
Feb 11, 2008
Sydney Australia
Now that I own a Model S, I was hoping to use it to make people think about clean transport and energy use.
Sadly the NRMA Motorfest is now a Shannon's event so for classics only.
I did find the All American Day hosted by the Mustang Owners Club on January 18 at Castle Hill Shopping Centre.
I thought I would just turn up a little before 10 AM registration and see what reaction I get.
Am I wasting my time, will I be chased away with pitchforks?
Hi all,
I will be there from about 9:30 AM to exhibit the car and will stay until about 2PM or when my voice stops working from hopefully answering lots of questions. Dborn will be there too but any Additional moral support most welcome. :smile:
Meloccom, myself had our cars on show. Lots of interest. I left early - standing in the burning sun and talking non stop got to me and i also had to be elsewhere. TesAus and one other enthusiast were also there helping out with the talking. Interesting event, large and heaps of people. They put us with the Corvettes.
Meloccom, myself had our cars on show. Lots of interest. I left early - standing in the burning sun and talking non stop got to me and i also had to be elsewhere. TesAus and one other enthusiast were also there helping out with the talking. Interesting event, large and heaps of people. They put us with the Corvettes.

DBorn and Meloccom thanks for putting your cars at the hands of the masses, if I can devote more of my day next time I might join the team by exhibiting my car also.

It was interesting to hear the questions asked by a gathering of car enthusiasts that were used to looking more at classic or muscle ICEs.

I found everyone to be very friendly, some knew a lot about Tesla, some knew of the roadster but hadn't heard about the S, and others were bewildered why there were a couple of "european styled" premium modern cars at the event until they heard that they were made in California! It certainly sparked a fair amount of interest.

The most common question I heard asked was about what happens when the battery needs replacing and most were placated by the 8 year warranty. Closely followed by range and how long to charge.

A number of people thought we were from Tesla itself (I probably didn't help by wearing a Tesla cap and shirt!) and opened up a bit more once they found out we were just enthusiastic owners.
Quite a long day, left home just before 9 and found myself behind a LHD Mustang so decided to follow him into the Car Show.
Eventually I was the last in a line of American cars 2 Hotrods, a low rider, the Mustang then me. I was the only car in the queue with the steering wheel on the right as well. An organiser was waving the cars in front in, then he clapped eyes on my car and he started to wave frantically, crossed arms, so I rolled down my window and he was quick with " you'll have to park that somewhere else" but I explained that this car was made in Freemont California, that seemed enough and he even apologised.
I followed the other cars to the roof were we were to be allocated our spot, that caused some concern, gathering with the host club the Mustangs was quickly ruled out, but then one said, "stick him with the Corvettes" so I was guided around to where the Corvettes where I spotted 2 spaces next to a guy selling model cars, so that be came the Tesla area.
I hadn't got out before I was bombarded with questions and a steady steam of people kept us busy the whole day.
Note to self, next time bring sunscreen and a hat. I managed to grab 5 minutes to rush down and buy some hats for David and I but I'm feeling a bit tender.


In the end we were well received, the president of the Mustang Owners Club specially came round to thank us for coming and a lot of people found out about Tesla and electric cars in general.
Thanks to Dborn and tesAus for being there along with our friend in the Tesla Band T-shirt who helped make it a successful day.
P.S. @Matta Hi mate your parents came round to say hi and I learned of your bad luck. Gutted for you mate but I hope it's fixed soon.
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Quite a long day, left home just before 9 and found myself behind a LHD Mustang so decided to follow him into the Car Show.
Eventually I was the last in a line of American cars 2 Hotrods, a low rider, the Mustang then me. I was the only car in the queue with the steering wheel on the right as well. An organiser was waving the cars in front in, then he clapped eyes on my car and he started to wave frantically, crossed arms, so I rolled down my window and he was quick with " you'll have to park that somewhere else" but I explained that this car was made in Freemont California, that seemed enough and he even apologised.
I followed the other cars to the roof were we were to be allocated our spot, that caused some concern, gathering with the host club the Mustangs was quickly ruled out, but then one said, "stick him with the Corvettes" so I was guided around to where the Corvettes where I spotted 2 spaces next to a guy selling model cars, so that be came the Tesla area.
I hadn't got out before I was bombarded with questions and a steady steam of people kept us busy the whole day.
Note to self, next time bring sunscreen and a hat. I managed to grab 5 minutes to rush down and buy some hats for David and I but I'm feeling a bit tender.
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In the end we were well received, the president of the Mustang Owners Club specially came round to thank us for coming and a lot of people found out about Tesla and electric cars in general.
Thanks to Dborn and tesAus for being there along with our friend in the Tesla Band T-shirt who helped make it a successful day.
P.S. @Matta Hi mate your parents came round to say hi and I learned of your bad luck. Gutted for you mate but I hope it's fixed soon.

Thanks to Mark and David who took the time and to show your cars to the general public and Mark for allowing me to sit inside your own car and show other interested people that marvelous 17" touch screen.

Having seen all the youtube Tesla videos by Kmanauto and Bjorn Nyland in and around the car, I love talking to people about the Tesla and hope to one day own one myself.

Regards, Peter
Just reviving this thread to let people know that the Mustang Club All American Car day will be held again on Sunday January 17, 2016. Its at the same location the Castle Hill Shopping Centre (Roof Car Park).
P.S You need to scroll down to the event after clicking on the link.
If we get enough interest we can perhaps approach the Mustang club for a better spot this year. :)
Well it was just me on Sunday ably assisted by Peter (#LoneWolf313) representing Model 3 reservation holders.
Entry was a carbon copy of the last time, where I had trouble with the guy at the first entrance trying to wave me away. "This is an American car" I shouted and he let me through with an "Oh sorry mate".
Once I got inside the Mustang Club remembered me from the last time and were welcoming and left it up to me to decide where to go. Parked up in the same place "Next to the Corvette's" , wasn't sure if anyone would even look this time as surly everyone knows what a Tesla is by now.;) I didn't take pictures as I was quite busy the whole way through and they would have looked exactly the same as above just with fewer Teslas.
The numbers were similar to slightly more than last time. Lots of how far, how long to charge, how much questions but we had a few more younger kids and teenagers dragging a reluctant mum or dad to see the Tesla which may have challenged the opinions a few die hard petrol heads when it come to electric cars. People stayed longer too, to talk about the day to day use of an electric car, how to install a wall connector, road trips and supercharging. I only had a chance to grab a water at about Noon but when I next looked up it was 2:30, my voice was hoarse so I wound it up.
I think I even may have made a sale to a lady who currently drives a 2010 Camaro, just my luck now that the referral program has ended.:mad:
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