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Autopilot 2.0 Upgrade for Exisiting Owners

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How do we know that there isn't already new hardware going in the cars right now anyways? There are rumours the current production 90kwh's are actually 100kwh's. For Autopilot, these sensors are probably active in the background collecting valuable data even if the owner does not pay for autopilot nor upgrades to the 2.0 version. It would make sense for Tesla to put these new sensors in ASAP to the current production, and tune the software later. The potential extra revenue of owners paying for a 2.0 upgrade later on, as well as the data collection would be worth it to Tesla.

Doubt the retrofit would be an option though. These cameras and sensors have to be perfectly mounted and calibrated (huge safety issue), and the trust can't go out to the service centres to do this. Not to knock the service guys/gals or anything, but liability-wise Tesla would probably only want factory-mounted autopilot sensors.
Doubt the retrofit would be an option though. These cameras and sensors have to be perfectly mounted and calibrated (huge safety issue), and the trust can't go out to the service centres to do this. Not to knock the service guys/gals or anything, but liability-wise Tesla would probably only want factory-mounted autopilot sensors.

I am pretty sure that the system is self calibrating,(e.g. the camera can see the car nose and calibrates known measurements against the image it is receiving.) Also note all the threads about the service center fixing simple things like chrome trim alignment that the factory robots screw up all the time.
I am pretty sure that the system is self calibrating,(e.g. the camera can see the car nose and calibrates known measurements against the image it is receiving.) Also note all the threads about the service center fixing simple things like chrome trim alignment that the factory robots screw up all the time.
Is it the robot's fault for the misaligned trim or is it a human's fault for not calibrating the robot accurately enough?
The MS would need a new front windshield as the camera housing is bonded to the glass. My vote is there will not be an upgrade from V1 to V2
What? the camera is bonded to the windshield? I have replaced windshields due to stone chips, and the Insurance company tried to get me to take an aftermarket glass. I am imagining the conversation about having a camera involved in this routing maintenance. Tell me it is a simple glue job, like a mirror bond.
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I would be very sad if my 2 month old Tesla X was not upgradeable to AP 2.0 when it comes out in the next year. If you can replace a broken MX windshield then you can replace the rear view sensors. I think the high res GPS would require new hardware and upgrading the CPU in the car to the new NVIDIA tech. This should not be difficult. High res GPS might need a better processor and antenna but I would not expect it to need new sensors. Once the car is kept in the lane by GPS, then the sensors function more for obstacle avoidance including pedestrians and people making stupid lane changes around you. They would also improve the MX's ability to change lanes without hitting a car in the blind spot.

I would wish for Tesla to also licence the LCD rearview mirror tech from whomever has the rights currently.

The 100KW battery is not as much of a necessity although I would pay if it was a software switch because my car already has it installed. Having said that, I think if Tesla already put 100KW batteries in the MX, they should have sold them on that basis and therefore I would expect that our batteries are 90's. If I had to swap batteries, I would rather wait for something 120KW or higher.
View attachment 189960 View attachment 189960 The housing that the camera bolts to is bonded to the glass. We just had ours replaced. Check out the photo. Also, check out WKs thread about adding AP to his wife's car, where he states that he had to replace the windshield to get the housing for the camera.


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After reading this, I am thinking maybe I should hold my model X production(if possible) or postone it. Hope Tesla makes a statement on this soon.
Tesla usually never makes a statement for these things, because they know that people would do exactly what you consider and hold their order.

There have been disappointed owners with the first Autopilot. There have been unhappy owners with the facelift. And it's most likely going to be the same with AP 2.0.

So if new Autopilot hardware is very important to someone then their best bet is to wait a few weeks or months if that is an option.
The Reddit post seems to indicate retrofit will be available for additional $$$.

At this point, unless word comes directly from Tesla- everything is speculation.
I thought Elon tweeted AP 2.0 would NOT be retrofittable. (Even if he did tweet that, it would be totally awesome if it were retrofittable anyway, but that's doubtful. Perhaps the AP computers will be augmentable in the future, and "upgrades" (computer and sensors) could be had, like in 10 years or so, that aren't exactly AP factory production release #X.Y.Z, but are still workable upgrades the AI can grok.)
I would be very sad if my 2 month old Tesla X was not upgradeable to AP 2.0 when it comes out in the next year.
It will not be upgradable. The hardware changes will be much more extensive than you describe (the wiring harness throughout the car will have significant differences, for example, and bumpers may well be different because of additional radars behind them, etc. etc. etc.).

When you bought your X 2 months ago you received the features and capabilities that you paid for, and you received future software upgrades as part of that price. You did not get the right to hardware changes in the future. I think Tesla is pretty clear about that.

No reason to set yourself up for future disappointment. Enjoy your car!
For those on the fence for postponing their orders, do you really want to be one of the early adopters for this tech? How confident that they found all the bugs on a level 3 or 4 system? Yeah Telsa will fix and upgrade things but you might be better off letting some other poor souls find the bugs.
Hardware may arrive soon, but the software will be launched when it is ready, there is no reason to be afraid particularly if you are already used to Autopilot v1 which requires driver's attention all the time. The system is likely to be at least as good as V1 (probably even safer to boot) and will receive improvements step by step. Tesla will have million of miles of cars gathering data before they unlock level 3. That's the main difference with their competitor and that is why AP was so much better than anything else at that time (and up to now).
I honestly don't get why some people expect Autopilot 2.0 to be the end point to full autonomy. Do we really think we'll have fully optimal (and redundant) sensors, and fully redundant computer systems ready by next year? Hardware technology will improve and there will be iterations. Not everything can or will be software only.
I believe autopilot 2.0 will have some components that recently manufactured cars could have acces too initially.

Camera Hardware and chip advances may be integrated in a bolt on after purchase front facing camera processor, but the cooling needs for a processor make that unlikely.
I believe autopilot 2.0 will have some components that recently manufactured cars could have acces too initially.

Camera Hardware and chip advances may be integrated in a bolt on after purchase front facing camera processor, but the cooling needs for a processor make that unlikely.
I wouldn't count on it. None of the major hardware advances have ever been retrofitable in the past. Non park sensor cars could not get park sensors, TACC, heated steering wheel, Auto diming headlights, AP, electric brakes.

The only hardware upgrade I recall being available was the auto folding mirrors.
LTE upgrade was and still is offered as well as Ludicrous upgrade for P85D/P90D owners. Technically they can upgrade your battery (= change it for a ludicrous cost).

Overall I agree that we should not hold our breath over hardware upgrade possibilities, but then again predicting the future based on what happened in the past is kind of the anti-thesis of Tesla. They may have designed upcoming cars with better upgradability in mind to further distance themselves from competition and generate extra income. Dreams are cheap.