I'm sorry for the people having problems, but honestly, every mfgr of any product has to set limits with their warranties. It is a business after all, not a charity, and free-to-the-customer repair/replacement can't go on forever. We all make our choices what is right for us as a customer. I know my thoughts won't sit well with those that have made other decisions, and I don't mean to poke a stick at an already sore subject with anyone having these issues that I know would bite at me every time I looked at my 17" if this were to ever occur to my MS. ...just trying to balance out the POV with the many years I spent in a global computer/service business having to negotiate with marketing to account for warranty cost estimates that put pressure on higher product purchase prices, and then increasing pressure after-the-sale internally to drive down our warranty costs for all the out years.
Me, well, I may be in the minority (and wasting my money), but after reading probably hundreds of threads including this one while researching MS and seeing problems like this cropping up, I purchased an extended warranty the day after I took delivery of my MS last month to lock in the price, and considered that cost as part of my total purchase decision before I even placed the order. I will have a $200 charge for each unique problem that crops up after my 4-year warranty expires, but I hope that won't let me loose my excitement being part of the still leading-edge MS and Tesla family with both the good and sometimes bad that entails with a new product and a new company -- and, assuming I don't keep my MS a full 8 years, hopefully a future buyer will also appreciate being covered and give me a few more bucks for my MS in return.
Good luck to all with your resolution, and thanks for posting pics so others like myself can keep an eye out for possible future issues.