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Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

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The disastrous effects of climate change are starting to be felt across the world – and these Earth-shaking blows are already hitting us far more frequently than previously predicted.

The United Nation’s body for Disaster Risk Reduction has recently warned that climate change-related disasters could be occurring as often as every week, The Guardian reports. Not only does this underline the need for urgent action against greenhouse gas emissions, but it also highlights the need for better infrastructure to help people endure the ensuing damage, especially in developing countries, which are most vulnerable to these changes.

“This is not about the future, this is about today,” Mami Mizutori, the UN secretary-general’s special representative on disaster risk reduction, told The Guardian.

“We talk about a climate emergency and a climate crisis, but if we cannot confront this [issue of adapting] we will not survive,” she added. “We need to look at the risks of not investing in resilience.”

The effect of climate change is much more complex than hotter summers and milder winters. While global warming and climate change are often used interchangeably, global warming is just one aspect of climate change.

Full article at:
Climate Change Disasters Are Becoming A Weekly Occurrence
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"Weather in one country isn't climate."

*Links to article about weather in one country*

And you obviously completely the point about the same time the video was talking about, saying that global warming was bunk because it was cold in the US during winter, it was at the same time the the hottest summer on record in the Southern Hemisphere.

I love the way that deniers try the same BS every fricking winter. "It's cold! See! Global warming is bunk!"

If you look back a few months ago in this thread you can find an article about the reason why it was cold is because climate change has disrupted the jet stream, pulling the arctic air south.
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Improve contraception access to tackle wildlife crisis, urges campaign

Improve contraception access to tackle wildlife crisis, urges campaign

UN-backed campaign has been launched to help tackle the destruction of wildlife by boosting people’s access to contraception.

Growing human populations often underlie the destruction of nature, and barriers to family planning are the “most important ignored environmental challenge”, say the campaigners.
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Global heating: London to have climate similar to Barcelona by 2050

Global heating: London to have climate similar to Barcelona by 2050

London will have a similar climate in three decades’ time to that of Barcelona today, according to research – but if that seems enticing, a warning: the change could be accompanied by severe drought.

Madrid will feel like present-day Marrakech by 2050, and Stockholm like Budapest, according to a report on the likely impacts of the climate crisis. Around the world, cities that are currently in temperate or cold zones in the northern hemisphere will resemble cities more than 600 miles (1,000km) closer to the equator, with damaging effects on health and infrastructure.
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Improve contraception access to tackle wildlife crisis, urges campaign

Improve contraception access to tackle wildlife crisis, urges campaign

If you're ever on Family Feud and the survey is 'Climate change solutions (excuses) for people that want to keep burning fossil fuels; Your team would definitely win.

Screen Shot 2019-07-11 at 8.22.32 AM.png

I don't think you're one of those people.... but you're feeding that narrative...
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Actually, relationship between having children and being in highly developed country is more interesting.

Basically, in poor ***hole country children are asset that get you money (free workforce on fields and the like). Many kids are also insurance against high mortality of children typical for third world countries.

On the other hand, in developed countries kids are financial black holes even without murican-style insanity like education debt. And this is actual reason why people statistically do not want children in highly developed countries. They cannot afford them.

Oh, and I do not see any way to eliminate poverty globally any time soon. No one would be left to be exploited by said highly developed countries, for example.
It depends on how the question is asked. They acknowledge that extreme weather events are increasing and average temperatures are climbing but not so much that CO2 or fossil fuels are to blame... 2 + 2 = 4... but also 2 + 2 = definitely not 4. Too much cognitive dissonance.
It’s a first step, I suppose. Eliminate that particular line of nonsense and slowly build understanding to disintegrate the next.
A decade from now jrad and the pharmacist will kinda sorta agree that the Earth may be warming but their analysis proves that CO2 is not the cause; and if it is the cause it is natural.

When deniers agree CO2 levels are rising they claim the Earth isn't warming.

So by that graph the sea ice extent is the same as it was on this date in 2012? Kudos to you sir :rolleyes:

So arctic sea ice extent is unchanged over the past 7 years, even while CO2 has gone up from 400 to 415? Oh wait.............o_O:confused::p

When deniers agree that the Earth is warming they claim CO2 is not the cause.

There is warming, no doubt. You just give attribution to humans.

When they agree CO2 can cause warming they claim most of the warming is some other as yet unidentified force causing most of it....

They also agree that the world is warming, the sea level is rising and some of that is caused by the increase in CO2. What they don't agree with that it is all caused by man and that it will lead to a catastrophe.
It depends on how the question is asked. They acknowledge that extreme weather events are increasing and average temperatures are climbing but not so much that CO2 or fossil fuels are to blame... 2 + 2 = 4... but also 2 + 2 = definitely not 4. Too much cognitive dissonance.
To me it just proves people fear that their "easy lives" will be taken away if they acknowledge it is from CO2. As we know, it's far easier to live in the circle of EV, Solar, Storage world.
If you're ever on Family Feud and the survey is 'Climate change solutions (excuses) for people that want to keep burning fossil fuels; Your team would definitely win.

View attachment 428583

I don't think you're one of those people.... but you're feeding that narrative...
Both of those things work to alleviate climate change.
It's not my fault that some people use them as an excuse to keep burning fossil fuels. I certainly don't.
I don't think we should ignore things that work just because somebody will use them as an excuse. Those people have plenty of other excuses. We're not causing more climate change by trying to fix it.