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You know that was a typo :Þ

Containment with the aid of effective therapeutics and vaccines is possible

I'm not talking about "with the aid of effective therapeutics and vaccines". Just to pick a random example among countless: ebola outbreaks have been repeatedly contained, in countries with poor government control and broken medical systems, before the development of "effective therapeutics and vaccines".

I agree with the Harvard Professor

Do you pick and choose "who to agree with" when it comes to climate change also, or do you go with consensus opinions? Because in this case, the latter is WHO.
You know that was a typo :Þ

Hey, I wasn't 100% sure. I could have missed one :) ??

I'm not talking about "with the aid of effective therapeutics and vaccines". Just to pick a random example among countless: ebola outbreaks have been repeatedly contained, in countries with poor government control and broken medical systems, before the development of "effective therapeutics and vaccines".

Filoviruses and coronaviruses are VERY different. Unless it is altered, Ebola will NEVER be a threat in the developed world.

Do you pick and choose "who to agree with" when it comes to climate change also, or do you go with consensus opinions? Because in this case, the latter is WHO.

I have no idea what you are trying to say here. The "Harvard Professor" token was representative of the forming scientific consensus. That's what I agree with. Climate Change also has a scientific consensus. I agree with it. Remember, entities like WHO have a responsibility to not panic the public. I don't listen to the PR from CDC or WHO, I am reading the literature stream as soon as it's published, and it ain't pretty.
then the CDC implying it's a certain pandemic
I may be reading the CDC through the eyes of a physician but I mostly took their message as a warning not to become complacent. They recognize that vigilance leading to early identification and isolation are keys to infection control.

Right now the Western states and citizenry are focused on barriers to prevent the unwashed barbarians from breaching the borders but hopefully sooner rather than later the messaging will turn to personal hygiene, appropriate mask wear, and voluntary self-quarantine. I expect the Trumple-dorks and religious groups like the Evangelicals to be the main vectors of CoVid-19 in the US if it breaches the barriers.
Containment of COVID-17, like all diseases, is absolutely possible. Outbreaks can be, and repeatedly have been, stamped out, and their spread prevented; all it takes is responsible authorities and a generally cooperative public.

“It’s not so much of a question of if this will happen anymore but rather more of a question of exactly when this will happen,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said in a news briefing.

I do not think COVID-19 can be contained. Nor do I think it will kill the planet either.
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  • International has spiked, but almost exclusively in cases carried from Italy (where they're doing a good job tracking and alerting everyone infected people have come in contact with) or Iran (where they're distinctly not doing that). No place, as of yet at least, appears to be a new centre of spread.
  • Iran's new daily cases are up to 34, vs. 18 yesterday. Still not remotely believable.
  • Italy keeps ticking up, but that's probably a good thing, in terms of catching cases
  • Only a single case in Japan (outside of the one who was from the Diamond Princess)? Maybe they just haven't reported a big batch yet. But I need to go to bed. If there really was only 1, that'd be spectacular.
  • South Korea is still working through the huge numbers of people in the cult and their surroundings. New record today. Who knows how big this containment job is ultimately going to get. There have been a number of setbacks - for example, an official in charge of the operation within Daegu admitted that he's a member of the cult... after he got sick. His sickness caused them to have to quarantine 50 other health officials. This pattern has been seen in a number of other people - hesitation to admit membership in the cult until coming down with the disease. But for the most part the cult seems to be cooperative - they gave out a list of nearly 10k members, who are now under home quarantine, and have not resisted having their 163 facilities in Daegu shut down.
  • Hubei is mostly flatlined. Other China is down to insignificance.









Citing specific individuals is not very meaningful. Any more than citing specific individuals in a climate change discussion. In any discussion, you can find and share people with any position. One should always look to the consensus positions of the authorities on the subject. In this case, WHO.

That said, the situation has been greatly complicated by countries that have done little in terms of containment. The cult in South Korea certainly hasn't helped, although South Korea should eventually be able to get it back under control.

Also, for the record, this isn't a discussion about killing the planet :)
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I like how our official US stance on this virus is dictated by POTUS Tweeting it's not a problem for the US, then the CDC implying it's a certain pandemic. There's not an adult left in this country.

I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say that the CDC is the adult.

I also think they're not quite saying its a pandemic yet, and mostly trying to take their responsibility seriously.
Also, for the record, this isn't a discussion about killing the planet

Technically COVID-19 has temporarily contributed to healing the planet. So I didn't really get why anyone would say it would kill the planet.

I do agree that it won't save the planet because humans will defeat it just like we've defeated every other obstacle that got in the way of our ability to kill the planet through overpopulation and unsustainable practices.

We will not be stopped. :p
I like how our official US stance on this virus is dictated by POTUS Tweeting it's not a problem for the US, then the CDC implying it's a certain pandemic. There's not an adult left in this country.

Unfortunately when the CDC says "pandemic" people hear "Pandemic!"

I'd much prefer they use a less loaded and more accessible term like "Whac-a-Mole disease".
Italy's high death rate is concerning. The possibility that the virus might have evolved into a deadlier strain could be right if you look at the death rate of Iran and Italy.

After much investigation, I came back quite impressed by China. The two hospital that used to be a joke have finally reached its final form and from what I've seen is up to standard. Not to mention, it's completely built for coronavirus. Now the question is... Is this what is necessary for the rest of the world to combat this virus? I do not think some of the countries will be able to do what China did.

Now the worst case scenario. The virus landed in Brazil via Carnival. This is a huge face palm and a step in the wrong direction in this war against coronavirus.