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There is one conspiracy theory I never entertained.
Assuming the government knew of the severity of this virus and assuming that they are all sociopath who only cares about their wealth and their buddies.

Delaying the testing allows them all to exit the market.

I really hope this is not it. But it make sense. If we assume everyone is smart and competent.
There is one conspiracy theory I never entertained.
Assuming the government knew of the severity of this virus and assuming that they are all sociopath who only cares about their wealth and their buddies.

Delaying the testing allows them all to exit the market.

I really hope this is not it. But it make sense. If we assume everyone is smart and competent.

If if you want to go even deeper into the conspiracy theory territory, you could posit that they specifically own healthcare stocks, and that by letting the disease get bad, they're promoting them - healthcare providers/suppliers via the short-term boosting of healthcare demands, and health insurers via killing off the elderly and chronically ill through pneumonia (a relatively quick, low-burden means) rather than a slow, expensive wasting death such as cancer.

Back out of conspiracy-land, however, I vote for incompetent face-saving as the reason. Same as for banning flight from Europe to "stop" the "foreign virus".
First things first:

Happy Model 3 to you Karen! Enjoy! :)


I vote for incompetent face-saving as the reason. Same as for banning flight from Europe to "stop" the "foreign virus".

Well it's a sign everybody gets. Like building a wall to end complex problems.

Canceling all flights (no matter what destination) would be a thing, because people packed in a small room with circulating air is generally not a good idea.
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Perfect. The Utah Jazz basketball player that just tested positive for coronavirus?

“Only two days earlier, in an attempt to poke fun at NBA restrictions that kept players at a safe distance from reporters in media availability sessions, Gobert went out of his way to touch every microphone and recording device in front of him with both hands.”

NBA Suspends Season Due to Coronavirus
No one said you had to have a stellar intellect to play stupid professional sports.
but watching him live, it honestly looked like he was short of breath (which is why he uncharacteristically tripped over some words,
He was reading the speech, which is uncharacteristic, and he didn't believe the words Jared put in front of him, and he's highly stressed. If he thought he was screwed with Meuller, this is ten times worse.

all else being equal (obviously false) Japan and Korea have much better chance of not overwhelming their hospital bed count
next is Germany Austria Poland are also looking good.
This feels like ridiculous overreaction to me. The whole world is going insane. The global death count from this thing does not justify a twentieth of the impact it has had on market already.
I feel like the markets are run by ignorant chimps hammering the SELL button in a frenzy with zero idea what, or why they are selling. Its nuts.
I'm not selling anything. This is being vastly accelerated by a media hungry for clicks, who don't give a damn about the facts or reality.

You are not understanding that the death toll is an incomplete metric.
First, against everything Elon taught us, you're thinking linearly: you have a number of deaths that doubles every 3-4 days, do you really want to underestimate that?
Second, percentage of death cases over Corona cases are increasing in Italy: it's not still clear why (antibiotic-resistance is one of the possible culprits) but failure of health system is not something you want to see. Health personel gets sick, it's overworked and overstressed, and so people with conditions that were very curable one month ago die.
Let 20% the medics and nurses in one country to get very sick and than tell me how it goes...
Also, the more this thing stays, the more the real economy is hurt (jobs lost, etc.)
Don't f**king underestimate this, or you'll regret it.

As Paul Graham says: When you're dealing with exponential growth, the time to act it's when it's feels too early.
You are not understanding that the death toll is an incomplete metric.
First, against everything Elon taught us, you're thinking linearly: you have a number of deaths that doubles every 3-4 days, do you really want to underestimate that?
Second, percentage of death cases over Corona cases are increasing in Italy: it's not still clear why (antibiotic-resistance is one of the possible culprits) but failure of health system is not something you want to see. Health personel gets sick, it's overworked and overstressed, and so people with conditions that were very curable one month ago die.
Let 20% the medics and nurses in one country to get very sick and than tell me how it goes...
Also, the more this thing stays, the more the real economy is hurt (jobs lost, etc.)
Don't f**king underestimate this, or you'll regret it.

As Paul Graham says: When you're dealing with exponential growth, the time to act it's when it's feels too early.
Statements like "antibiotic-resistance is one of the possible culprits" reassures me that most panicky posters don't really know what they are talking about.
"At Niguarda, the other big hospital in Milan, they are not intubating anyone over 60, which is really, really young."

Sadly as expected. But to read about it still leaves a hollow in the stomach.

all else being equal (obviously false) Japan and Korea have much better chance of not overwhelming their hospital bed count
next is Germany Austria Poland are also looking good.

Hospital beds can be added quickly, ideally in separate wards. It's respirators that are urgently needed, I think.

Taiwan got a lot of things right, as per a post above - they prepared well after SARS and acted smartly and swiftly. An excellent example of foresight paired with competence.

By the way, Molbiol, a company in Berlin, has been running at their max capacity since last week [as far as I know] and cranking out 150'000 tests. Daily. At a cost of 2 Euros 50 cents. It seems a separately required enzyme is more of a challenge to source. [Source NZZ]