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Current Delivery Times

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is the 10 day EDD range typically a sign of its really going to happen?
Dropping below the standard 28 day window (previously this was 20 days) can indicate Tesla is getting ready to assign you a VIN and get the transport lined up for delivery to your delivery center. Some do get short ranges that still move around or even revert back to 28 days, so it's not a guarantee.
Now that I got a VIN, EDD updated to 11/4-11/8, and financing through Tesla is comfirmed, when do they reach out to set pick up date? When do I get the docs to sign and pay my down payment?

It’s been radio silent since my VIN and loan approval/confirmation.
I'm in the same boat, though I only received a VIN less than 24 hours ago. According to the chat person my SA would be reaching out soon to square the details, since I'm using third party financing they'll need to fill out a form from our lender. Looks like you went with Tesla financing? It might be a little simpler on that front. I remember reading in the forums how some people had to wait on fedex for some sort of documents, but I have no idea what those would be, I've received no tracking # etc. Might be one of those things that varies by location on whether a signature is required? Kind of sucks not having anyone from Tesla providing guidance. Without this forum I would be totally lost - as oppossed to just dazed and confused :)
Friends! I’m so close, I can smell it lol. Only 3 more days! I’ve had the freaking wall connector for 3 months now. I’ve gotten every accessory I could think of. I’m ready!

I’ve been overjoyed with so many of you getting Vins too. Let’s keep it rolling.
And the smell is sooo good. My garage has never smelled better. ;)

I was finding a hole in deliveries after November and I could never quite understand and I even posted here that it may be due to plant shut downs to increase capacity. Now that I can see the promised deliveries to Hertz over retail buyers of Tesla car by giving them out of turn deliveries STARTING November is why everyone's delivery is pushed out by months. Very unfair of Tesla to push their loyal small retail customers to the back of the line even though they pay the same amount as Hertz is paying. If you started seeing heavy push back in your EDD after 15th September it is because Elon cut a deal with Hertz and threw Tesla's retail buyers under the bus and started giving dates in March and then April and now August. There is no supply chain issue. It is Hertz gate that is responsible for this massive delays. I am not at all happy with this.
Now that I got a VIN, EDD updated to 11/4-11/8, and financing through Tesla is comfirmed, when do they reach out to set pick up date? When do I get the docs to sign and pay my down payment?

It’s been radio silent since my VIN and loan approval/confirmation.

Same boat here. 11/2 - 11/8. Got everything lined up and ready to go. Just waiting for the call so I can schedule it and plan ahead. Hah.. planning for a tesla order right? I figure if I still haven't heard anything on Monday I'll reach out to them.
I was finding a hole in deliveries after November and I could never quite understand and I even posted here that it may be due to plant shut downs to increase capacity. Now that I can see the promised deliveries to Hertz over retail buyers of Tesla car by giving them out of turn deliveries STARTING November is why everyone's delivery is pushed out by months. Very unfair of Tesla to push their loyal small retail customers to the back of the line even though they pay the same amount as Hertz is paying. If you started seeing heavy push back in your EDD after 15th September it is because Elon cut a deal with Hertz and threw Tesla's retail buyers under the bus and started giving dates in March and then April and now August. There is no supply chain issue. It is Hertz gate that is responsible for this massive delays. I am not at all happy with this.
A lot of us a FURIOUS!
I'm in the same boat, though I only received a VIN less than 24 hours ago. According to the chat person my SA would be reaching out soon to square the details, since I'm using third party financing they'll need to fill out a form from our lender. Looks like you went with Tesla financing? It might be a little simpler on that front. I remember reading in the forums how some people had to wait on fedex for some sort of documents, but I have no idea what those would be, I've received no tracking # etc. Might be one of those things that varies by location on whether a signature is required? Kind of sucks not having anyone from Tesla providing guidance. Without this forum I would be totally lost - as oppossed to just dazed and confused :)
I applied with DCU also. Got approval and submitted MVPA. It’s been a few days and I haven’t heard back from them. I even set up a bank account. Was ready to go with them but encountered multiple issues trying to log in. I was willing to switch my direct deposit. But with all those initial issues, I was like, “is this what I have to deal with going forward?”. That’s when I decided to not proceed with DCU and just confirm Tesla’s finance.
I do see some questions related to finance switch after the VIN.

Well, I went to the SC after I saw the VIN this morning and the switch from cash to finance was easy. He asked me which bank I will be using and for what amount and I entered the details immediately. He said it is all set and I just need to bring/pay the remainder during delivery along with the loan check.

My loan institution just asked for the purchase agreement and nothing else (I have a pre-approved auto loan though). I will be uploading them later today.

Hope this helps.
Ive been inside my EDD twice so far but new EDD shows 10/28-11/6. Really hoping for a November build and a 2022 model year. If I don’t get it, I may put it on hold. Taking delivery on this car in the last week of the model year is probably a 5K+ ding to your value. Let’s goooooooo 2022!
This is my dilemma too. I keep wishing my EDD gets pushed back.
Now that I got a VIN, EDD updated to 11/4-11/8, and financing through Tesla is comfirmed, when do they reach out to set pick up date? When do I get the docs to sign and pay my down payment?

It’s been radio silent since my VIN and loan approval/confirmation.
I got my vin on 10/13, got a text to schedule pick up on 10/18. You should get all the additional info as soon as you schedule your pick up. Hope that helps!
Ignore my squawking in this video but check out how my S is parked. My outlet is slightly out of the camera's frame on the left side, a few inches above and to the left of that foam panel stuck to the wall (for door cushion...) The UMC that came with the Model S is plugged into that outlet and then just sort of lays along the ground, or slightly suspended, to where the bikes are hanging up. We used to leave the cable on the bike wheel. (Now, we use the bikes a lot but rarely charge the car in the garage because we've since added a HPWC outside.) There is barely enough space to walk behind the car so you kind of walk halfway back and reach over the car to grab the charge cable off the hanging bike and it semi lays on the ground behind the car/semi suspends in the air.

Long story short, it was long enough to wrap around to the opposite side of the car, even if you pulled it as tight as it would go whereby it was touching the tires/ground.

"Pothole central Pennsylvania..." That's funny! We spent 6 years in Hershey, two of them during record winters. We definitely know about the potholes. (And sinkholes.)
Ive been inside my EDD twice so far but new EDD shows 10/28-11/6. Really hoping for a November build and a 2022 model year. If I don’t get it, I may put it on hold. Taking delivery on this car in the last week of the model year is probably a 5K+ ding to your value. Let’s goooooooo 2022!
Doubtful it’ll be a $5K hit. My 2019 SR+ just sold to CarMax for $41K and I paid $40,990. It had a 240 mile range compare to 262 on a new one, old/no door trim, old center console, no heat pump, etc. And up until recently you could order a brand new one for the same price (just had to wait until April). Granted used car prices are historically high right now, so maybe not completely fair comparison.

My current Model Y config price is $4K more than I paid, so not regretting maybe getting a 2022 with wood trim doors and who knows what else. 4680 if indeed comes with increased range, or air suspension well that woulda been nice, but who knows when they are coming. I knew the current one has everything I need/want.
Definitely. I do think the 2022 EDDs have generally said "[MONTH] 2022" from what I've seen.
But I don't recall seeing someone get a month EDD at the end of the month before. Maybe a big shipment coming to Orange County right now??? Hopefully.
old screenshot showing Feb 16-Mar 16 EDD. No year. I think October means 2022. I could be proven very wrong in the next week, but highly doubtful. Any other insight


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