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One red and one black dropped both 5 seaters

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Yes - both times I picked up at Devon and both times I only paid my 8% sales tax on the difference between the Tesla and the value of the trade-in (Wrangler for the S; Hyundai Genesis Coupe for the 3.)
I believe this is true for CA state as well - you pay sales tax after subtracting the trade-in value from the vehicle price. Consider this when getting quote from vroom, carmax etc
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Did anyone write a macro or something to check the Tesla account and send a text as soon as a VPN is assigned? so that I dont have to refresh every 30 seconds.
Someone had this set up with distill.io some pages back I believe. I think they monitored the dashboard for "Tesla Model Y" to change. With a VIN, it adds the model year.
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With the misguided investigations due to Tesla auto pilot (translated: adaptive cruise control in the ICE world) I don't see FSD being completed for a year or more. Probably right after the Cybertruck but before the robot.
In my opinion, FSD as proposed by Elon is a long way off. There's huge variance in the real world and a human in the loop matters.
FSD as a useful diving aid is perhaps within a couple years.
My wager is government will step in to take back control of the legal and financial ramifications of FSD failures-to-engage correctly or 'as expected'.
Robo-taxi services, good luck.
There are people waiting since April with no changes.
I was responding to your post specifically and saw you edited your order which resets your date.
There are different speculations on what's causing the delay with the April orders - configurations, location or even possibly because they are locked in at a lower price and Tesla is trying to frustrate them to update their order to new price. Who knows?
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Hey everyone, meet Aegon. He got his name because of the love affair between the Model 3 and the Model X. I also wanted that name because I am dork. When autopilot messes up I can be like "Jon Snow, you know nothing." and when we pass a gas station or broken down I can be like "KING OF THE NORTH!!". I am easily amused.

The rest is going to be lengthy because I am going to go into detail about my trip back to Milwaukee from St Louis, touching on autopilot and charging.

Note: this is based on a 385 mile road trip so it is limited and it is my opinion and based on my experiences.

TLDR: Delivery went really well, super easy and no major issues. The frunk is a little misaligned but to me it is not worth the service appointment because it is so minor. If you are worried about road trips and charging, don't. Yes, charging is longer, but if you are some that has a family and you don't just fill up and leave, charging isn't an issue. If you have a family, by the time you get your kids out and go to the bathroom, send a couple texts or look at your trip route, chances are you are ready to head out again. Also, look into charging etiquette. While in autopilot you have to be paying attention and ready 100% of the time. In my opinion, FSD is a long way out. The issues I ran into, I can't believe that it is close and I fall in line with some critics. Tesla should rename autopilot and FSD to something different, those names imply that the car is in control of the car, and it is not, it is an assistant. Other manufactures make it more obvious on who is in charge "Co-pilot 360" or just plain "driver assistance". Tesla should go with something like "The Assistant" for autopilot and "The Executive Assistant" for FSD beta...make it more obvious that the driver is the one in charge.

The in depth impressions.


This went super smooth, kind of too smooth. I like that I looked the car over and everything looked good, and that was it. But the whole touchless, I don't I felt like I was doing something wrong because of how easy it was. I did have a question about a document so I did end up going inside, but the person I talked to checked nothing, no id, no insurance, didn't even check for payment because we forgot to put the check in the folder until we were walking back to the car.

So the delivery was smooth, awesome, easy but weird at the same time.


We left St Louis with 63%.

First Stop:

We drove to a Springfield, IL supercharging and got there at 25%. This charger had 8 stalls and rated to charge at 150 kW. We were the only ones there. The Tesla suggested a 20 minute charge and to leave at 50% charge to make it to the next charger. My wife needed to get gas for her Forester, so we ran down the road about a mile to get gas. We filled up, went to the bathroom and got a couple of snacks and then went back to the car. I don't know exactly how much time passed but it seemed like 15 mins. We got back to the car and it was at 83%. The charger was still pulling 163 kW. When we stopped charging there were now 5 others there and another one pulling in as I left. Total charge time, 26 mins. This charge really caught me off guard because it didn't think we were their that long, because we just ran to the gas station and came back.

Second Stop:

We stopped at Peru, IL. The charger had 8 stalls was rated for 150 kW and there were 2 others already charging. We plugged in at 33% and Tesla said 15 mins. Not even 30 seconds after plugging in someone pulled in right next to me, so I unplugged and moved to an open bank (will explain why down below). We went into the Hy-Vee went to the bathroom and grabbed some coffee (Starbucks inside), came out and it predicted that that we would get home with 5%. I didn't feel comfortable with that because first EV road trip and I decided to wait until it predicted 10%. After I sent a couple of texts ready to go, 78% and 22 min charge and now 4 other stalls occupied. When leaving there were 2 others pulling in.

Please look into charging etiquette, the V2, 150 kW, chargers share power banks. If you haven't been to a supercharger, they are labeled 1a,1b,2a,2b....etc. 1a and 1b will share the 150 kW between the 2 stalls. So if you are plugged into 1a and someone plugs into 1b you both will have slower charging speeds. So if you are pulling in and there is an open bank, 4a and 4b are both open, it is better and polite for you to plug into one of those first. With V3, 250 kW, chargers this is not an issue, stalls do not split the power. Most supercharges installs since later 2019 have been V3.


The trip was 385 miles and I tried to use autopilot as much as I could to get a good feeling of the limitations and what not. Autopilot is the best driver assistance that I have experienced, I really only experienced Toyota's. Here are my thoughts/experiences on Autopilot:

  • If you are in the slow lane and you come up to an on ramp, the car does pull to the right until it reads the line. It handles off ramps fine, I think because the off ramps start from the front of the car, so the car "sees" that it is an off ramp and the lane didn't just get really wide. I don't recall the Tesla Vision car that I test drove doing that, it could have been something that I didn't notice or just didn't have that use case come up much on the test drive.
  • If you are in autopilot and a semi or car comes into your lane a little bit, the car will break from holding the center of the lane and keep the distance from the semi if the car thinks it can do that and stay in the lane. I love that.
  • Autopilot loves to keep the center of the lane, it doesn't bounce back and forth in the lane like other driver assistance systems. If you are enabling autopilot, make sure you are close to the center of the lane, otherwise you will probably get a jerk to the center of the lane....I warned you.
  • Autopilot reads lines the best, if cones or barrels are used to mark the lane.....I would not trust it.
  • If someone cuts off right in front of you, autopilot will not slow down to keep the distance unless it detects the car is slowing down or not accelerating....huge +++.
  • Autopilot is a very defensive system, could probably be classified as an asshole driver.

Phantom Braking:

Now to the reason why I think Tesla should rename autopilot and FSD. I experienced probably 10-15 incidents, I don't know if this is software or lack of clean cameras. I plan on making sure the cameras are clean, but I do want to mention them just in case. Out of all those, I think only 5 were problematic, the rest I could see someone also breaking/slowing down. The majority of these incidences were just the car "letting of the gas" and then realizing and goes back to speed, so it only dropped a few mph. But I want to call out the 5 cases where the car slowed down a lot and if someone was behind me, it could have been bad:

  • On an interchange, two lanes from each highway coming together. I was in the slow lane of the two lanes, coming from the left, the other two lanes were coming from the right. There was also a transition from concrete (light) to asphalt (fresh, very black). Autopilot slowed down right were the merge and asphalt all came together, no other cars except for my wife following about 200 meters back. I think the huge color change triggered the car to freakout.
  • The was a turn on the highway and there was an overpass that went over the highway in the middle of the turn. No cars around except my wife following. I think the shadow and the fact that it come from the exact front of the car, it freaked out a bit.
  • Similar to above but with an exit sign thing that spanned over.
  • I was in the slow lane and there was a on ramp that turned into a third lane. That on ramp was also on of those long swooping on ramps. As I was coming up to it there was a semi in that merging lane. It seemed like autopilot did "see" the semi and then it started seeing it and freaked out.
  • This last one is a worrying one, open straight away with nothing around.....nothing and it just did it....*shrug*
Those 5 cases, a human would have have been able to successfully distinguish those situations, and handled them correctly. For this reason it is hard for me to believe that FSD is "two weeks away"

Before I got my car I was kind of annoyed that Tesla didn't offer Enhanced Autopilot anymore because I wanted the auto lan change on the highway, now I am not sure how much I would use that feature, not sure if I would be able to trust it.

Overall, it was an amazing experience and I love it. I think with autopilot and stopping more...I wasn't burnt out when I got home. Even with those issues, I would still take autopilot everyday, it made driving enjoyable and not as draining. However, you have to pay attention 100% of the time, it is not in control, it is assisting you.

Tesla still needs to figure out their customer service issue, I half expected to get to St Louis and have Tesla tell me it isn't ready, I wasn't as excited as I thought I would be. Instead I felt bloodied and exhausted by whole ordeal, but that feeling has been waning and I am getting the joy back.


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I just contacted my SA via email to update financing and trade-in. I just recently had an issue with the trade-in where I apparently didn't specify that I had a loan attached, so I stopped into the Tesla store at the KOP mall and they quickly updated my account so I could proceed.

Also helps when you have a responsive SA, which gladly I do (Chris at KOP).
I don't know who my SA is and you can't get squat from Cherry Hill. It's geographically closer but I wonder if I can request Devon. They've always been wonderful. (Do you happen to have info for Chris you can share via DM?)
When trade-in expired first time, within few seconds after I updated odometer, the system had new offer in place. For the second time, nothing moved after I completed my tasks, for a day, I sent them mail, a reply came immediately and within few minutes, mail came with updated offer. I am not sure if these are completely automated, I believe my mail triggered something, trade-in valuations must be getting queued up, someone from the other end has to move it further, no idea why it did not take even a minute at the time of order or first time renewal.
My trade-in didn't get pushed to my order until I manually called someone days later. So my OD is actually a few days after I made the decision to order and thought I "ordered."
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I'm still sitting in "January" with OD 7/27 (MYLR5). FWIW my SA did get back to me and said he still sees "November" from his side. I'm sure they must be tired of all of us panicking at this time. Good to know there are more obsessive page refreshers out there.
I am in the same boat. MY order date is 8/5 and EDD is January. SA i talked to said that they cannot see the EDD's on their side so not sure whether your SA told you the truth. What my SA said is not to pay attention to that date since it is going to bounce around till they actually schedule the car for production. I still feel that the Actual Delivery will fall around end of Nov to Mid Dec time Frame. Being an Optimist. :)
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MYLR5 Black|Black Gemini FSD OD 8/15
EDD changed today (without notice) from November 14 - December 14 to January
I will have to get my trade-in offer re-evaluated at least 4x going forward
Do I need to submit Vehicle Title pictures and "ACCEPT OFFER" in order to be eligible for a VIN match? Or am I already in the queue for VIN matching? I am still waiting on NYS DMV to ship my duplicate title.
What is really happening? Is it demand overloading the production capacity or is there some chips scarcity or something of that nature happening too? Generic October now for few days. Maybe system is deciding which quarter to split into 😂
All of the above. Plus trying to bring the new factory in Texas online, and integrating it into the logistics system.
The EDD is just an algorithm. It's the classic Garbage In, Garbage Out scenario.

But makes me wonder about Tesla FSD. If they can't get their logistics reporting right, how can FSD be trusted.
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I'm still sitting in "January" with OD 7/27 (MYLR5). FWIW my SA did get back to me and said he still sees "November" from his side. I'm sure they must be tired of all of us panicking at this time. Good to know there are more obsessive page refreshers out there.
Good to hear that. OD: 7/27, EDD: Jan. MYLR External White/Interior Black/5 Seats/Wheels 19 inch/No FSD. Location: CA