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The Falcon Heavy's boosters burned for 154 seconds before they jettisoned into space. Free from the main body of the rocket, they spun 180 degrees and arced back towards the earth, burning their engines again as they descended to Cape Canaveral, to land, smoothly, improbably upright, within a second of one other.

Meanwhile, the main rocket pushed on, preparing to bring the world an even less credible sight. Four minutes into the flight, the nose cone broke apart to reveal its payload: a cherry-red electric sports car, with the top down, in space - a PR stunt for the ages.

It was all brought to you by Elon Musk, the South African-born billionaire entrepreneur and founder of Paypal, electric car company Tesla, and SpaceX, the manufacturer of the Falcon Heavy. The partly-reusable Heavy is the most powerful rocket on earth, and, if Mr Musk is to be believed, a stepping stone to a rocket to Mars.

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The man who sent his sports car into space
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So the fastest car ever built is traveling at what - 100,000+ miles per hour? That red sportster has achieved speeds that no other car - production car or special salt-flat speedster - can be compared. The fastest car on earth is not on earth. Mind bending achievement!!
Perhaps we should adopt "The fastest car made on earth, by humans."

Elon's Instagram

Love it :cool:

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So the fastest car ever built is traveling at what - 100,000+ miles per hour? That red sportster has achieved speeds that no other car - production car or special salt-flat speedster - can be compared. The fastest car on earth is not on earth. Mind bending achievement!!

Not only that, but it's maintaining that speed coasting. :)

Wow - simply Wow. He printed a circuit board 10 years ago with "made on earth by humans"? And then shot it into space? Is that Future Thinking - now defined!!

It may be the printing on the circuit board inspired him to shoot a Roadster into space. Sort of the other way around.
The other way around. Tesla paid Elon back. (Partially)
Aha! I figured out my error: I only knew 10 of the 15 definitions of the word "redeem", none of which were the correct one for your use, which apparently is proper according to 3 of the definitions. Oddly, I knew all of the meanings of the word "redeem" in which a person pays you when you present them with paper, but I didn't know of any of the meanings of the word where you pay a person in order to get a paper back. I guess the main definition difference is which triggers which: the paper or the payment. In your case, it was the payment first definition. In both cases, the subject is the first step and the object is the second step.
Some interesting Elonisms:

This should be enshrined in every executive office:

“To make decisions, you have to understand something. Unless you understand something at a detailed level, you can’t make decisions.”

He thinks Martian government should be direct Democracy. Not representative democracy. Laws should be short and comprehensible. 40% threshold to remove a law, 60% to add one.

This flys in the face of what else he thinks is important. Massive and restrictive regulation on AI research.

He got cut off, so hard to understand where he was going, but he said biggest mistake of his career was starting Tesla and SoaceX at same time more or less, thinking that Tesla wouldn’t occupy much time.
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From memory: "People have told me that my time-lines historically have been overly optimistic.." "...so I am trying to re-calibrate..."

Then gave some optimistic projection on when FSD will (finally) work...

Yeah, end of next year, about 18 months away. He just can’t help himself can he? I’ll say it right now, we will NOT see FSD by the end of 2019. More like 2025. Musk thinks AI is easier than it is. There are fundamental issues yet to be solved that we don’t even have a road map for. But Elon’s the genius, I’m nobody, so whatev. I still think I’m right.
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