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EMF (radiation) emissions from Tesla batteries

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It is my understanding harmful radiation levels (EMF) are being emitted from the passenger floor board and charging station/charging port. How can my passenger be protected from these emissions.
Disagree. Electromagnetic waves become dangerous only at Very High Frequencies and Power. You have to be careful if you are close to a parabolic antenna tracking a Satellite NOT close to a Tesla.
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And holding a cell phone to his brain or his house Wifi or cooking his meals with that microwave oven or walking outside getting radiation bombardment from the Sun and not to mention the Radon coming up from the ground below his house.
Yeah by far the highest risk for exposure is holding your cell phone next to your head so if you are worried about it don’t use a cell phone. Actually, as it’s more convenient, I use a cell phone stand which also keeps it away from your head. Since EM wave power drops rapidly with distance, even being a foot away reduces the EM strength. PS, I used to do electronic gear and satellite EMI testing.
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Yeah by far the highest risk for exposure is holding your cell phone next to your head so if you are worried about it don’t use a cell phone. Actually, as it’s more convenient, I use a cell phone stand which also keeps it away from your head. Since EM wave power drops rapidly with distance, even being a foot away reduces the EM strength. PS, I used to do electronic gear and satellite EMI testing.
The highest risk for using a cell phone is using it while driving!
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Yeah by far the highest risk for exposure is holding your cell phone next to your head so if you are worried about it don’t use a cell phone. Actually, as it’s more convenient, I use a cell phone stand which also keeps it away from your head. Since EM wave power drops rapidly with distance, even being a foot away reduces the EM strength. PS, I used to do electronic gear and satellite EMI testing.
Agree. Electromagnetic waves power decreases inversely to the square of distance as it is stated by the Poynting Vector. So if you want to be safe use headphones and you will be ok.

Don't place the cell phone in the pockets of your trousers while using the headphones. You know what I mean!
I usually place my telephone in a bag while using headphones.
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Your model Y is not emitting X-Rays. X-Ray radiation and RF radiation are two completely different things. But as someone who works all day long with Neurosurgeons, one would think that you'd know that already
Actually electromagnetism, light, X-Rays and RF radiation are the same thing, just different frequencies. PS, frequency and strength are the important things. Higher frequencies are more likely to interact with the molecules and atoms in your body. Obviously, the stronger the field, the greater the amount of interaction. This is how UV light in sunlight can cause cancer. It is at the right frequencies and strength it can interact and damage DNA in your skin cells. It can't damage your liver cells because the liver is too far inside your body. Take a UV light, and place it right next to your liver, this will take an operation. Then it can then cause cancer on your liver provided you leave it on long enough.

Excellent scientific approach, @MatthewMichael. Many regulatory bodies are funded and/or influenced by the industries they're meant to regulate, either directly or indirectly (for profit and non-profits alike). Just check their financial reports (follow the money). Anyone running a business in a large industry would want a seat at the table of those regulating them. If you don't, your competitor will, and find a way to run you and fellow competitors under. The electronics sector is no exception. We need regulatory bodies, but when the game is fixed, one should take appropriate precautionary measures accordingly. Let the people randomly yelling "nut job" without providing scientific data or logical analysis continue to look like nut jobs. Love Tesla & SpaceX. Due diligence never hurt anyone.
Never discount the influence of big money on the regulatory environment. Large donations got congressmen to put pressure on the SEC to not regulate insurance on mortgage backed securities. Some day read up on the Magnetar Trade. Petrol dollars are keeping climate change from being properly addressed. . . The Citizens United SCOTUS ruling has put regulations up to the highest bidder. Yes, you should be highly worried about this.

Disagree. Electromagnetic waves become dangerous only at Very High Frequencies and Power. You have to be careful if you are close to a parabolic antenna tracking a Satellite NOT close to a Tesla.
A friend used to work at a deep space satellite tracking facility. They put physical stops so there was no way the dish could point at the apartment building on a hill 10 miles away. If they did point at the apartment building when the dish was on, they could have cooked the turkey in a freezer well past browned in under a minute. Those fleshy things wandering around outside the freezer would have known searing pain for only a few seconds before being cooked too. Strength of the EM field and how much shielding there is between you and it matters. Yeah, extreme example, but your Tesla's EM fields just aren't strong enough. Nor are the fields outside a properly made microwave oven. Disable the door interlock, and stick your head in the microwave oven when it is operating, and you will experience serious issues. The Faraday cage around the food cooking in the microwave oven keeps you safe.
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Having said all that: Do we need to do more research? Yes, but I'd be more worried about PFA forever chemicals off gassed from the vegan leather seats. That class of petrol chemicals has been shown to cause cancer and interfere with hormone production and use. I'm not worried about the EM fields from a Tesla car.

Oh, to look at EM fields from a car, you need a spectrum analyzer, and they are not cheap. If anybody would like to donate a good broad spectrum one to me, I have plenty of uses for one. Electronics feature highly in my hobbies.
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Vegan leather.... Lol
Just call it what it is...mango compound, or cactus compound...the term is "Bioplastics". Fusing a little plant based compound with a lot of plastic.
And again one more time, for anyone worried about the EMF emissions from the battery. Go buy a gas car!
Sign your Tesla over to me, I'll continue to take the EMF risk, despite the 6th toe growing on each of my feet, and the third eye I seem to have on my forehead.
You get a gas car and eliminate your risk of EMF brain tumors completely.
Instead, you can keep sucking in carbon monoxide fumes and exhaust particles. Keep breathing in Fuel vapors when you fill up. No risks with that at all.
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And again one more time, for anyone worried about the EMF emissions from the battery. Go buy a gas car!
I find it hilarious that people jump on the EMF concern camp, yet have no problem holding a cell phone to their brain. I remember when People got their panties in a bunch about this when hybrids first came on the market and again when electric companies started installing home smart electric meters.
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I find it hilarious that people jump on the EMF concern camp, yet have no problem holding a cell phone to their brain. I remember when People got their panties in a bunch about this when hybrids first came on the market and again when electric companies started installing home smart electric meters.
Some of us still remember when our parents told us not to sit too close to the picture tube of our new black and white television.
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Actually electromagnetism, light, X-Rays and RF radiation are the same thing, just different frequencies. PS, frequency and strength are the important things. Higher frequencies are more likely to interact with the molecules and atoms in your body. Obviously, the stronger the field, the greater the amount of interaction. This is how UV light in sunlight can cause cancer. It is at the right frequencies and strength it can interact and damage DNA in your skin cells. It can't damage your liver cells because the liver is too far inside your body. Take a UV light, and place it right next to your liver, this will take an operation. Then it can then cause cancer on your liver provided you leave it on long enough.

Never discount the influence of big money on the regulatory environment. Large donations got congressmen to put pressure on the SEC to not regulate insurance on mortgage backed securities. Some day read up on the Magnetar Trade. Petrol dollars are keeping climate change from being properly addressed. . . The Citizens United SCOTUS ruling has put regulations up to the highest bidder. Yes, you should be highly worried about this.

A friend used to work at a deep space satellite tracking facility. They put physical stops so there was no way the dish could point at the apartment building on a hill 10 miles away. If they did point at the apartment building when the dish was on, they could have cooked the turkey in a freezer well past browned in under a minute. Those fleshy things wandering around outside the freezer would have known searing pain for only a few seconds before being cooked too. Strength of the EM field and how much shielding there is between you and it matters. Yeah, extreme example, but your Tesla's EM fields just aren't strong enough. Nor are the fields outside a properly made microwave oven. Disable the door interlock, and stick your head in the microwave oven when it is operating, and you will experience serious issues. The Faraday cage around the food cooking in the microwave oven keeps you safe.
No they are not. One is an interaction of magnetic fields that decrease at the square of the distance and the rest are light energy that travel forever in a vacuum. LIGHT CAN BE HARFULL! EMF can't.
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No they are not. One is an interaction of magnetic fields that decrease at the square of the distance and the rest are light energy that travel forever in a vacuum. LIGHT CAN BE HARFULL! EMF can't.
Sorry but you are not correct. They are all electromagnetic waves. What decreases with THE INVERSE OF THE SQUARE OF THE DISTANCE IS THE POYNTING VECTOR.

Please don't spread disinformation.
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