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Firmware 9 in August will start rolling out full self-driving features!!!

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Wrong? IMO = In My Opinion.

Either you agree or not, but it is still my opinion. :)

auto-overtake (requiring the driver to initiate) = EAP
auto-overtake (no driver input) = self driving

This is what I'm saying is wrong, where you say requiring the driver to initiate is EAP. EAP includes uninitiated auto lane change. FSD also, clearly, includes it.
note that giving a suggestion of a lane change is no easier a task than just performing the change, from a processing perspective

What are you smoking? There are already quite a few nav systems out there that tell you what lane to be in. Knowing what lane you're actually in is slightly harder and kudos to Tesla for figuring that out. But that's still not the hard part. The hard part is knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's safe to enter the lane. That is the part they will have a hard time with.
The hard part is knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's safe to enter the lane. That is the part they will have a hard time with.

Sure, but there’s no indication from this that they haven’t already done that. And if they haven’t, this would be a great way to get there. Perhaps, to reword my comment you quoted: “note that giving an accurate and safe suggestion of a lane change is no easier a task than just performing an accurate and safe lane change, from a processing perspective”

Side note: I think I see the discrepancy now. Some are interpreting this as meaning that it will just use the maps to suggest lane changes, without taking surroundings into account, while others see this as meaning it’ll only suggest changes when a change is deemed safe. I find the latter more likely, as they could have easily done the former a year ago, and it'd just be immediately turned off by everyone.
The owners manual will state: "Your nagging wife not in the car? Activate Drive to Nav to let the Tesl-AI nag you to change lanes when you don't bother".

The car is approaching a fork in the road. There are 3 lanes, the car is in the left-most lane.

Nav: "In one mile, keep right"
AP: "Indicate right now"
Driver indicates, car moves to center lane when safe to do so.
AP: "Indicate right now"
Driver indicates...
Nav: "In 300 yards, keep right"
... car moves to right lane when safe to do so.
AP: "Keep hands on the wheel"

This could never get old or boring. /s
I was just watching(more of) the Joe Rogan interview and something I haven’t seen anywhere else: at 1:01:00 ish into it, Elon says they’re “about to” release their update with full freeway onramp to off ramp autonomy. I’m wondering if the whole “suggestion” thing is just for the current dev cars to gain confidence it’s doing the right thing.
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I totally disagree.

Tesla wouldn't be where they are without Elon going against the grain. He was the same exact way with Paypal….except not a lot of people watched him. Tesla wouldn't be where it is without everything that Elon has contributed - the good and the bad.
Short Sellers want to see Elon be totally different than what he is....conform to the norm.

Elon....keep being yourself and don't conform to what ordinary people think is "usual" or "normal". I'm not looking for balance....I'm looking for success and its happening.
Keep dreaming Elon. Keep informing us of your dreams and hopes and wishes.

Everyone wants perfection and no mistakes. I don't. Baseball is much more succesful with people swining the bat and missing rather than to cut the number of swings down and have every swing be a hit.

Ask the owner of BYD why they didn't make it in the US. He specifically said....there can't be a new car manufacturer startup in the US without a leader with tremendous byte and grit.....someone who will not conform to normalcy and let it suck them up into red tape and politics.

I want Elons/Teslas success with mistakes and imperfections included. It works.

Instead of doing the agree/disagree thing lets look at it from the perspective of credibility.

Does Elon have enough credibility for me to mention something he says as being true? To the degree that I can say that in confidence that I won't be completely laughed at?

in the past there was always the "3 to 6 months definitely, maybe" jokes. That was roughly true, but overall Elon had creditability. He had a proven track record of eventually being successful.

That's not what's happening today. Elon has been so impulsive with stuff of late that we have no idea what's going on with him.

Elon is swinging the bat while no one is throwing the ball.
Instead of doing the agree/disagree thing lets look at it from the perspective of credibility.

Does Elon have enough credibility for me to mention something he says as being true? To the degree that I can say that in confidence that I won't be completely laughed at?

in the past there was always the "3 to 6 months definitely, maybe" jokes. That was roughly true, but overall Elon had creditability. He had a proven track record of eventually being successful.

That's not what's happening today. Elon has been so impulsive with stuff of late that we have no idea what's going on with him.

Elon is swinging the bat while no one is throwing the ball.
Have Fun.
I was just watching(more of) the Joe Rogan interview and something I haven’t seen anywhere else: at 1:01:00 ish into it, Elon says they’re “about to” release their update with full freeway onramp to off ramp autonomy. I’m wondering if the whole “suggestion” thing is just for the current dev cars to gain confidence it’s doing the right thing.

I hope you are right.
It is lame and useless. Remember this is something that was said to be complete dec 2016... two years ago!

It shows you just how early on in development they really are. It's crazy how the usual suspects that were proclaiming and vowing that Tesla will release level 4 in 2018 no longer post here. @stopcrazypp

Meanwhile you still post here to remind those of us left everyday like a broken record.

Where you're kinda missing the entire point of trying to have some kind of excitement for a possible feature in our car.

You might say this feature is lane, and useless. I'm not sure where you drive, but this kind of feature would be wonderful where I am.

Especially if it could pool the data from lots of cars, and to maintain constantly evolving map.

I don't really understand how the engineer in you can simply be cynical all the time. You'd think you'd find some excitement in something that was plausible within AP2.5. Or are you just here to bring everyone down?
Wrong? IMO = In My Opinion.

Either you agree or not, but it is still my opinion. :)

Kinda like 1+1 = 3 is my opinion?

Because quite frankly what you two were discussing had one right answer, and one wrong answer.

For myself the most compelling feature of EAP is to switch lanes without user intervention. That was, and still is a promised feature of EAP.

Now you might eventually become right. Where your opinion becomes factual because Tesla goes "oops, that didn't work". I do think you'll eventually be right so I'm not posting this to say how wrong you are. I'm just posting it to say you're wrong right now.
Interesting to see the two different perspectives.
We will tell our Grand children of the days when we actually need to drive our own cars, used paper maps, shifted between many gears by hand and with foot clutches. When they had steering wheels, turn signals, manual throttles connected to carburetors, no cruise control, spark plugs, dangerous and polluting exhausts. .

Dude... I already have 3 grandkids...and one will be driving in 3 years,.. LOL
I have a late 2017 X with both EAP and FSD purchased and am on 2018.34.1.

I have an OBDII WiFi hotspot for this car because I live in an apartment without WiFi access in the garage. Over the last 24 hours, my hotspot (not connected to anything else!) has downloaded nearly 6GB of data! Already on the newest maps and navigation. Not a member of the early access firmware program as far as I know. And the car is NOT set to upload short videos etc to save data.

Any thoughts what this can be? Could it be Firmware 9? I can’t imagine it being anything else for a 6GB download!