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Wiki FSD Beta 10.4

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Who pays for standardizing street markings/signage, especially when the intent is to move away from gasoline/diesel and the tax revenues they generate for municipalities etc?

There have been all sorts of ideas bounced around within this space in terms of making roads friendlier for autonomous vehicles, they tend to fall flat when juxtaposed against financial realities. Even just ensuring roads are properly painted/marked all year round would go a long way, and that one step comes with huge cost implications.
People who talk about these utopias are completely divorced from political realities.
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FSD 10.4 is my first beta as I just got my SS to 100 a week ago. Long time FSD beta tester " Dirty Tesla" in Mich. wondered if 10.4 was broken it's so bad. It can't make simple decisions. Beta testers were supposed to be ferreting out the dragons tail. Had a relaxing drive today on EAP/NOA.
I was watching his recent video and appreciate the effort he puts into putting out excellent and honest videos. There are a number of YouTubers that I follow like "Dirty Tesla". However, in this context I think they try to put out videos that show the faults more often the not (which is good). Example in recent video he was talking about problems with CONES (construction) where the car was having issues so decided to go on a different route (recommend by user) and he had some big problems with CONES there as well. This is good to show that it does not work well with CONES. Prior to FSD Beta we were told not not use AP in construction areas (where mostly have cones). I tend to use these videos on what to "avoid". I do find problem areas but normally just once and then report and avoid. I have been using FSD Beta for only a few weeks and am starting to know when to disable because I know it will more than likely fail. By doing this I am starting to enjoy it more for the things it does well.
But other long time beta testers (Frenchie) say they had "ALMOST Perfect" drives with 10.4.

I don't think 10.4 is any worse than other builds - just that individual drives & weather etc change.
Perhaps anecdotal but there seems to be far more complaints from both long time beta testers, Reddit and this forum then I've seen for past releases.
The variability in how well 10.4 works for different testers is always a bit of a mystery.
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Making left and right turns from a traffic light was still erratic and in some cases caused the abort as it wanted to turn into oncoming traffic-- That was real scary.
Same. A big part of the problem is the halting and jerkiness; it makes it much less obvious (to me, in the moment) what FSD's intentions are, so I'm more likely to disengage. I've had it stop completely in the middle of an intersection several times, even with a green arrow and no cars ahead of it. I've also tried twice to have it make the (admittedly unwieldy) sharp left turn from PCH South onto Chautauqua; it completely failed both times, and I had to take over. Look forward to seeing if 10.5 improves this.
There is no such thing as artificial intelligence
If what you say is true, then there is no way that FSD could operate on the level it currently does, as it depends on AI for its current functionality.

Yes, AI is real.

I hope someone can prove me wrong with real evidence.
The evidence is already out there. You just need to make a pot of coffee or two and do some learning.

What the geniuses are building is a super calculator that follows a very large collection of rules.
Which is exactly what you do when you drive.

Let's boil down driving to its very basics. How do you drive?

You examine the area around you, and make decisions based on how you interpret your environment.

The decisions (most of them, at least) themselves aren't all that hard to make, from a computer point of view. The hard part is correctly analyzing your environment.

Let's take a blind human as an example. Guy starts out completely blind.

A surgeon performs a surgery that allows him to see stop signs, and only stop signs. How good of a driver will he be at this point? How about if he has another surgery that adds all road signage, traffic signals, roads and lane markings? Still pretty limited.

So the ability of this guy to competently drive depends on him eventually reaching some threshold of being able to correctly analyze and label his surroundings, in order to put his built in calculator to work. The more of the environment he can recognize, the more able he is to correctly apply his calculations to the task at hand... driving the car.

Dojo is about teaching the computer how to correctly analyze its surroundings. It's basically performing surgery on the blind guy, allowing him to more accurately see more stuff.

I hate to come off so blunt, but your post definitely shows that you haven't spent any significant time learning about the underlying technologies; saying AI doesn't exist is like saying no medicines out there can kill bacteria.

No, the rule/decision making sets aren't complete yet. Neither is the ability of the system to accurately see/label/analyze its surroundings.

But it is getting there.
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So far I have had 2 curbing incidents with FSD 10.4, causing damage to both back wheels, all in clear daylight. By the time I realized it was going to curb it was too late to take control. This is both Left and Right hand turns now. I think I am done as this is going to cost me at least $400 on repairs now.
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So far I have had 2 curbing incidents with FSD 10.4, causing damage to both back wheels, all in clear daylight. By the time I realized it was going to curb it was too late to take control. This is both Left and Right hand turns now. I think I am done as this is going to cost me at least $400 on repairs now.


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So far I have had 2 curbing incidents with FSD 10.4, causing damage to both back wheels, all in clear daylight. By the time I realized it was going to curb it was too late to take control. This is both Left and Right hand turns now. I think I am done as this is going to cost me at least $400 on repairs now.
This is one of the reasons I don't like jittery wheel action. How are we supposed to figure out there could be a problem during a particular turn and correct / intervene if its going to jerk the wheel around crazily every time ?
This is one of the reasons I don't like jittery wheel action. How are we supposed to figure out there could be a problem during a particular turn and correct / intervene if its going to jerk the wheel around crazily every time ?

You can't that is exactly what happened to me. My mistake for letting it happen once and assuming it was an anomaly. This last curbed wheel took a chunk out of the tires sidewall, likely needs balancing/alignment as well.
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You can't that is exactly what happened to me. My mistake for letting it happen once and assuming it was an anomaly. This last curbed wheel took a chunk out of the tires sidewall, likely needs balancing/alignment as well.
Man.... that just.... sucks.

And guys that are about to post, "it's your fault for not paying attention!" Either: 1. Haven't ever used FSD beta, or 2. Haven't spent enough time with it yet.

It doesn't matter how good you are.... FSD can/will curb your wheels before you have a chance to stop it.

I'm really sorry, man. Yeesh. Please take the "Like" I gave your post in the spirit in which it was meant.
Man.... that just.... sucks.

And guys that are about to post, "it's your fault for not paying attention!" Either: 1. Haven't ever used FSD beta, or 2. Haven't spent enough time with it yet.

It doesn't matter how good you are.... FSD can/will curb your wheels before you have a chance to stop it.

I'm really sorry, man. Yeesh. Please take the "Like" I gave your post in the spirit in which it was meant.
Exactly, I have it on chill mode and -5 MPH fixed too. I just think pure vision just doesn't have the ability to see everything and adjust in time, for us its more of a feel, we know when we would curb based off angle and previous view of the curb. FSD needs more cameras to be a real go. I don't think it's going to be good for most people.
One thing I noticed is 10.4 seems to disable FSD more aggressively when the weather is bad (i.e. light-to-moderate rain). I will get "FSD is disabled, poor weather" alerts when trying to enable it in rainy conditions, and the FSD visualization reverts back to standard AP like when you're on the highway.

Once FSD is driving though, it will never turn off due to bad weather, at least I've never seen it happen. Instead it will keep this persistent "FSD is degraded" alert on the whole time.

Also this tends to happen more in the daytime, it seems to have trouble detecting weather conditions at night. So it's easier to enable it in nighttime rain than daytime, which is kind of silly.
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Also it tends to happen more in the daytime, it seems to have trouble detecting weather conditions at night. So it's easier to enable it in nighttime rain than daytime, which is kind of silly.
Last night definitely FSD knew there was a problem and kept kicking me out of FSD and disengaging - until I just stopped trying and took over.

ps : Basically FSD found it very difficult to figure out where the lane was and started nagging every second.

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So far I have had 2 curbing incidents with FSD 10.4, causing damage to both back wheels, all in clear daylight. By the time I realized it was going to curb it was too late to take control. This is both Left and Right hand turns now. I think I am done as this is going to cost me at least $400 on repairs now.

Probably around 33% or so of my takeover events are "its getting a bit close to the curb" related.

I always took over before even chancing it.

It simply gets too close for comfort.
Exactly, I have it on chill mode and -5 MPH fixed too. I just think pure vision just doesn't have the ability to see everything and adjust in time, for us its more of a feel, we know when we would curb based off angle and previous view of the curb. FSD needs more cameras to be a real go. I don't think it's going to be good for most people.
They need to keep more safe distance away from curbs given the inaccuracy of detection.

BTW, was the curb curving as well ? In the videos I've watched (of my driving) - the car seems to stay off the curb.

Anyone tried keeping the side cameras showing when turning and try to ensure good distance from the curb ?
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I opted out of the beta FSD request because (a) the Safety Score is a joke and obviously people have the time and inclination to drive absurdly to get the beta, and (b) the beta itself frankly doesn't look good enough for me to want to use.

Still have the request and SS on our 3, but my wife's dropped the SS down to the low 80s. She has zero desire to try FSD, let alone TACC/AP on the highway.
When turning left off a side street onto a major street with a middle lane, the rule is to turn left onto the middle lane, stop there, wait for a clear right lane, then merge. Tesla FSD 10..3 and 10.4 simply want to skip stopping in the middle lane. Is this everyone's experience?
Question to community: Other than sending an email to FSD beta address, is there a way to “opt out” of 10.4 and get the latest production firmware as a replacement? I thought there was a toggle in the UI, but perhaps that was just for the safety score. Anyone know?