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What is your definition of a normal person? I think I know a lot of people who would use it that way.
Someone who will gently press the accelerator when the car attempts to stop way before the stop line, so as to get it to stop at the actual line, especially when there is a trailing vehicle. Because that is just complying with traffic laws and norms.
I like things fast
I wouldn't be surprised if it was extended to more employees this weekend and maybe Omar, but it's likely still a few weeks off from common testers.
Hope so since this seems to be the longest time we have gone in a while where at least a couple of employee cars didn't show up on TeslaFi with the update. Seems 12.4 is more limited employee release so far so must be some bugs. I bet we see or at least hear of 12.4.1 before Monday. Still strange not appearing on TeslaFi.
You understand what a few weeks means, right?

The first week of June is 2 weeks away.
Due to my new found Superpowers, I find it probable that @gottagofast is a 2nd account in this thread made up by @AlanSubie4Life to constantly troll 🧌 all of us everyday. If true, Alan is one smart son of a b!tch.....
A few is a small number, but not specific. It could come in 2 weeks, it could be between 2-3 or 3 and that would still be an accurate statement.

edit: And there's nothing firm saying we'll see 12.5 in June or even July. Elon was almost a year off with his prediction of v11.
....and almost 2 years on his ASS prediction BUT we did get full robotaxies in 2021 just like he said. 😲 🤣