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Wiki MASTER THREAD: Actual FSD Beta downloads and experiences

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After reading a few posts of members saying their car crossed a double yellow, I thought that would be scary as shiz, thank goodness that has never happened to me. I guess I should stop thinking because for the 1st time since using fsd since September my MS crossed a double yellow on a curvy 35 mph road and if I didn't have a death grip on the yoke I would of likely hit the car coming in the opposite direction. The car made it about 6 inches over the line before I reacted. I am sure it scared the hell out of the other driver. The point of this post is to be super careful with this build. Especially when you have cars or people around you, and thanks for all the comments because I will admit I have been 2 fingers on the yoke most of the time. After reading the posts, I am keeping both hands on yoke and foot hovering near brake and go pedal.

I think we need high vigilance for all the builds.
Did it correct itself, or did you take over?
I "levered" off because a bus was coming but a couple of days ago on another street it did this also and I let it go since no one was coming and posted this in thread 6344712: Will try this same route in the morning and see if it will repeat it and if so will post video.

"...Then at the next light made an (nicely timed) unprotected left and then went straight into the opposing traffic lane. No one was coming so let it play out. It then turned on the right signal and got into the left correct direction lane but needed to make a right at a Stop sign. It then tried to get into the right lane at the last second and pulled angled to the Stop Sign blocking both lanes..."

Did the same thing happen before 10.8 ?
10.2-10.8.1, no. I think I did have a problem with it heading straight (not deciding), so it would be a little over the line but not completely going into the other lane. So far 10.9 is 3 for 3 for moving completely into the wrong direction lane at this intersection. As you can see the straight line would take near the middle of the line so the car is "deciding" to veer to the left and the double yellow lines are not ambiguous.

One of the other places it did it once so far is near me and will see if it is repeatable this morning. Will also drive on 14th St later and see if it will go 4 for 4.
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This morning it turn left and didn't go into the wrong lane on the road near me (success). However on the same intersection in my video it tried to drive on the wrong side again. I want to try and remember to look at the Path Prediction next time to see what is displayed (traffic allowing).

Did have a little scary. Beta failed to respond, go around/slow down at a "parked" car in the road this morning. I hit the brakes with probably a second or so before a FCW would have happened.

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I can't figure this build out. I am getting some great drives, and at the same time this is the only build that has done some scary stuff I have never seen it do before...

It's probably because they deployed a new NN to predict intersections? And why they haven't widely released 10.9?

10.9 notes: Improved intersection extents and right of way assignment by updating modeling of intersection areas from dense rasters (“bag of points”) to sparse instances. Increased intersection region IOU by 4.2%. The sparse intersection network is the first model deployed with an auto-regressive architecture that runs natively with low latency on the TRIP AI accelerator chip, through innovations in the AI compiler stack.
Tell me there isn't something seriously wrong with 10.9. This was this morning and the 6th time in 8 drives. Hell a ten year old would know not to drive like that.

Sorry says HD processing. I'm not much of a YouTube star.:eek::cool:

JulienW, this is an edge case. That is a very poorly designed intersection. A ten year old (or anybody) could have reasonably expected that lane to be the proper path and done the same wrong thing. FSD is in Beta! We are finding edge cases, period. There is nothing "wrong" with this process. Obviously, there is something to learn here, that is the whole point. We are a long way from release, and may never get there. Expectations of performance are irrelevant at this point...only attentiveness.
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JulienW, this is an edge case. That is a very poorly designed intersection. A ten year old (or anybody) could have reasonably expected that lane to be the proper path and done the same wrong thing. FSD is in Beta! We are finding edge cases, period. There is nothing "wrong" with this process. Obviously, there is something to learn here, that is the whole point. We are a long way from release, and may never get there. Expectations of performance are irrelevant at this point...only attentiveness.
As far as the poorly designed intersection, I'll agree. But, FSD or anyone just has to deal with it as it is. I personally wouldn't call it an edge case, just a road.

Here's the street in 2011 with some very nicely painted lines. That was the last year for the lane to have its own lines, directing the drivers to veer right and take the curb lane. Lines were helpful as long as they lasted. Oh well.


Subsequent years, 2015

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Odd that I have commented at least a couple of times that after my car made a mistake it seems to lose confidence and make more mistakes after that.:eek: Just kinda joking at what may be more perception than objective facts. I also suffer from being a human. 🤣Of course that is anthropomorphizing and not the way a computer works or……….🤔

Had an oddity, was approaching a Pedestrian Crossing and on other side of street a 🚶‍♂️ was starting to enter. He didn’t expect me to stop since he would only be about ¼ way as I passed. Human understanding. Beta saw this and freaked/Red Steering Wheel/jammed brakes. I go peddled past. AND THEN…..

About a couple of hundred feet there is another nearly matching Pedestrian Crossing with NO VRU in sight. I’ll be damed if Beta didn’t stop at it and not just Phantom Brake but a full on stop like someone was crossing. Had to use Go Pedal. Seems like it was “remembering” what just happened or “thinking” it was the same Pedestrian Crossing and looking for the same VRU.

Really a funny head scratcher as to what it was processing.
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FSD is in Beta! We are finding edge cases, period. There is nothing "wrong" with this process. Obviously, there is something to learn here, that is the whole point. We are a long way from release, and may never get there. Expectations of performance are irrelevant at this point...only attentiveness.
Agreed. It's worth pointing out that anyone receiving the FSD Beta has agreed to help Tesla find the problem areas before the tested product is made available to customers. Complaining about the behavior of FSD Beta in any way (distinct from alerts to other testers) suggests that the testers are considering themselves customers of the product instead of testers. The (tested) product hasn't been delivered yet, so testers have no legitimate right to complain or mock. I signed up because I want to be part of the process and witness its evolution.
Having interesting issues and wanted to see if it was widespread.
1. FSD preview of oncoming cars. Oncoming starts in correct position in lane. Slowing oncoming moves towards and ends up in breakdown lane and at last second jumps back to correct lane position.
2. FSD and reduced speed zones. With Autosteer the car will reduce speed but not quite fast enough. While in FSD no regen or braking when entering reduced speed zone. Vehicle essentially coasts. One noticeable difference if reduced speed zone is on a declining slop. Once the reduced speed is captured will brake.
I have tried to explain to service this wasn’t a problem in the past and the parking sensors and the front fender cameras don’t seem to be working. I talked to a technician and he said the parking sensors have to many errors and cameras are on edge of too many.
Anyone have anything similar and a fix?
2. FSD and reduced speed zones. With Autosteer the car will reduce speed but not quite fast enough. While in FSD no regen or braking when entering reduced speed zone. Vehicle essentially coasts. One noticeable difference if reduced speed zone is on a declining slop. Once the reduced speed is captured will brake.
This seems to be widespread and started probably a couple of releases back.

There were complaints of the car suddenly braking when changing speed zones and the fix seems to be the cause of the issue. Ideally the car should know a reduced speed zone is coming up and slowly reduce the speed to be at the right speed at the start of the new speed zone. Very important esp. in school zones.
Today I tried FSD on a small country road that has no lane markings and has several tight corners. Last time I tried it was on a 9x release and FSD constantly drifted into the left side of the road which is unsafe and I had to drive the road myself. I was hoping 10.8.1 would do better but it didn't. Corners need to be taken about 20mph and its critical to stay tight to the right hand side of the road at every blind corner. 10.8.1 was no better so I had to drive the road myself. You would think if FSD could drive Lombard Street in San Francisco it drive this road. Nope. eMailed Tesla


  • North Road to Great Brook Farm.png
    North Road to Great Brook Farm.png
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This seems to be widespread and started probably a couple of releases back.

There were complaints of the car suddenly braking when changing speed zones and the fix seems to be the cause of the issue. Ideally the car should know a reduced speed zone is coming up and slowly reduce the speed to be at the right speed at the start of the new speed zone. Very important esp. in school zones.
I noticed something a few days ago, it seems the way they tried to smooth this out is not changing the max speed all at once. If you are travelling at 55 and spin the scroll down a few times so it would be say 40. Then soon after push the scroll up a click, you will see it wont goto 41, it will goto a notch above whatever it has reduced to(in the background not the actual vehicle speed). The longer you let it go before clicking the scroll back up the lower the set speed will be (this is not matching the actual speed of the vehicle at the time) This leads me to believe they have a slow ramp down of the max set speed change even though it shows instantly on the screen max speed.
Has anyone else noticed the windows and doors doing something extra on CLOSE… I know the windows come down on open, and go back up on close, this has been the case since inception really.. But, it seems that when I close the drivers door, either ALSO the passenger door and/or the other doors ALSO seem to do a window top up even though none of them had been opened prior. I can hear it in the car, and it is definitely new.