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I own a Tesla Model S since 2016. When I purchased the car, everything was hunky dory for S and X owners in Michigan since Tesla promised to send a flatbed to pick up your car and give you a loaner or send a ranger to fix your car issues. This arrangement lasted for a while but has lately gotten rocky to the point that now Tesla is downright abandoning their Michigan customers.

Last couple of times I have tried scheduling a service with Tesla they gave me a hard time about picking up my car then said they'd charge $100 for the picking up and dropping off a loaner. I pushed back and they showed some flexibility and continued the arrangement of picking up my car and dropping off a loaner one time.

But in the latest instance wherein I setup a service appointment (to fix the dreaded yellow screen and driving vibration issue under warranty), Tesla tells me that I will need to drive my car to either Toledo or Cleveland to get it taken care of. The problem is that I live approx. 90 miles one-way from Toledo and much farther still from Cleveland. I called up and asked why the heck were they being so difficult about this and they said that apparently they are doing this to even customers all the way in Traverse City. Now I don't know how much truth is associated with that last statement but if a Tesla customer in TC is expected to drive 300 miles to Toledo service then 1) either they think Tesla owners in Michigan are downright dumb or 2) such Tesla customers are so loyal to Tesla that they don't think anything of wasting an entire couple of days just driving their car to and from the Tesla service centers. In either case the situation is awful.

If this is the way Tesla chooses to treat its Michigan customers then I can safely say this is going to lead to an increasing number of customers moving away from purchasing a Tesla. I love my Tesla and love the fact that I am not driving an ICE but I have to say that Tesla with its myriad of quality issues that my car has experienced and now dwindling customer service is making me strongly consider trading in my car for a Nissan Leaf or something. At least I won't have to drive my Leaf 100 miles to get it serviced. Ever since the Model 3 launch I feel Tesla has gone to a terrible place in terms of their wait times and lack of customer service.

I am writing all this to inquire if other Michigan owners have lately had the same troublesome experience with getting Tesla service scheduled and car picked up? If yes and if you live upward of 70 miles away from Tesla service then how are you going about dealing with this situation? I am curious to hear some perspectives on this as from my standpoint this is an incredibly frustrating and brainless move Tesla is making toward Michigan customers. This is leaving me feeling quite distraught and considering options of getting rid of my Tesla. As hard as it would be to give up on Tesla I feel that the quality issues are too many in my car (and other Teslas from what I have read) and to waste half a day going to and from a service center every time is just absolutely assinine but it seems like Tesla has put its foot down and is not thinking this through for Michigan customers.

Thank you!
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The blame falls mostly on the state government in my opinion. Michigan state law prohibits Tesla both from selling and from providing local service. Tesla is currently suing the state in an attempt to improve the situation.

Why Tesla's court battle to sell cars in Michigan could set national template

Yes I understand and agree that the Michigan government is bought out by the Big 3 and is absolutely dumb and corrupt to do this to Tesla and Tesla owners. But when I bought my car Tesla assured me that they circumvented this entire Michigan issue by picking up Tesla cars and dropping off a loaner to make it feasible for people in Michigan to own a Tesla.

Now they have gone back on their word and now with this move it is NOT feasible to own a Tesla in Michigan anymore, in my mind. There are car dealerships and service centers within a 10 mile radius a dime a dozen all around me. But I paid for an expensive Tesla and believe in Tesla because they were providing this bit of support for the owners. My car has had numerous quality issues and to consider living with this white elephant Model S without proper service support from Tesla is giving me a hard push toward selling my Tesla and going with something else, as much as it would hurt.
I am sorry to hear about your experience. I also live for a long period of the year in Michigan, and too far for Toledo, and Cleveland for a drive is out of the question.

I have not been presented with your situation, and in fact mine has been the opposite of yours. Car was picked up at my home or work. Flatbed to Cleveland and returned approximately one week later. For both cars.

This service for us occurs both in and out of warranty period, and as recently as last month.

I would say Michigan has been a leader in Supercharger growth in a state that hates Tesla. They are handcuffed currently. I would also say the cost to transport cars with the advent of the Model 3 out of the state to work on them is not a long term solution. Before the S was in my mind for Michigan a niche market. Therefore that type of service was more possible as the company was growing.

One suggestion is to if you can contact the service manager. Might take some phone tag, and would be super calm and understanding. Your issue is probably part of a list a mile long for that person. I wouldn't want that job even if two zeros were added to the salary.
I am sorry to hear about your experience. I also live for a long period of the year in Michigan, and too far for Toledo, and Cleveland for a drive is out of the question.

I have not been presented with your situation, and in fact mine has been the opposite of yours. Car was picked up at my home or work. Flatbed to Cleveland and returned approximately one week later. For both cars.

This service for us occurs both in and out of warranty period, and as recently as last month.

I would say Michigan has been a leader in Supercharger growth in a state that hates Tesla. They are handcuffed currently. I would also say the cost to transport cars with the advent of the Model 3 out of the state to work on them is not a long term solution. Before the S was in my mind for Michigan a niche market. Therefore that type of service was more possible as the company was growing.

One suggestion is to if you can contact the service manager. Might take some phone tag, and would be super calm and understanding. Your issue is probably part of a list a mile long for that person. I wouldn't want that job even if two zeros were added to the salary.

Can Tesla sue the State of Michigan for expenses related to flat-bedding the cars?
I am sorry to hear about your experience. I also live for a long period of the year in Michigan, and too far for Toledo, and Cleveland for a drive is out of the question.

I have not been presented with your situation, and in fact mine has been the opposite of yours. Car was picked up at my home or work. Flatbed to Cleveland and returned approximately one week later. For both cars.

This service for us occurs both in and out of warranty period, and as recently as last month.

I would say Michigan has been a leader in Supercharger growth in a state that hates Tesla. They are handcuffed currently. I would also say the cost to transport cars with the advent of the Model 3 out of the state to work on them is not a long term solution. Before the S was in my mind for Michigan a niche market. Therefore that type of service was more possible as the company was growing.

One suggestion is to if you can contact the service manager. Might take some phone tag, and would be super calm and understanding. Your issue is probably part of a list a mile long for that person. I wouldn't want that job even if two zeros were added to the salary.

Thank you! It is the route I have taken the past couple of times. I have tried to spend my time over the phone with the service manager begging him politely to consider my situation. But as an owner of such an expensive vehicle this is the last way I thought I'd be spending my time with such a company. I hate the thought of trading this in for a BMW or Audi or any other gas guzzler but I can guarantee a much more convenient and better service experience compared to how Tesla is treating me currently.

I understand this is technically not Tesla's fault because of what the corrupt MI govt. is doing to it. But then again had I known this is how Tesla will change its tune down the road, I would not have purchased a $95,000 car with so many quality issues. If I had known they'll expect me to drive 100 miles one way to get it serviced (which happened every few months unfortunately because of something or the other going awry in it).
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This is why I can’t recommend a Tesla to my parents in Travers City. Until the corrupt State laws are fixed, it only makes sense to own a Tesla if you live near the Ohio border. Trucking cars all over the state is not cost effective for Tesla and can understand why they stopped.

Yes please DO NOT let them buy a Tesla. If Tesla expects someone to drive 300 miles one way to get the car serviced, they have lost their minds. MIchigan is not a good place anymore to own a Tesla unless you live within 20-30 miles of Toledo.
Yes please DO NOT let them buy a Tesla. If Tesla expects someone to drive 300 miles one way to get the car serviced, they have lost their minds. MIchigan is not a good place anymore to own a Tesla unless you live within 20-30 miles of Toledo.

I get that, but then the corrupt Michigan politicians won and Tesla loses. They bullied out competition from a company that wants to take a fresh look at things in exchange for re-election dollars. Change is tough. Yet Michigan will lose me a taxpayer very shortly for some of this thinking. When my friends and neighbors are the same folks that kept competition away. Makes me almost feel like crap driving down the road. Time to look for new neighbors.

One can't expect for everyone to take a view as mine. People want and or need reliable transportation from a car and service that matches it. I have yet to be inconvenienced by Tesla. I might change my tune down the road if encountered such an experience as the OP.
I get that, but then the corrupt Michigan politicians won and Tesla loses. They bullied out competition from a company that wants to take a fresh look at things in exchange for re-election dollars. Change is tough. Yet Michigan will lose me a taxpayer very shortly for some of this thinking. When my friends and neighbors are the same folks that kept competition away. Makes me almost feel like crap driving down the road. Time to look for new neighbors.

One can't expect for everyone to take a view as mine. People want and or need reliable transportation from a car and service that matches it. I have yet to be inconvenienced by Tesla. I might change my tune down the road if encountered such an experience as the OP.

Here's the thing I am a HUGE supporter of and believer in Tesla. This has been an incredibly expensive car for me but I went for it because I believe in the company and its visionary albeit sometimes idiotic leader, Musk in what he is trying to do for all of us. It irritates me no end to think how dumb Michigan is and I have strongly considered moving out...but I'm here due to family. I digress...

It would be one thing if the car had been super reliable and not had so many breakdowns. Given that fact and now that Tesla wants me to waste so much of time shuttling my car to and from service is making this an illogical and impractical proposition to continue owning this car.

I hate it immensely in how the Big 3 and the corrupt govt seems to be winning against Tesla but on the other hand I find Tesla abandoning Michigan customer feel like adding insult to injury. Basically Tesla is telling MI customers "purchase our cars at your own peril, you folks are on your own". And that is not sitting right with me anymore.
My current recommendation to my parents is to wait until VW or Audi has a good alternative for the Model Y. Hopefully Tesla will win this lawsuit before that happens. Of course charging infrastructure will be a problem.
Would it be safe to presume the free and easy loaner and pickup were under warranty which has since expired?

Things cost money, loaners and flatbeds cost money.
Early on that money was well spent as marketting to make sure issues were not publicized.btoday they are watching the bottom line.

I say this as someone who lives even further from service. I am near Green Bay and get to choose Chicago or Minneapolis, but I knew that going in, let me repeat that, I knew that going in.......
...$100 for the picking up and dropping off a loaner.

Although I live in California but for the past 7 years, I drove 200 miles (400 miles round trip) to my nearest Service Centers for annual maintenance.

Lucky for me that I've had mobile service options for other minor services during that time.

Still, I knew what I was getting into. Not very convenient for 7 years but it's the price I've been willing to pay for as an early adopter.

Even more luck to me that just several weeks ago, there's a new Service Center 50 miles from me.

I think the reason that I now got a Service Center near to me is because of the pressure of Tesla owners density in my area.

I think that can happen in Michigan too. If there are so many owners in Michigan, it's possible to change the law and get the service more convenient over there.
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I still don’t understand why Tesla hasn’t partnered with Michigan native American tribes to locate service centers on their reservations. It would satisfy Michigan customers while bringing revenue (and jobs if they give hiring priority to native Americans) to the reservations. A win for everyone, all while sticking their finger into the eyeball of Michigan politics.
My current recommendation to my parents is to wait until VW or Audi has a good alternative for the Model Y. Hopefully Tesla will win this lawsuit before that happens. Of course charging infrastructure will be a problem.

Yes, wait to get a car from the good guys at Dieselgate Inc.

But I don't disagree with the point about service. It's one of the reasons I didn't follow through with my Model 3 order. My nearest service center is in Massachusetts.
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I wish the Supreme Court would shut down this corrupt protectionist nonsense.

This is clearly a violation of interstate commerce.

This is not Tesla's fault though and you should be taking this up with your state legislature.

I'm disagreeing on it being a _clear_ violation of the interstate commerce clause.

The interstate commerce clause only says that Congress has the power to regulate interstate commerce. But Congress hasn't regulated car sales and maintenance, only the vehicle and warranty.

I think Tesla will be pushing more on the other points, that the state government colluded with the dealers on the issue.
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