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Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

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I feel like Arizona is gonna get a huge shipment in May and hopefully, we'll all be driving our tesla's mid May.
That’s what I’m thinking too after seeing many people from Arizona with EDDs in early June to early July. Based on people who are receiving VINs right now, it seems to be a week or even two before the start of their EDD. That would put us around mid May.
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With all of the VIN assignments lately (and not getting one myself), it feels like the rapture has occurred... and I'm wondering if I should have prayed to Elon more. 😇
Buy Twitter stock, screenshot it and retweet him...worked for me...did that and the next day had a vin...boom!

Kidding... it'll come...I had given up and woke up this morning with a surprise.
My EDD was may 12-June 9 but today it changed to April 28 - May 9. Does that mean that it wont change again cause it moved the edd to 2 days before my first day. So i guessing that this will stick and will get the car in about a week. What do you guys think?
There is no guarantee until you physically are in front of the car. People have had VINs pulled and scheduled delivery dates rescheduled.
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Nothing for me yet. Edmonton with an OD of 2/5. EDD is may 3-31 as of right now. Not sure if Edmonton counts as central. Crossing fingers for a VIN as my finance window at RBC closes in 2 weeks and then I’m probably subject to an extra %. Sitting at 3.65 currently. Any suggestions for Edmonton finance that shaves a couple interest points for EV?
No, but when my SA changed my payment from 'cash' to 'finance' and I entered my terms in, I was also quoted at 3.65% with RBC.
However one week later at delivery while I was signing the final documents at the Tesla store I noticed that they shaved my rate to 3.25%. I made a comment about it to my SA and they just shrugged and acknowledged that it went down.
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I feel like this process has given me OCD! I cant stop refreshing the app... worse now since there were so many VIN's on monday! Then I check this thread several times/day, look at the spreadsheet, think about all the "stats," compare EDD's and OD's... Then on the other side, I am watching my gas mileage like a hawk, trying to minimize driving or maximize gas efficiency, all in effort to try to fill up as few times as possible before my day finally comes!
I feel like this process has given me OCD! I cant stop refreshing the app... worse now since there were so many VIN's on monday! Then I check this thread several times/day, look at the spreadsheet, think about all the "stats," compare EDD's and OD's... Then on the other side, I am watching my gas mileage like a hawk, trying to minimize driving or maximize gas efficiency, all in effort to try to fill up as few times as possible before my day finally comes!
Yeah, I think I may need to take a break from this group. It’s making me crazy!
Would be cool if it worked this way but every delivery center in the US has a list of folks waiting should someone not be able/ willing to accept delivery. I've made it known to my SA I'd accept msm or blue color instead of black. Performance model instead of LR. Any color interior. Any wheels. Not paying for FSD but that can easily be removed at the SC before sale. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Wish it wasn't this way but with demand as high as it is, and a company driven by profit margin over customer service, it isn't going to change. For his sake, i hope I'm wrong, but haven't seen any evidence of folks being able to postpone and delay their delivery while still keeping the car/ vin. Maybe they'll get lucky though.....
Yep, I've been offered several unclaimed M3s (all SR, I'm waiting for a LR) over the last couple of months.
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I see a lot people mention DCU. Why are they so popular?
I am pretty sure I am going to go through DCU as well. It is very easy to join and I will be applying once I get my VIN assigned. They seem to have the most competitive rates. I will check with a couple of local credit unions as well, but based on what each website says, DCU appears the most competitive when all is said and done. There have been a lot of people who have gone through the entire process and have been 100% happy with the process.
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Wow, that is quick, you have to be an exception. with your OD being 3/12.
Yes, it seems that way. When we ordered it said April delivery on the website and our original EDD has never really changed (other than that slight bit right at the beginning). We have wondered if possibly it’s our location (near the gigafactory and a straight shot up the highway from freemont- tons of teslas in this city, it’s like you’re in the Bay Area) or if it’s because we got the FSD (we bought when FSD was getting prioritized)? Not sure. We shall see if it holds!🤞🏻
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