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Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

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for those who got a vin already, how are you notified that one’s been assigned? Via text? Email? Carrier pigeon?
I typically wake up at 6 am and the first thing I was doing everyday was checking the app.
I had realized that all my previous EDD changes happened on sunday morning when I woke up, so I kinda had a hunch on when my VIN would be assigned. Basically 1 week after the sunday morning I was assigned a 2 week window, I woke up and the VIN was there.

50 bucks that you will get a VIN on the late late night of 05/07.
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I work in machine learning, and I wouldn't recommend a ML model here, at least as primary input. Not a stationary problem where predicting future conditional probability distributions is the item of interest.

It's more of a traditional resource planning/optimization problem. They could be doing solver runs weekly, and with something like this, it's GIGO. Small changes in constraints and assumptions can easily result in large changes in the individual item assignments, which are probably assignment of cars to transports in certain date buckets.
Yup. This isnt a typical ML problem. More of a scheduling/planning problem.
Would have been an ML problem if they were predicting the probability of the russia war leading to higher gas prices leading to large number of orders, and predicting the COVID spread leading the supply shortage and then using those. But I would be surprised to see if anyone at Tesla would actually go for such a complex solution for such a simple problem.
I typically wake up at 6 am and the first thing I was doing everyday was checking the app.
I had realized that all my previous EDD changes happened on sunday morning when I woke up, so I kinda had a hunch on when my VIN would be assigned. Basically 1 week after the sunday morning I was assigned a 2 week window, I woke up and the VIN was there.

50 bucks that you will get a VIN on the late late night of 05/07.
That would be nice! Guess we’ll see in a few days lol. Fingers crossed.
Yup. Mostly they just want money for owning cars in the state. Used to be gas taxes, now it's registration.

For those curious, here's a map of state gas taxes as of 2020.


And a map of electric vehicle taxes (fees) as of 2019.

Yep...good 'ol Cali taxing the sh*t out of its population!!! The State has a $65B surplus, yet it still taxes us up the wazoo!!! (That's probably why there is a surplus!!!)
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