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Wiki Model S Delivery Update

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Maybe the explaination for the radio silence is, those people have real lives and don't sit around all day obsessing about Model S on TMC. Sorry, but it had to be said.

I think you mean once these people get a Model their underlying obsession grows out of control and they go off and play with their Model S instead of talking about it wishfully online! :biggrin:
Elizabeth Weise @eweise Elizabeth Weise covers breaking news, science and food safety at USA Today. And it's WHEES, not WHYS.

"Got a ride in to work today in a friend's Tesla S. #28 off the factory floor, delivered yesterday. Our 1990 Honda just isn't the same."


Yay, this proves what I suspected: The Model S is better than a 1990 Honda. Woo hoo!
It appears that "MandL", sig802 over on the TM forum knows definitively that his car is in/past the Body in White Stage. Can someone with access to that thread expand on it for us here? Sig802 being that far in production, or in production at all, at this point would be very reassuring. Thanks!


"MandL posted that S802 is in the Body in White stage. They clearly are making progress on some level."
@epley: Where is this post? Thanks!

epley | SEPTEMBER 6, 2012 NEW
The post was on a different topic, but it was an interesting tidbit.

It appears that "MandL", sig802 over on the TM forum knows definitively that his car is in/past the Body in White Stage. Can someone with access to that thread expand on it for us here?

Here's the quote:

MandL | SEPTEMBER 5, 2012
After getting basically no response from my earlier post saying I wanted to sell my 21" wheels I decided to avoid the hassle, take the $3500 hit and switch my order to 19" wheels. I was told today that my car (sig #802) is in production at the "body in white" stage and therefore the wheel choice can not be changed.

His post goes on longer WRT to the difficulties of changing wheels, but as a "hidden" thread I didn't want to copy the whole discussion here.
I think this is the most logical explanation. There's possibly something specific to this car that they can't fix quickly (gaps in the rear hatch!!), so need to delay a couple of weeks. With only three interior choices for Sigs (white, tan or black) it's extremely unlikely that that's the cause of the holdup. Of course, Adelman shouldn't have to guess at this -- I really don't understand what the big deal would be in just telling him "we didn't like the way the alignment was" (or whatever the issue is) so we're redoing it to make sure you get the best quality car possible. I would think that would be a much easier pill to swallow than no explanation at all. I'd certainly prefer that if it happens to me.

I was just called my by delivery specialist and told to expect delivery tomorrow (Friday, 9/7) afternoon!!! W00t.

Okay, my friend in the Bay Area's neighbour, who is Signature 6X (not sure if I'm allowed to give the exact number) got his in the past couple of days. I've seen a picture -- gorgeous Sig Red. My friend got to drive it for a significant outting -- in his words:

"I just took it out on a 30 minute drive and all I can say is WOW! And I love the navigation system map display - the best in-car system I've seen yet, by far.
A spin? – I’ll say I had a spin, 30 minutes in the driver’s seat. Went about 15 miles on back roads – amazing piece of machinery. Literally glued to the road with breath-taking acceleration. You’re going to love this car!!"

Can't wait to get mine...
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I was just called my by delivery specialist and told to expect delivery tomorrow (Friday, 9/7) afternoon!!! W00t.


Fantastic, Ken! I'm imagining someone at Tesla being as befuddled as we were to explain why your unremarkable Sig configuration was delayed compared to others further back in the queue, and they were able to fairly quickly rectify the problem (i.e., "Can we fix SS48 first so that guy gets his car before people further back in the queue?").

Nonetheless, however it happened, kudos to Tesla for righting a wrong.

Now, you owe it to those of us who supported you to give us detailed reports on the car after delivery! :wink::tongue:
I was just called my by delivery specialist and told to expect delivery tomorrow (Friday, 9/7) afternoon!!! W00t.


Should be taking delivery of SS 26 next week!

Awesome! Now please promise you won't perpetuate the NDA/conspiracy theories (and yes, I do know it all started as a joke :tongue:) and throw us a bone by posting some real feedback when you get your rides. Pretty please? :biggrin:
I hope you mean the configuration is unremarkable, not the vehicle. ;)

Yeah, wrong adjective, but couldn't think of a better one! :eek:

The only more descriptive words would have been "not unusual configuration", and I hate the double-negative more than I do the ambiguous adjective. :wink::tongue:

Also, based on the "punch list" we saw from one of the Founders, it sounds like they haven't installed any rear child seats yet, so that seemed to me to be the most obvious option to delay delivery, and something that has me mildly worried (for anyone from Tesla reading this -- I'd happily take delivery of my car and get the seats installed whenever is convenient. Thanks!).
Here's the quote:

MandL | SEPTEMBER 5, 2012
After getting basically no response from my earlier post saying I wanted to sell my 21" wheels I decided to avoid the hassle, take the $3500 hit and switch my order to 19" wheels. I was told today that my car (sig #802) is in production at the "body in white" stage and therefore the wheel choice can not be changed.

His post goes on longer WRT to the difficulties of changing wheels, but as a "hidden" thread I didn't want to copy the whole discussion here.

Thanks Nigel. Does this not surprise/perplex anyone else? Are they actually hundreds of cars ahead of what we currently thought...or maybe they are batching to such a degree...or have hundreds of cars mid-production?

Anyone have a better guess?
Anyone have a better guess?
You're assuming they have a granularity that they may not have or want. More specifically, you're assuming that "changing option A" is different from "changing option B". I suspect it's far simpler than that. I think both fold into "changing any option" which becomes "locked out" once you've reached a certain stage of the production pipeline.
Brianman, thanks for the response, but I'm not referring to the changing of options. My surprise and question is about the fact that Sig802 is already in actually production. So we know SS114 has been scheduled...does that mean there are around 700 cars in a production stage between body in white and completion?
It might also mean simply that the order has been transmitted to the body-in-white department, and that they don't change things at that point anymore. I wouldn't read anything into it about the state of production. I guess the people at Tesla can't spend a lot of effort moving things around, they are super-busy at this point.
Norbert: You mean the physical/digital order? I hear your point that they can't afford the time to be shuffling things around on customers requests...but your talking about a piece of paper or digital file? I have to believe they are talking about more than just a build-order. I could be wrong. Where along production is the Body in White stage, first? Is there a stage before? Even still, why/how could they have 700 build-orders moving along together when they plan to make only 80 per day, and thats at max?

Sorry, lots of questions...

edit: i guess it wouldnt be that crazy to have 700 build-orders moving through if they were actually at 8o/day rate...9 days worth

- - - Updated - - -

From TM forums:


Sources say that 50 cars a day starts, and soon to be 60-70. Employees appear to be the shortfall. Not nearly enough employee vehicles in the plant parking lot. They just might hit the 5000 number this year.

I'm curious about these "sources"... if its true, its great news.
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Norbert: You mean the physical/digital order? I hear your point that they can't afford the time to be shuffling things around on customers requests...but your talking about a piece of paper or digital file?

I suppose at some point the data gets transmitted into a production database, where it gets split into parts and components, and then re-combined with other orders into batches assigned to stations and supplier orders etc., and it would be mess to go through repeated editing of that data after the point where those things start to happen (yet still before actual production).