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Model S Order & Delivery Tracker - Q1 2014

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Congratulations DirectAndCurrent! Was that shot taken at the factory? That car doesn't look like it needs detailing/paint-correction before OptiCoat.
Yup! This is at the Fremont customer delivery center which is attached to the factory. Went for the tour immediately afterward. NDA means I can't say much, but I'll say it was pretty cool.

There's definitely some minor imperfections with the factory detail but nothing that can't be fixed up by a professional detailer. All and all they delivered a very high quality product and even though I have some nitpicking about the weather seals on the panoramic roof I'm quite happy with it.
Just received some unexpected news from my DS — my model S is available today! Looks like it arrived sometime this morning or yesterday late evening and my delivery date is now today 13 June versus 17 June (next Tuesday). Now I need to go find that checklist that people made for what to look for when picking up the car!
Not to my knowledge unless there is international shipping. Mine still says
Production Complete
Your Model S is being prepared for pickup or delivery.
According to the spreadsheet, it should say "Your Model S is in transit from the factory" after that, even for US orders. However, mine still says being prepared almost 3 days after completion. With only 6 days until delivery across the country, I'm starting to wonder if someone forgot to change the status.
Mine is paid for. Wired the money today and it credited today on the My Tesla page. Still not in production. DS said to call on the 16th and check status so I can make arrangements for it to go in for XPel etc. Getting close.

Been in San Diego this week. Have seen many, many Tesla's in the wild. Parked next to a red one at Del Mar horse show tonight. Nice couple. Loved their car. They liked my Tesla tote bag.
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Just picked ours up at the Scottsdale service center-Delivered exactly as promised from the very first contact I had with Tesla. 56 Days from order to delivery. It was delivered with 5.11 SW. Scottsdale service center was great, Marlene was fantastic, walked us through everything- Tim the service advisor answered my technical questions . I especially loved the Tesla logo vacuumed into the rear carpet- nice touch. They answered all of our questions and patiently explained all the features. Drove it back to Tucson and was passed by another MS with the AZ plate FLUXCAP- really good plate! Got a nice thumbs up from the driver- I was driving only about 75 on the way home, just wanted to "break it in" easily. So much fun though- I can see how this car will be addictive! She's charging at 41MPH right now ( we could only set the HPWC to 64 Amps due to the other loads at the house- I think that will be ok though- Probably won't need to charge it at that rate very often) Still glad I got the HPWC and Dual chargers.. finally, I get the Tesla Smile comment I've seen so many times now! I'm grinning from ear to ear like a kid that just got the best Christmas present. This is how a car is meant to be.
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Let's make that another happy customer! My P85+ delivered today (6/12/14), 51 days from confirming my order.
Very nice! I would love to see some side pictures. I have a similar external config - blue with grey 21" wheels but I didn't get red calipers. I have red Tesla Ts on the wheels now so I realized red calipers might look great. I guess as and when I eventually get them replaced I could get red.
Very nice! I would love to see some side pictures. I have a similar external config - blue with grey 21" wheels but I didn't get red calipers. I have red Tesla Ts on the wheels now so I realized red calipers might look great. I guess as and when I eventually get them replaced I could get red.
Sure thing. I haven't had the car since delivery day as it has been getting taken care of by the detailers. I'll be taking some more pics when I pick the car up and I'll share them on the forum.
Took delivery this afternoon. This car is sweet! I have only been able to put like 80 miles on it so far, just getting to learn it. A couple issues I noticed after taking delivery, biggest issue is the passenger door handle doesn't open with simple electronic pull -- have to tug pretty hard and open mechanically. Hopefully a quick fix tomorrow!