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My assessment of Version 9 autopilot

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Active Member
Mar 24, 2016
I'm only a few days from the end of my 30 day trial of V.9 autopilot. Wow, it went fast!

TL;DR - yes, v.9 is better than v.8 .

Regular version. V.9 is better than v.8 . Not perfect, but better. There were a few times when using navigate on autopilot where it did well with taking off ramps and turns and such things. It's not ready for stop signs and stoplights and 4 way stops yet, but I'm sure they are working on it.

My biggest complaint is the nag. The nag nags way too much, and it gets worse at speed. When I'm on autopilot around 80-85 mph, the nag nags me every 13-15 seconds, at lower speeds it becomes less frequent. Seriously Tesla, knock it off with the nag! The nag interval should never be less than 30 seconds at a minimum. Just because one Model S and a trailer truck got a little too close together, many thousands of people have to pay an annoying price forever? You're not using those crappy Mobileye sensors anymore! REDUCE THE NAG!!!!

So now, the price. $5500. Would I pay $5500 for V.9? Hail no! Especially not if I have to take THE NAG with it!

Now if Tesla had a $50 per month subscription plan, I'd probably get it. But $5500 at once is way too much. So come on, Tesla, make a subscription plan and collect some extra cash!
My biggest complaint is the nag. The nag nags way too much, and it gets worse at speed. When I'm on autopilot around 80-85 mph, the nag nags me every 13-15 seconds, at lower speeds it becomes less frequent. Seriously Tesla, knock it off with the nag! The nag interval should never be less than 30 seconds at a minimum. Just because one Model S and a trailer truck got a little too close together, many thousands of people have to pay an annoying price forever? You're not using those crappy Mobileye sensors anymore! REDUCE THE NAG!!!!

That is the reason why I never updated my firmware from April last year. I am perfectly fine with V8 with very little nag. Today I counted - at 70mph I got nagged just 5 times for the whole 25 mile trip.

Interesting I got a call from a Tesla customer rep wondering if there is a problem that my car has not had any updates. I told her that was deliberate decision by me not to update and explained the reason. She gave a nice chuckle and said she will note it down and not call me again.
My main gripes with v9:
  • It brakes too aggressively when traffic in front slows down to turn, so traffic behind me gets a nice brake check. (Maybe it should brake more gently if the slowing vehicle in front has a turn signal on? Idk)
  • Rearward sensors aren’t checking far enough back for fast-approaching traffic in the adjacent lane, so “confirming” NoA lane change suggestions often results in cutting off speedy drivers. (Not sure if rearward hardware has the range to solve this)
  • It’s just a bit too slow when accelerating from a complete stop, like when behind a car at a stop light. I find myself pressing the accelerator most of the time to keep up with traffic flow.
Other than that, loving it! It was incredible on our recent road trip. Really looking forward to what’s in store.
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My problem with the nag?

The number of people who rigged it and then ended up in accidents and death causing Tesla to get more stringent.
And next is the number of people who nag about the nag. Just about every other car that supports lane guidance (there are a lot) do the exact same thing!!!
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If you keep a hand on the wheel with a slight resistance to its turning, you will never get a nag. What Tesla wants and what works.

It's not that simple. The way I have my seat adjusted, I'd have to make an actual physical effort to raise my hand an inch or two up to the steering wheel to give it its nag-cancelling twist. And that's just too much effort in this, the 21st century.

Maybe a voice activated nag-canceller? I hear the beep and say "yeah". I suppose I could live with that for a little while.
It's not that simple. The way I have my seat adjusted, I'd have to make an actual physical effort to raise my hand an inch or two up to the steering wheel to give it its nag-cancelling twist. And that's just too much effort in this, the 21st century.

Maybe a voice activated nag-canceller? I hear the beep and say "yeah". I suppose I could live with that for a little while.
You can also change the volume using the scroll button and it'll get rid of the nag.
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I have my left elbow on the door arm rest and my hand wedged against the bottom spoke of the steering wheel. Totally stops the nag. This is of course arm length dependent. My work is a 100 mile round trip so AP is totally worth it, drops the stress level significantly.
The volume works to acknowledge the nag? What else? I don’t like twisting the wheel.

Any interaction with the steering wheel- so volume, source change, follow distance change, AP speed change, etc....

I have my left elbow on the door arm rest and my hand wedged against the bottom spoke of the steering wheel. Totally stops the nag.

Yup. Find a comfy place to rest your hand on/near the bottom spoke and you'll never get nagged.
Today, I went out the my 3, and autopilot was gone. 30 day trial over.:( I kind of miss it. It felt like the car had lost a part of its personality.

But do I miss it enough to pay $5885 (with tax)? No. But for a $50 a month subscription, yes. :rolleyes:
I think chill mode makes the car lose it personality more than EAP :) Im not sure if Id buy the car if chill mode was how it accelerates. Id keep my Volt.

One thing I noticed is that EAP brakes more erratically than cruise control. Cruise control accelerates and brakes much more evenly. EAP didnt even want to accelerate to the speed limit in todays night time rain.