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Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

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haha, Canada Day...

Fat finger.... Another reason why I think Ford will just let it go until fund is used all up. He won't get blamed for it. Remember, he never said he will cancel the EV rebate, he just said he will kill Cap and Trade. People assume that since EV rebate is part of the Cap and Trade, it will get cancelled as well.

On the other hand, fund generated from cap and Trade must be used to fund Green initiative.

Of course, just my wishful thinking.

I think this is sound reasoning. Perhaps optics plays into it a bit as well. Isn't he walking a fine line by allowing the EHVIP program to extinguish itself? Risk of criticism? It wouldn't seem to be part of his MO to date but certainly sounds logical that it would play out in this manner. It's kind of what I was betting on when I configured so I hope you are right.

Would be interesting to have an idea of how many in Ontario configured since Wednesday when the floodgates were opened.
I’m starting to think the reason why Canada never had a national EV program was because Ontario had such a good one on at the provincial level, no Ontarioan ever complained to the federal govt.

It’s only now, with the inevitable end of their provincial program I’m finally hearing ontarioans demand a national program.

If we all of a sudden get a national program, it’ll be further proof of how the federally govt values Ontarioans far more than the rest of the country.

If out of the ashes of this dead provincial program we get a national one, then maybe killing off this program is a good idea
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I put down my deposit back in middle of May, thinking that I won't even have a chance of getting a rebate.

I'm 2 weeks after you (for a reservation that is) and presumed I'd be invited in Early 2019 and possibly not till spring (which would have been ideal for me). I was hoping for an NDP minority (though I normally vote conservative) so GreenON and the EHVIP programs might be preserved.

I would also have done solar with the program that was to be released about now and was killed before it got out the gates. Can't justify it today unless costs come down further. The Ontario Solar industry employs a lot of people. It's quite a blow to them. Perhaps a federal incentive should also include solar if the feds roll something out in 2019.

I've checked on the Bolt a few times over the past 2 years but could never quite pull the trigger. Was driving beside one Friday on my commute home and thought it doesn't look that bad...then I saw a M3 later and that thought quickly faded :) A hatch would be ideal but it's not a deal breaker. The longer range works better for me in the winter.

Ontario was doing a lot of great things but unfortunately were also spending like drunken sailors and towards the end of the liberal regime were pretty much just buying votes. We need to address the debt situation in Ontario and I applaud doing so but the environment shouldn't have to suffer in the process. Ford may have underestimated just how much opposition he'll be faced with if he doesn't come up with a good plan. He's looking rather pro-auto industry though.

I could definitely see the rebates just being allowed to run their course which makes me wonder what the numbers are - how many have been issued to date and how many Ontario M3 LR RWD orders are in? Has it already been exhausted on paper?

The $14k rebate turned a lot of heads and served to get people thinking about EV's but most manufacturers seem to be caught between supporting their dealers who make most of their money servicing ICE and trying to keep up with a changing industry. At the end of the day they will follow the money or perish. Can't imagine what effect a Tesla pickup would have.

All said, I've made my commitment regardless of what twisted logic got me there. If the rebate is applicable, great. If not, I'll try changing to AWD to differentiate from all those rebate scammers...haha j/k.
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Exactly how I feel, and I don't usually vote NDP, but this time I did.

>>how many have been issued to date and how many Ontario M3 LR RWD orders are in? Has it already been exhausted on paper?<<

The last time I checked, it is about 49 million.

>>If not, I'll try changing to AWD to differentiate from all those rebate scammers...haha j/k.<<
Exactly what I would do.

The other choice I have is keep my 2012 ICE, pay those "pay as you go" insurance offered by CAA on that car, drive M3 which is a RWD most of the time and see how it handles winters, from what I read, it is not even an issue.

The only thing I will loss is HST credit if I don't trade in my car.

The way I see it, gasoline price is heading upward even at $65, who knows what it will be at $80. Plus maintenance/tune up.

Just like Internet, Netflix, smart thermostat, smart home, that is how the future would be.
$49M / $14k is only 3500 rebates. I would hazard then that the program is already effectively done. Does anyone know what criteria is used by Tesla for assigning a vehicle to you since the floodgates opened? Is it simply when you placed your order now, slightly weighted by options/paint colour? (for the RWD PUP)
If we all of a sudden get a national program, it’ll be further proof of how the federally govt values Ontarioans far more than the rest of the country.

You sir, sound like a disaffected westerner lol...

The federal gov't doesn't value Ontarians more than the rest of the country, it values votes. You sound very much like someone who complains the U.S. gov't values California more than Montana.
My car is likely 3-5 months out so I concede there will be little prospect of getting the rebate. But what about the HPWC? I believe there is a rebate for that? Maybe I should order it now so at least I can qualify for that rebate?

You can't get the rebate for the HPWC without an electric car registered to your name. Car and HPWC must be within 3 months of each other I believe. I only bought the HPWC once I had an imminent delivery date, so I'd be careful about buying it too early.

My vehicle arrives Wednesday - Thursday. I’m submitting the form immediately. As long as it’s submitted and there’s been no announcements prior to then, am I in the clear?

Having already submitted my application, I'd like to think I'm in the clear, but the application mentions in several places that the government reserves the right to cancel the program at any time, and without advanced notice. Having said that, the fact that Ford hasn't already axed it makes me think the theory others have about him just letting it die because the fund is getting close to empty is a more likely scenario. My approach: don't count your chickens before they hatch; until you've got the rebate in the bank, there's no guarantee of anything.

haha, Canada Day...

Fat finger.... Another reason why I think Ford will just let it go until fund is used all up. He won't get blamed for it. Remember, he never said he will cancel the EV rebate, he just said he will kill Cap and Trade. People assume that since EV rebate is part of the Cap and Trade, it will get cancelled as well.

On the other hand, fund generated from cap and Trade must be used to fund Green initiative.

Of course, just my wishful thinking.

He did say in the PC leadership debates that he would kill the "Tesla rebate". It was basically the only answer any of them could come up with when pushed RE: efficiencies/waste. Heard it several times during the PC leadership debate, and made me cringe a bit. You have to admit, it sounds great to tout "Ending rebates for fat-cats buying $100,000 Teslas" The real shame in this program is having it open to Plug-in Hybrids that have a tiny battery that many people don't even know exists/use/charge, so they're essentially getting a rebate on their expensive BMW SUV just because there's a battery sitting somewhere inside it that will never get used.
$49M / $14k is only 3500 rebates. I would hazard then that the program is already effectively done. Does anyone know what criteria is used by Tesla for assigning a vehicle to you since the floodgates opened? Is it simply when you placed your order now, slightly weighted by options/paint colour? (for the RWD PUP)

That is how much was used from Jan 2016 to Dec 2017. That means there are another 6500 rebates left. Tesla didn't start shipping to Ontario in high number until April ish. I would further assume Tesla may be the only one that can/could sell EV this year knowing everyone else are talking about a one year wait.

I'm hoping there is less than 6400 people order M3 in Ontario. I think we should be okay until end of year.
That is how much was used from Jan 2016 to Dec 2017. That means there are another 6500 rebates left. Tesla didn't start shipping to Ontario in high number until April ish. I would further assume Tesla may be the only one that can/could sell EV this year knowing everyone else are talking about a one year wait.

I'm hoping there is less than 6400 people order M3 in Ontario. I think we should be okay until end of year.

Isn't that allotment for all EVs and not just M3?
Isn't that allotment for all EVs and not just M3?

I think he may have taken that very small amount into account. It's been a while since I've looked at the numbers but they were pretty small. Would be interesting to know how many M3's were ordered the past 4 days.

In any case, it's a bit of hope to cling to :)

Found this on redflagdeals...April 26th post (note the typo EVHIP instead of EHVIP in the 1st bolded paragraph):

So about that part on the Ontario EV incentive program website (http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/vehicl ... bate.shtml) where it says: "Note that incentives will be provided under the previous EVIP program for EVs ordered prior to March 9, 2018, provided that the EV is delivered and that the application is submitted by September 7, 2018."

Well here is the official response I got when I emailed the government about the incentives and if this date stays even if the Ontario Liberals should be defeated. TLDR: The Sept 7 deadline is not set in stone and will be a gamble either way if you would get any rebate as it can change at any time.

Official response below...

"Thank you for your email to the Honourable Kathryn McGarry, Minister of Transportation, regarding the Electric and Hydrogen Vehicle Incentive Program (EVHIP). We are pleased to reply.

Thank you for your interest in the Electric and Hydrogen Vehicles Incentive Program (EHVIP); part of Ontario's Climate Change Action Plan, which is scheduled to be complete by March 31, 2021. Ontario is supporting publicly accessible EV charging infrastructure across the province with up to $100 million over five years. EHVIP provides incentives of $6,000 to $14,000 to support the purchase or lease of eligible battery-electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. In addition, the Electric Vehicle Charging Incentive Program (EVCIP) provides up to an additional $1,000 to EHVIP recipients toward the purchase and installation of fast-charging equipment for the home or workplace. Making electric vehicles more affordable to help fight climate change is part of our plan to create jobs, grow our economy and help people in their everyday lives.

The program is reviewed annually by the Minister of Transportation and subject to change at any time, without notice, by this government or any future government. Ontario is supporting publicly accessible EV charging infrastructure across the province with up to $100 million over five years.

Please note that the incentive provided for an eligible electric vehicle will be determined according to the program parameters in place on the date the vehicle is registered and plated in Ontario. As a result, we encourage you to review the program guide available online at www.ontario.ca/electricvehicles closer to your scheduled delivery date.

Thank you for your continued support.


Isn't that allotment for all EVs and not just M3?

>>I think he may have taken that very small amount into account. It's been a while since I've looked at the numbers but they were pretty small. Would be interesting to know how many M3's were ordered the past 4 days. <<

I would suggest that Tesla may be the only company that can produce EV in a meaningful manner. All the other is talking about 1 year waiting time. The news over the weekend is Tesla DID hit the 5000 M3 per week.

The question becomes how many Ontarian have ordered the M3 in the past 4 days. When I ordered, I got 3 to 5 months waiting and actually have a Sep 15 to Nov 15 delivery timeframe (I hope it is sooner); Now it is Oct to Dec if you order today based on the posts that I read.

M3 will ship to Ontario first for shipments to Canada, just like what they did back in April. So it will fill the 5000 ish orders in less than a month.

I also think 140 million is not a hard number, it can go over a bit and nobody will complain. How can the government say you got the incentive but he didn't if both are in on the same day.
A bit off-topic. I ordered a Soul EV and the dealer lied, saying I’d get the car last week as that was a verbal condition of my purchasing. Now it’ll be sometime this week they say. I looked at the purchase agreement, and they wrote the delivery date as June 30th. Am I legally entitled to cancel and receive my $1K deposit back as it has passed the time written in the delivery date line-item? Cheers.
Well, this would be good news, but I can’t seem to find that tweet - could you send us the link please?

I think it was something I saw that was copied into a redflagdeals thread that is extremely long. I don't hang out there, just happened upon it through searching. Can't find it again (I don't save my search history) but I had done a capture of it FWIW. Hopefully legit.

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to sum it all, if order RWD, incentive will still in place as of today! for AWD, we will hope they add to the EHVIP list, if they do, then, incentive will be good if order before cancellation of EHVIP.

If you can get a confirmed order locked in before the program ends, you should be okay. However, I wouldn't hold my breath for new models to be added to a program that is on it's way out.
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