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Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

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Well, between you and my wife, I'm glad at least one of you appreciates the effort! It hasn't been an ideal couple of months to be sure, though I feel it was for a good cause.

As I put it to my MPP after the decision was announced, this fight has been over relatively small stuff. Premier Ford is also setting sights on my actual occupation (I'm a teacher). I have an inclination to make things as difficult for this government as they are trying to make things difficult for me.
Well. I have a VIN and a delivery date for Wednesday, September 5th.

That's great news! Congrats, you deserve to get the rebate after all the hard work you have done and having kept us all up to date.

I will continue to waffle on whether I wish I had ordered a RWD instead of AWD as it now looks as if I would have qualified too but what can you do? I want the car, period. So I will suck up the fact that I will likely have to extend my financing to cover the extra cost.
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Thanks Kikkoman, was this provided at pickup or are you seeing this on the portal? My portal under "Documents" shows an "Order Agreement" with a date after July 11th when I changed my colour.....now I'm getting anxious..

I picked up the agreements on delivery. My date for the order was the same as the one on the order agreement because I didn’t change anything. Do ask your delivery specialist to be really specific here. I scanned the hard copy agreements provided on delivery as part of the application requirements.
They cancelled the program before the govt added AWD to the elligble list. Tesla filed all the paperwork, but they didn't jump through all the hoops. Same thing happened to 2019 Bolt and Leaf. Those aren't elligble either and all 2018s were sold out a while ago....

Hey, I wouldn't mind getting the rebate. But I'm a realist, and don't think there is any chance they willl all of a sudden add AWD to the list. Plus, I haven't seen anyone with a AWD order in Ontario with a confirmed delivery before the 10th anyway, so the point is kind of moot. I decided I wanted the car, and will just have to tighten the belt a bit to account for the rebate not being available for me.

Ditto exactly for me.
Toronto Star:

In San Francisco, a Tesla spokesperson said the firm is “happy the ministry did the right thing by delivering on its promise to ensure all affected EV owners receive their incentives during the wind-down period.

“For customers who cancelled their orders as a result of the government's initial decision and now wish to renew, we hope the government will work with us to achieve a fair resolution,” the spokesperson said.

...I'm hoping for some feedback from Tesla on this front.

I got a response from Tesla CSR by email regarding this but unsurprisingly they didn't know anything about this... I guess for those of us who cancelled but still want the car will have to stay close to the news and see what's going to happen.
I got a response from Tesla CSR by email regarding this but unsurprisingly they didn't know anything about this... I guess for those of us who cancelled but still want the car will have to stay close to the news and see what's going to happen.

I have been in contact with a few people but nothing back so far. I believe Tesla owes us a statement at least in the upcoming days and I will be lobbying hard for that. I'd be very surprised if they are able to get anywhere with the government and pursuing that legally isn't probably as easy a win as their case for discrimination was - where damages were apparent.

Tesla also failed to make a public statement that they would refund their customers so you'd think they would do something for us even if they can't convince the government to or feel any further legal action is a viable option.
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Hi everyone!

First post here but I wanted to thank the community for their hard work and dedication!

I'll share our story with you as well!

For our M3, we reserved Feb 2017, ordered June 18, Pearl White, RWD, Aero, no EAP.

Our initial plan was to get the base model without any upgrades besides pearl white paint, with the risk of the incentive not being available. But with the incentive, it's like you get long range for free plus a discount on premium upgrades. So we planned out our budget to determine whether we could afford it if we got the incentive or not and the risk we would be taking before ordering. Without the incentive I wouldn't say "we could afford it".. we could make it work but we'd be scraping by without any savings in the bank. Then after the heartbreak of the wind down announcement that excluded Tesla, it made us reconsider our decision. A friend and coworker of mine then passed suddenly from an accident, and she was only 25. It helped put things into perspective that it can end at any moment, and to enjoy life as much as you can. So we decided to keep the order and work harder to have our dream car without the incentive. My girlfriend then came across this thread and we've been following it religiously. Hoping and praying that they would rectify the exclusion of Tesla.

For those waiting, if your Tesla account is saying "service unavailable" I would call Tesla and ask them to fix it. When it happened to me I called them and they said a fix was in the works, so I waited... A month later it was still like that so I called again and they fixed it. Then when it showed me my reservation details, it was asking me to confirm all of my delivery details. This made me frustrated and nervous that it's been waiting for my response for a month and possibly delaying my delivery. But of course that's just speculation.

I believe the day after (or a couple days), I received an email from my Delivery Advisor confirming our details and a possible delivery in the next couple weeks. I emailed back and did not receive a response. I called him the next morning and it went straight to voicemail. Then a few minutes later he called me back. He told me that the car is in Toronto but not ready for delivery yet. I asked him for my VIN since it was not showing on my Tesla account, so that I can set up insurance. He said he'll check, and seemed genuinely surprised that it was already available and it's much faster than he anticipated. He then set up a delivery appointment with me for this Thursday Sept 6!! He also said that every time slot before that date and time were filled.

The next day they announced the new wind down program that included Tesla, if delivered by Sept 10. Incredible news and we were ecstatic! We also immediately felt sad for everyone that had cancelled, and know that the story isn't over. 5 minutes later, I went downstairs to get in my car and run errands.. and it doesn't start! I discovered that my car has some sort of intuition about being replaced, it's never done that before and I've owned it for 10 years (Toyota). It was literally running earlier that day, to and from work, but right after receiving the news of the incentive, my car just says NOPE! Full tank of gas, battery is only a year old, headlights turn on, car is cranking, but no ignition. Got it towed and it's now in the shop until Tuesday. That's the kind of luck I have.. lol but we get the incentive and we're grateful!! =)
Hi everyone!

First post here but I wanted to thank the community for their hard work and dedication!

I'll share our story with you as well!

For our M3, we reserved Feb 2017, ordered June 18, Pearl White, RWD, Aero, no EAP.

Our initial plan was to get the base model without any upgrades besides pearl white paint, with the risk of the incentive not being available. But with the incentive, it's like you get long range for free plus a discount on premium upgrades. So we planned out our budget to determine whether we could afford it if we got the incentive or not and the risk we would be taking before ordering. Without the incentive I wouldn't say "we could afford it".. we could make it work but we'd be scraping by without any savings in the bank. Then after the heartbreak of the wind down announcement that excluded Tesla, it made us reconsider our decision. A friend and coworker of mine then passed suddenly from an accident, and she was only 25. It helped put things into perspective that it can end at any moment, and to enjoy life as much as you can. So we decided to keep the order and work harder to have our dream car without the incentive. My girlfriend then came across this thread and we've been following it religiously. Hoping and praying that they would rectify the exclusion of Tesla.

For those waiting, if your Tesla account is saying "service unavailable" I would call Tesla and ask them to fix it. When it happened to me I called them and they said a fix was in the works, so I waited... A month later it was still like that so I called again and they fixed it. Then when it showed me my reservation details, it was asking me to confirm all of my delivery details. This made me frustrated and nervous that it's been waiting for my response for a month and possibly delaying my delivery. But of course that's just speculation.

I believe the day after (or a couple days), I received an email from my Delivery Advisor confirming our details and a possible delivery in the next couple weeks. I emailed back and did not receive a response. I called him the next morning and it went straight to voicemail. Then a few minutes later he called me back. He told me that the car is in Toronto but not ready for delivery yet. I asked him for my VIN since it was not showing on my Tesla account, so that I can set up insurance. He said he'll check, and seemed genuinely surprised that it was already available and it's much faster than he anticipated. He then set up a delivery appointment with me for this Thursday Sept 6!! He also said that every time slot before that date and time were filled.

The next day they announced the new wind down program that included Tesla, if delivered by Sept 10. Incredible news and we were ecstatic! We also immediately felt sad for everyone that had cancelled, and know that the story isn't over. 5 minutes later, I went downstairs to get in my car and run errands.. and it doesn't start! I discovered that my car has some sort of intuition about being replaced, it's never done that before and I've owned it for 10 years (Toyota). It was literally running earlier that day, to and from work, but right after receiving the news of the incentive, my car just says NOPE! Full tank of gas, battery is only a year old, headlights turn on, car is cranking, but no ignition. Got it towed and it's now in the shop until Tuesday. That's the kind of luck I have.. lol but we get the incentive and we're grateful!! =)
Sorry about your friend. Takes bad thing to happen for us to make decisions we otherwise wouldn't. We also struggled with whether to cancel or not and decided in the end to just do it... For us and the kids (who are so excited). We can make it work but it's going to change our financial situation for sure. After going through a lot with our son who was diagnosed with cancer (all good now) we thought...WHAT the HECK? And just decided to go for it with or without rebate and not looking back now. It will pay for itself for the amount of driving my husband does and now I won't feel guilty spending money on gas if we drive across the country.

Congratulations and enjoy your Tesla. We will... Tomorrow pick up and going to tell the kids we are going for a bike ride and when they open the garage... We will be recording their faces ;)
Sorry about your friend. Takes bad thing to happen for us to make decisions we otherwise wouldn't. We also struggled with whether to cancel or not and decided in the end to just do it... For us and the kids (who are so excited). We can make it work but it's going to change our financial situation for sure. After going through a lot with our son who was diagnosed with cancer (all good now) we thought...WHAT the HECK? And just decided to go for it with or without rebate and not looking back now. It will pay for itself for the amount of driving my husband does and now I won't feel guilty spending money on gas if we drive across the country.

Congratulations and enjoy your Tesla. We will... Tomorrow pick up and going to tell the kids we are going for a bike ride and when they open the garage... We will be recording their faces ;)

Aww that's exciting!! Yes it's true, certain situations help put you in the right mindset and remind you that happiness and experience is what matters. We'll definitely be going on roadtrips more often too!
I am in the same boat and did some research last week. My understanding is that to qualify for the rebate you need to:

- Purchase the charger before July 11th
- If you want the installation credit it also needs to be installed and inspected by ESA before July 11th.
- If you are only submitting for the charger (not installation) then it needs to be installed and inspected by ESA on or before Sept 10th.
- You need a plated, insured qualifying EV before Sept 10th as well.
- Forms need to be submitted 90 days after July 11th

Good luck. I have my electrician coming on the 5th and ESA coming on the 6th. If I fail the inspection I wont get the credit which is 50% of $715.29.

How much is the ESA inspection?
I am glad I went through the pain and stuck with the order. Thanks to Tesla for taking it to court to ensure we get the rebate and treated the same as others. I just made the application for rebate, lets see how long before I receive the deposit in my bank account.

There's a thread in the forum from previous users who've received the rebate estimating anywhere from four to six months. Possibly more with the inrush of Model 3 applications. I submitted mine June 8th, 2018. Expecting a bonus of 14000 beers for the holidays ;)
Per the lawsuit, there are approximately 315 Tesla customers who are expecting delivery of their car in time to benefit from the rebate. That works out to about 5.5 million, out of 1.4 billion collected through Cap and Trade. The province can afford that.
If i remember correctly, Tesla has in-transit 319 vehicles by train and truck in progress to Ontario.

If 315 customers were part of the law suite can Tesla deliver these vehicles to us by midnight September 10th.

Anyone else as nervous and anxious as me.
New shipment in Oakville

Plus there is probably another 15 on the lot.

They look like just LR but not sure.


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If i remember correctly, Tesla has in-transit 319 vehicles by train and truck in progress to Ontario.

If 315 customers were part of the law suite can Tesla deliver these vehicles to us by midnight September 10th.

Anyone else as nervous and anxious as me.

I ordered early June and still haven't heard anything, I desperately need the rebate and am getting VERY anxious.