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Politics - Quarantine Thread

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Welcome to the current times. Anyone who does something bad must be from the opposite end of the political spectrum, Facts be damned, it keeps the cognitive dissonance to a minimum for people in their respective political echo-chambers.
I think the fact that we’re still clutching our collective pearls over one semi-political stereotyping joke about a waste-of-a-human vandal from 6 pages ago says everything there is to be said about this topic.
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I took my PUP and dropped it 1” lower w the Unplugged Performance moderate springs.

Now the car sits at the appropriate ride height w the appropriate wheel well gap.

Ground clearance is low - but unless it snows (and I still drive it in the snow) - ground clearance isn’t a problem for me.
@URBAN LEGEND, You may not think "rich person's car" but the general public, especially the very vocal minority on the left of the political spectrum does, hence all the attempts to exclude federal and state tax incentives from Tesla cars caused by the social outrage that someone buying a Tesla gets some of their tax money back - "it's a rich person's toy" is the slogan. Welcome to the social justice warrior times.
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@URBAN LEGEND, You may not think "rich person's car" but the general public, especially the very vocal minority on the left of the political spectrum does, hence all the attempts to exclude federal and state tax incentives from Tesla cars caused by the social outrage that someone buying a Tesla gets some of their tax money back - "it's a rich person's toy" is the slogan. Welcome to the social justice warrior times.

Did you mean right?

I think Tesla is mainstream enough that people from all political backgrounds buy them and it isn't seen as much of a political statement as it used to be.
Well, maybe Michigan is holding out a bit there.

Personally I think most people who get Teslas do it because they are just such great cars and drive so well. Weather or not you believe in global warming, or you think owning a Tesla makes any difference is sort of besides the point. Tesla is trying to make vehicles that appeal on every metric that anyone cares about, not just catering to some niche market. Heck, many people consider them just based on safety rating alone.
Did you mean right?

I think Tesla is mainstream enough that people from all political backgrounds buy them and it isn't seen as much of a political statement as it used to be.
Well, maybe Michigan is holding out a bit there.

Personally I think most people who get Teslas do it because they are just such great cars and drive so well. Weather or not you believe in global warming, or you think owning a Tesla makes any difference is sort of besides the point. Tesla is trying to make vehicles that appeal on every metric that anyone cares about, not just catering to some niche market. Heck, many people consider them just based on safety rating alone.
Well, if you consider Washington state democrats a on the right of political spectrum, then sure. Washington state eliminated its sales tax exemptions for EV incentive because Tesla was perceived as a "rich person's toy". When the state introduced new EV incentives, they were crafted to exclude Tesla, through after some legal challenges the cheaper Model 3's got some of it (limited, but at least something). Also notice that Washington also tried to ban Tesla from selling here completely, but after more legal maneuvering, they grandfathered existing Tesla stores but limited Tesla's new showroom expansion in the state, and banned any potential new companies like Tesla for the future. Those right wing democrats, eh? ;)There are vandals who break into Teslas in Seattle too, emboldened by the right wing (according to you at least) "defund the police" movement - the Seattle PD officially announced they no longer have resources to investigate property crimes in Seattle.

Perhaps you meant "the other right"?
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OK, that is making my head spin. I guess Tesla is confusing because it is an eco friendly save the planet effort but also an overpriced "toy" for the rich so I guess you can find polarized people from "both camps".

If only we could get everyone to agree that they should support this American car company, and they are working a business model that drives costs down and plans to offer more economical cars in the future.

I wonder if rural Washington will have a change of heart once the Cybertrk is in production.

Well in any case, we are taking this thread off topic....

OK, to drag it back on topic, sort of - I wonder if the Cybertrk will be "key proof" with the stainless steel body?
Good idea. No need suffering through a mildly painful shoulder for a whole day just to get immunity from a deadly disease. My wife and I have had our second shots, first ones no pain, this one just hurts if I push on the muscle. I've been sorer the day after visiting the gym.

As another aside, it seems that it's mainly GOP who refuse to get vaccinated. I figure that if enough anti-vaxxers die off, the nation can get back to business.

The GOP are the ones that made the vaccine, and the Dems were trying to discredit the vaccine because the GOP made it. I see a lot more Dems that don't want it, which is great!
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The GOP are the ones that made the vaccine, and the Dems were trying to discredit the vaccine because the GOP made it. I see a lot more Dems that don't want it, which is great!
Are you serious? NeIther the GOP nor the Dems "made" the vaccine. Scientist did. I don't know who you "see" but it is patently clear that the people against taking the vaccine are overwhelming Republicans. As to your joy for those who don't want to take the vaccine - Darwin would agree with you.
Nearly 1 In 4 Republicans ‘Definitely’ Won’t Get Covid-19 Vaccine, Survey Finds. 1 In 4 Say ‘No Thanks’ to Vaccine | Monmouth University Polling Institute
Are you serious? NeIther the GOP nor the Dems "made" the vaccine. Scientist did. I don't know who you "see" but it is patently clear that the people against taking the vaccine are overwhelming Republicans. As to your joy for those who don't want to take the vaccine - Darwin would agree with you.
Nearly 1 In 4 Republicans ‘Definitely’ Won’t Get Covid-19 Vaccine, Survey Finds. 1 In 4 Say ‘No Thanks’ to Vaccine | Monmouth University Polling Institute

Which party paid them to make it? Hope you don't trust what some crazy, liberal university would write in an article.
Which party paid them to make it? Hope you don't trust what some crazy, liberal university would write in an article.

The US government? I don't think the funds came from the GOP.

Sure... all the polls showing that vaccine hesitancy is ~4x more common with (Rs) than (Ds) is fake.... and all the seditionists on Jan 6th were actually BLM / Antifa dressed up as Trumpers with fake FB, Parlor, Snapchat and 4Chan threads....
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@daniel, yes, lots of natural poisons out there that will kill you. Natural does not equal better for you.
So a question for you, when you say “We have enough information right now to know, categorically, that the risk of any long-term side effect of the vaccine is a minuscule fraction...”. How? We have not had enough testing of these particular vaccines to possibly know, and they are brand new (no longer term use or history) to know what will happen say in a year from now. Legit curious as to why you say We have enough information.

The argument that "we don't know for sure" is a scare tactic. We won't know for 100 years whether there's some effect that takes 100 years to manifest. The people that study this stuff understand how the vaccines work, and which concerns are reasonable and which are not. (And they tested for the concerns that are reasonable.) You can never be 100% certain that there are zero side effects. But they are able to place upper limits on the chances of harmful effects, and those chances are minuscule compared to the chances of contracting the disease and dying or having long-term harm from the disease itself.

And as others have noted above, you have a responsibility as a member of society to participate in herd immunity. If too many people refuse out of a selfish concern over highly improbable consequences, everybody loses.

The GOP are the ones that made the vaccine, and the Dems were trying to discredit the vaccine because the GOP made it. I see a lot more Dems that don't want it, which is great!

As already noted above, the Republicans didn't make the vaccine. The Republican administration supported making the vaccines, including with some funding (to assure that the U.S. would be one of the first in line to get it). But the vaccines were made by private pharmaceutical companies around the world.

It is indeed curious that so many Republicans are refusing to get the vaccine, when the man they worship as a demigod has said the vaccines are safe and people should get vaccinated. But he downplayed the seriousness of the disease for so long that he's given mixed messages. Republicans are more likely to refuse the vaccine out of a belief that the disease is not real. Democrats are more likely to refuse it out of a mistrust of the pharmaceutical companies. In both cases, only the complete and utter idiots on both sides are refusing it. Vaccines have proven over and over again to be the safest, cheapest, and most effective way to combat viral diseases.

For these vaccines to backfire and cause more harm than good is about as likely as for the sun to fail to come up tomorrow morning.
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