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Safety Score

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LOL at all the people not using their $50K asset trying to keep a score.
LOL at all the people driving extra miles in their environmentally sensitive car trying to up an arbitrary score.
LOL at all the people realizing that any drive "risks" their score, so maybe this isn't a great measure of you as a driver, and is really just a lottery.

Here's to Monday. Just wonder which Monday.....
At least we’ll get the FSD beta one of these days.

What do you get for wasting all this time whining ?
Over how many miles?

All of em. 0 collisions from 2000 testers over about 1 full year.

So I'm not sure what "collision data" they'd be using as a basis to judge new drivers. Other than I guess "more than 0"?

What is a worse rate of intervention?

Significantly different from what it has been in the existing test fleet.

You're looking to see if the new class has different #s than the current one- to see how they compare.

You don't need collisions to judge this. Why would you? I mean obviously "they had a bunch of collisions" would be AN indicator, but there's lots of others available.

We have so little visibility into their decision making process so I'm going to assume that the rollout will continue to be slow.

You don't know- so you're somehow sure the people with way more data than you are wrong?

Bold strategy, let's see if it pays off!
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We have the illusion of control over it.

This makes it substantially worse because if you didn't get it you can't just blame Tesla, but you have to blame yourself too. If you didn't stop for that yellow or if would have just driven your other vehicle for 2 weeks while the Tesla sat in the garage with 1 mile of perfect driving.

As you see in this thread people have resorted to adjusting the way they handle situations, and doing weird things to try to undo marks against them. On a few occasions I've helped people with advice on how to reduce the marks against them. The person who posted the spreadsheet helped us all out a ton, but the entire existence of it along with the usage shows how obsessed people got over it.

This Safety Score Beta is a disaster even without how its tied into the FSD Beta. They just tied it to convince thousands of people to have their driving judged. If it wasn't tied to it the beta score would simply be entertaining.

The entire purpose I had of buying FSD back in 2018 was to experience it as it grew. I didn't expect autonomous driving, but I expected to at least be able to experience some elements of it. The hardware necessary for autonomous driving simply isn't there so the only question is how well L2 level human+car interaction will work as the SW gets better.

There is also a bit of FOMO out going on. Where there is the very real possibility that some event will happen with the first 1K people that will stop the rollout for the rest of us.

At the end of the day I would have preferred a regional specific rollout as then I could simply see when my region was scheduled, and not worry too much about it.

I'm certainly not the only one who wasted countess hours obsessing over it. I spent the last week driving my car in a way I've never driven a car before, and I've been driving for 30+ years. Like I said before I had to pretend it was my RV.

If I had a spouse I'm pretty sure she would have turned it off, and told me to stop it. :p
I'm guessing that the way the FSD beta is handled will be the topic of many doctoral theses in business and psych programs.
AFAIK the collision rate from a year of FSDBeta among 2000 people is... 0.
The only way you "know" that is a tweet from Elon.

When Tesla releases a safety report, they use collisions where an active safety device deployed. Ignoring a huge number of collisions.
When Tesla makes a "safety score" a "100" score represents about 1:1M mile collision rate, 1/2 that of the average Tesla from the safety report. But we have no idea what threshold they used in the data to find "safe" drivers. Could they really pick out fender benders in this data? Using what sensors? There's a good reason they use deployment of active devices in the other data set, it's all you have.

What counts as a "collision" when Elon tells you there have been none? It doesn't mean cars haven't run over curbs, or hit things at low speeds.

Elon is very loose with words in a way that always benefits him. It would surprise me not at all to find out what he "meant" was no collisions that set off an airbag.

If FSD made it a year with 2000 arbitrary drivers (random Tesla employees) then why did they need the Safety Score process to roll it out to a statistically non-representative population?
How is it okay to charge someone $10k for something that’s not transferable, that might never come, has no definitive deadline, and borderline non-existent progress map?
I test drove an MY with FSD so I knew exactly what my $10,000 was buying at the time — and I was satisfied that what I got was and still is more than any other manufacturer can offer.

I have intelligent cruise control, can change lanes with the push of a lever, the car will move to a faster lane on its own and will start to move towards the right when it needs to exit to continue the route.

Sure it isn’t perfect and FSD is a misnomer, but I bought it with my eyes open.
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Have you seen the number of people calling driving like this "miserable", and not driving their cars at all because they know that any drive has a good chance of a false FCW or a yellow light that breaks their score? This is what you get when you game-ify something that isn't fully under the gamer's control, and then change the rules literally after the game ended.

Chances it will be this Monday... Very low. Just 10 days ago it was supposed to be a day away.
All of em. 0 collisions from 2000 testers over about 1 full year.

So I'm not sure what "collision data" they'd be using as a basis to judge new drivers. Other than I guess "more than 0"?
What is the 95% confidence interval? :p
I suspect that their sample size is very small.
Significantly different from what it has been in the existing test fleet.

You're looking to see if the new class has different #s than the current one- to see how they compare.

You don't need collisions to judge this. Why would you? I mean obviously "they had a bunch of collisions" would be AN indicator, but there's lots of others available.
That might work but if I were them I wouldn't chance it. What benefit does Tesla get by expanding the beta?
You don't know- so you're somehow sure the people with way more data than you are wrong?

Bold strategy, let's see if it pays off!
No I'm basing my prediction on the history of Tesla's FSD Beta program. You seem to be basing it on Elon's tweets.
Bold strategy, let's see if it pays off! :p

Seriously though there's a good chance that it does go out to a larger group quickly. I really have no idea. I won't take credit if I turn out to be right. I will take credit if my original prediction that it will never be released to everyone turns out to be right though. Look at the previous predictions (POLL: When will "Quantum Leap" FSD be released to the HW3 fleet?)
Given the FUDsters in the media there is a zero percent chance a crash involving FSD would have gone unreported.

Even when there's a fire that started elsewhere, but spreads to a Tesla, the media screams TESLA CATCHES ON FIRE.
Yes exactly. But that level of crash would also be reported by Tesla.

A curb strike or small fender bender is still a crash to me, the media does not report on those. I doubt any FSD Beta driver is going to risk their Beta (and possibly getting a dangerous driving citation) by publically admitting they weren't driving. (Autopilot drivers admit it all the time, but would FSD Beta drivers..?)
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You guys are nuts…we have already paid thousands for this software, waited years, and now putting hundreds of extra miles on just to be able to get it.

This is getting crazy…

This is not the software you paid for though.

This is a chance to beta-test an unfinished version of it.

If you only want the finished version you bought just keep driving normally and wait.
Don't be so jealous. Just because your ultra cruise isn't going to be available for another 2 years ? And it can't even handle a round-about ?
Not sure I replied to this but.
If ultra Cruise showed up on Lyriq in 2023 and Zeekr has issues importing to the US and there are no cars with Mobileye supervision then it will be a tempting offer.

And if that was the case. I rather have someone tell me something will be there in 2023 and it’s actually there when I buy the car versus someone tell me I will have something in 10 days and it’s gonna be 10 months before I get it. Heck if you are not gaming the system like the rest. You mig get it mid 2022 or late 2022. In that case if I bought a Lyriq you would only have had door to door L2 acouple months before I did.
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Scores slightly less than 100 percent of "long time FSD purchasers" should take priority over “100 percent score”

If Elon wants to delay the rollout, I can understand it. But I don’t think its fair that a driver with 100 percent score that is a recent subscriber, or a driver who logged less than 100 miles, or just recently bought a car over the past few months should take priority over the owners who bought FSD and was PROMISED full autonomous driving by the end of 2020.

That’s my story. In March of 2020, I bought a tesla and paid 8k for FSD, promised that it would be active when the feds ditched the regulations by the end of 2020. I figured I should buy the fsd before the price jacked up. I was told by the tesla rep that the software was indeed ready and bug free. I wish I documented the exact conversation.

So here we are 1.5 years later, and yes, I am excited to at least test the fsd beta.

My score is at 98 percent. I don’t think I will even make it to 99 because I would have to log to many miles by Sunday. My only dinks are as follows….

Day 1…First drive, I came to a FULL stop at a stop sign because I thought drifting through would cost me safety points. My first score was 84 percent after a 5 mile ride.. , because of a “full” stop

I made it back to 95 percent , and on day 4 got dinked by some bogus collision warning on a side street, driving directly into the sun when a mack truck was backing out of a gas station. I was nowhere near the truck. I think the sunlight deceived the computer. Boom….down to 76 percent. I clawed my way back up to 98 percent and even after a 200 mile rode trip this week couldn’t budge it up.

Why? Well I live near queens and new york city, that’s why. I could go through the list of “ludicrous” safe driving techniques that in this neck of the woods, causes more issues than good. First off, I drift through stop signs. I drive 3 car lengths behind other cars because if they hit the brakes, I get buzzed for a hard brake. Because of this, drivers behind me cut me off to get into the lane, ..so I slow down more pissing off the drivers behind me.. I missed an exit of the highway because,…get this, there was a traffic jam on the off ramp,…I would have surely been hit up for a hard brake, so I aborted at the last second. Probably got some aggressive tirning dink for that. I blew a red light, yup,.sucker turned yellow and if I slowed down I would have got nailed for hard brake.

Ok,..I played the game and Im tired of it. Never had a driving accident in my life except when my falcon doors clipped the garage door entry and was misaligned. wouldnt even concider that an driving accident. Perfect record for 45 years.

Soooo,…when I read these tweets that I wont get close to testing the beta, , well, bums me out, especially with all this “safe” driving over the past 2 weeks.,…as well as buying FSD a year and a half ago. I could only imagine how even long time FSD buyers feel from 2019, 2018 etc.

I feel there should be a better system for FSD buyer seniority. Example, If I have a 98 percent score with lets say 500 miles, and bought FSD at a certain time, then that should take priority over a 100 percent recent subscriber. Seniorty should definitely be taken into account, and we invested in teslas vision....should mean something.

Don’t make 100 percent driver a qualifier until a minmum amount of miles are recorded AND take into account long time FSD buyers who were promised a product and wont see for quite some time. They should be the ones who initially beta test the FSD providing they have a score in the mid 90s
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LOL at all the people not using their $50K asset trying to keep a score.
I am DRIVING this weekend. None of that two-button reset nonsense either. Look ma, no hands! YOLO. Need to wear down those RE-71Rs anyway.

I drift through stop signs.
This is definitely not good. Should never be necessary assuming you have hold mode turned on. Work on calibrating rolling to a complete stop right at the stop line by simply removing your foot from the accelerator. Then practice on downhills (a lot harder).
3 car lengths behind other cars
Seems like a problem. Fixed distance is not a good metric at all, and it is not what the Safety Score measures.
I blew a red light, yup,.sucker turned yellow and if I slowed down I would have got nailed for hard brake.
This sucks, and is the toughest thing about the score. Were you traveling below the speed limit?
Can anyone confirm if they have been able to get their scores moved up at all? According to the spreadsheet I needed 270 miles to reach 99.51. This should round it up to 100 but I’m still overall stuck at 99…. Did Tesla lock the overall safety rating since yesterday?