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Tesla has said publicly that they plan to release an “owner/independent shop” version of toolbox. So that will probably happen. Who knows how much it will cost (probably too much/a subscription :-/) or what it will actually give us access to.

Also who knows when they’ll get around to it. They’re already 2 quarters late (what else is new?!) ;-)

Yah, sorry, Tesla has "SAID" a lot, until I actually see it, I don't believe it. Words really mean nothing at this point when spewed from Tesla.
Not releasing it will only hurt them in the long run, who wants a car that can only be serviced at a rate of 175.00 an hour.
The Tesla fleet is starting to age and if the value of them plumit because of reparability that in return effects insurance rates, loan rates
and then no one wants to buy a car that after the warranty is up it a paper weight or only the value of the metal. And what bank wants any part in a car that the owner cant afford to fix, I hope they figure this out sooner than later. Look at the used part market Tesla alone with there crazy restricted parts and no salvage part sales to people has driven some parts on ebay 300 percent over new value. That's money they could be making pushing back into the Tesla.
Not releasing it will only hurt them in the long run, who wants a car that can only be serviced at a rate of 175.00 an hour.
The Tesla fleet is starting to age and if the value of them plumit because of reparability that in return effects insurance rates, loan rates
and then no one wants to buy a car that after the warranty is up it a paper weight or only the value of the metal. And what bank wants any part in a car that the owner cant afford to fix, I hope they figure this out sooner than later. Look at the used part market Tesla alone with there crazy restricted parts and no salvage part sales to people has driven some parts on ebay 300 percent over new value. That's money they could be making pushing back into the Tesla.

Yes, but then Tesla would have to support it, and make enough parts to fulfill demand, they don't seem to be able to do that even now, I can't imagine that changing with all the moving parts ( no pun intended ). They are almost treated the cars like you would a cell phone, it's gets a bit old and out of warranty and you simply buy a new one...
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I'm not sure that it would be anymore. @wk057 has said that they have now cryptography linked components such that he can't even replace a drive unit anymore.

So far this is only an issue with the rear drive unit and key fobs on the X with MCU1. Also Model 3 as well as S/X w/MCU2 are pretty locked down (they're basically the same hardware as the Model 3 it seems). MCU1 S I can do basically anything with still, but I expect they'll port over some of the new things to this eventually.
After a couple days he turned my car back on and I asked him to get away and stay out of it, but he still puts little reminders on the screen that he is still watching me, even this past week. (verygreen spilled these beans to Ingineer recently that I know it's him) I now have the knowledge and means to root my car and close that VPN, but not the time.
Honestly, I have no idea what are you talking about here and additionally I don't know and don't talk to Ingineer.
I would be really careful to use ingineers services.
He rooted and tried to convert a friends car to EU charging and lighting.
Lighting didn't work. So my friend repaired the car in one year time. And last week he asked ingineer to finally fix the lighting issue.
He just did a firmware update and bricked the tuner with this update. The lights still didn't work. BUT ingineer wanted 350 Dollar for this firmware update, which needs 5 mins to start. The car does the rest alone.
350 dollar for a bricked tuner and not solving the lighting issue.
When my friend didn't pay 5 days after that, ingineer locked his car out of his web interface for which my friend paid 750 dollar to use.

Solved this issue with other peoples help now:)
Can share these contacts if anyone is interested.

The car finally got registered on Friday :)

Just wanted to give a small word of caution here, from the experience we had.
How did your friend fixed the radio tuner ? I still have this problem with an US car that I have converted to EU. Although it is not something so important as I don't usually listen to the radio, I would like to fix it.Is there a way to force the tuner getting the US firmware which works on it and not the "international" version which bricks it ?
How did your friend fixed the radio tuner ? I still have this problem with an US car that I have converted to EU. Although it is not something so important as I don't usually listen to the radio, I would like to fix it.Is there a way to force the tuner getting the US firmware which works on it and not the "international" version which bricks it ?

There's an easy way to fix this. Flip the euvehicle bit off and change the country back to US if it was changed. Then redeploy the firmware. The amplifier isn't technically bricked, just running the EU DAB radio firmware. You can then safely switch the euvehicle bit and country if you want, but make sure to change it back to standard US before any software updates.

The second option would be to replace your US amp / tuner with the EU version so this isn't a problem during software updates or redeploys.
After a full day of work, with the help of one of my colleagues, I managed to fix a really annoying air conditioning intermittent failure.

The blower was sometime working normal, but sometimes was just complete off, no matter what settings you make.
I first observed that punching in different parts under the dash board sometimes it was starting to blow again for a short time.

I first replaced the blower, that was the easiest thing to do. This however didn't fix the problem.
Then localized the problem on a wire going to a yellow plug on the hvac controller.

The wires are as you can see below in direct contact with a sharp piece of metal from the cabin structure. The plastic insulator was sectioned and a wire was sometimes making contact to ground on the sharp metal piece.

I am posting this here as it may be useful for people experiencing intermittent hvac blower failure. The fix is simple, no parts required, just insulate well the cables and better protect them from being cut by the sharp metal part.

That's interesting. I'd like to hear @Ingineer 's side of the story.

There is a lot of half truths here, and Dr. Smoke is plain lying. I've never disabled anyone's car or done anything to "post reminders on his screen". I do not even have a connection to his car anymore, so anything happening is all him. The reason his car was "disabled" is because he had a random isolation fault. After spending many hours back and forth with him, I simply said I wasn't going to do any more work gratis, and he'd have to pay. Then he went crazy and started a smear campaign here, and promptly got banned. This will make his 4th banning....

He also did not send any secret procedures to me that I claimed were my own. What a strange guy!

As for Marco's "friend", he was engaged in an attempt to hack my server, so I revoked all the VPN keys for his cars to stop his attempts. That means I have no connection to his cars, and that also of course means that his remote app will no longer work. I will not tolerate that kind of behavior.

As for the EU conversion, I told them you must change all the parts, and they didn't change the tuner, so of course when the car updates software set to EU mode, and the car has a US tuner, it fails and your tuner is inop. The lights will not work on a lot of cars just be swapping in the EU units, you have you change the rear wiring harness too.

I support over 300 cars and have hundreds of happy customers. Obviously you can't please everyone. I'm extremely clear about my policies, and I send all the information up front before I do any work for someone. People know all the costs, and what I will do for that. There are a few people, such as Dr. Smoke, that expect me to be their personal Tesla service guy for free, forever.

Anyway, I'm not going to get into a flame war here. My work speaks for itself. Send proof if I've done something horrible, otherwise take it elsewhere. It's not allowed here.
Gotta say guys, I have used ingineer and have not had any issues. Actually he has been more than generous with his time and he has gone out of way to help me get my car going. He has pointed me in the right direction for every fault and even helped me recover a charger. I would recommend @Ingineer


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As another data point I’ve used Ingineer’s services on my cars for years. He’s always been super helpful and generous with his time. He knows the systems incredibly well too.
We all know that there is always “that one guy” who is never happy no matter how fair you treat them. It sure sounds like this is one of those. In these cases I find it’s better to leave the alone, ignore them and move on.
Meanwhile, I’m loving the access that I get from Ingineer to my Tesla diagnostics! It’s saved me much hassle many times!
Ingineer and I have fixed around 100 cars together, including Dr. Smokes car. Main thing I learned about the entire salvage ordeal is that many people think they know everything and start to mess with things, really messing things up. This makes it much harder to fix the car, especially remotely when you can't see what exactly they did. When you start spending serious time on a simple task because you are trying to figure out what was done wrong and billing for it some people get upset.

Ingineer is very honest about the hours and if anything charges less time than he actually spends on a car. There are also very few people that can diagnose quicker than Ingineer, I thought that I'm pretty good but I'm always a few steps behind him. I also do not know a single person who is more knowledgeable about what all the alerts mean in a car. Some people can root a car and tell you what the alerts are but have no idea how to fix them or what they mean. Ingineer will tell you how to fix them and that only comes with practice, supporting over 300 messed up cars will give you this practice.
Honestly, most of the things on these cars are easy to do. The only problem is this secrecy that I can understand to some extent in order to prevent Tesla finding our ways in and locking us out or locking our ways of diagnosing, retrofitting, upgrading these cars. I respect and was willing to support the work that @Ingineer is doing by buying his service, but I totally disagree with his policy to have exclusive access to other people's cars, without any control from the owners. If his server / vpn gets hacked, your cars will all mine bitcoin guys! And you can not stop this!
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Honestly, most of the things on these cars are easy to do. The only problem is this secrecy that I can understand to some extent in order to prevent Tesla finding our ways in and locking us out or locking our ways of diagnosing, retrofitting, upgrading these cars. I respect and was willing to support the work that @Ingineer is doing by buying his service, but I totally disagree with his policy to have exclusive access to other people's cars, without any control from the owners. If his server / vpn gets hacked, your cars will all mine bitcoin guys! And you can not stop this!

Completely disagree. Long story short, people are idiots. There's no better way to put it really. People in general do NOT know what they're doing, and this is especially so when it comes to these cars.

I don't even like giving most people access to the basic diagnostic screens, because you can pretty much screw up a ton of things from there without much effort. Giving random people full root access? Nope. Not going to happen. I don't care how much you think you know about cars or Teslas... you don't know what you're doing inside that MCU. I've not done nearly as many cars as @Ingineer, but I have over 100 or so on my network... out of those I've given root access to maybe 2, and only because they managed to make a good case for it while proving their knowledge of such systems as well as accepting complete responsibility for whatever happens with their car as a result.

As for the hacking issue... if somehow you manage to hack my VPN server (which, as an IT security guy and as the overall over-cautious person I am, this is probably unlikely in the first place, but who knows...), you're not going to get access to anyone's car beyond, at best, remote-app API stuff... and I'd know about it almost immediately and just pull the plug on the server until it was worked out. I also actually secure the vehicle-side system itself against root hacks when I add my software to them so that all known vectors of attack are blocked, as well as some additional security on the car-to-VPN link to make things even more difficult.

Obviously, nothing is perfect, but honestly, I think you should be much more worried about people hacking into Tesla's fleet VPN, which I've personally managed to do multiple times to-date, gaining full network access to every car in Tesla's fleet as well as what is essentially the current root password for every car (and obviously reported such issues to Tesla and was rewards pretty large bounties each time). Tesla's network is a much more tempting target than a small network of salvage vehicles. I've not publicly posted much, if anything about such efforts out of respect for Tesla's awesome software security team... who has pulled Friday night and weekend overtime as a result of my efforts on on more than one occasion. Plus I figure the headlines wouldn't be flattering for them, either.

In any case, if you want full root access to your car... hack it yourself. If you want respectable and honest help with working on a vehicle, talk to @Ingineer or myself.