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Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2013

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I'm not concerned at this point, glad to see it drop so my hedges pay off. I felt it was going to do this regardless. Once the real info comes out on this fire it's going right back up with earnings, just my newbie investing opinion so I would recommend doing the opposite and panic.
wow, hitting botton of channel in 1 day.

now the question for the next few days: do we breakdown completely or bounce off the bottom of the channel and 20DMA

Only if it's confirmed that the fire was a result of a cascade failure of the main battery pack.Evidence so far is consistent with that How so?

Lots of speculation as to what caused fire. No EVIDENCE YET, though myself and a bunch of others on this forum think the fire was caused by something being transported in the frunk or a MS crashing into the rear end of an ICE (ie. flammable liquid or gas not related to Model S).

I suggest we keep speculation as to cause of fire off this investor forum. Personally, I don't think we should speculate on cause at all, but if you must read about this, please go to the other thread on this forum.

I'm VERY curious as to what caused the fire... Model S accident... - Page 7

Also, please remember, about 1-2 months ago daily fluctuations in stock was great, it has just been the last 3-4 weeks that we had a run with no drop at all.
Could this be the "perfect storm"? A day with a major crash (due to the downgrade, i assume) and on the same day we have the incident/accident. I can see media trying to make sense of the fall blowing the fire thing out of proportion. IF it is a battery fire (and that's a big if), no one is going to quote the statistics that 1 out of every 1000 gasoline cars in the US catch fire every year as opposed to 1 of 15000 Teslas. It won't matter.

What do you guys think, could this get a lot worse tomorrow or will such a low value trigger buy in?

The perfect storm would be if the next GS 'upgrade' happens before this is all over! It's due sometime in the near future...
Lots of speculation as to what caused fire. No EVIDENCE YET, though myself and a bunch of others on this forum think the fire was caused by something being transported in the frunk or a MS crashing into the rear end of an ICE (ie. flammable liquid or gas not related to Model S).

I suggest we keep speculation as to cause of fire off this investor forum. Personally, I don't think we should speculate on cause at all, but if you must read about this, please go to the other thread on this forum.

I'm VERY curious as to what caused the fire... Model S accident... - Page 7

Also, please remember, about 1-2 months ago daily fluctuations in stock was great, it has just been the last 3-4 weeks that we had a run with no drop at all.

Why did you cut my quote off? I clearly stated that the evidence was consistent with many other causes as well.
Anyone else worried about the affect of the government shut down on the market in general? Personally that is what worries me more. TSLA stock will recover soon, and probably get a large bump with earnings in November, but what if government shut down throws market in general into a panic?
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