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Supercharger - Albuquerque, NM - Louisiana Boulevard Northeast

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Went past this afternoon. Definitely a prefab install and looks to be a 16 stall setup with the first 12 being prefabs and the last 4 being “traditional” install.


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This is going to be great! The existing Albuquerque Supercharger was undersized from the start, and has been limping along for years, normally with reduced service or damaged charge points, which is sad for such a large city. I used to live in Albuquerque and still visit from time to time, so I'll look forward to being able to charge here next time I'm there. Keep up the updates, folks! Thanks! :)
PLUS EV, I have to ask what is your source of information that these are 250KW? I am not doubting you, but was wondering how you know this information.
Tesla stopped installing 150kW superchargers about a year ago, maybe more. (Except for repair scenarios). If you look on supercharge.info, you will see that almost everything new globally is 250kW. Also note that Tesla does not put 250kW signs on superchargers, except in a few very rare cases.
A casual look on supercharge.info shows the last 150kW install in the U.S. was September 2020. (Though I am sure there might be some exceptions)
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the "instant" superhchargers like these are 250KW- and you can tell by looking at the cables they are the thin water cooled variety
Another way to tell the 250 kW installations is the square white box that serves them. Four stalls to a box. Completely different from the old cabinets used for the 150 kW installations. I find that is the easiest way to identify the V3 sites, having followed the construction of several very closely, including the exact wiring pattern used (for example: Mountain Village CO).
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The reason I asked is because the other superchargers I have seen have a little sign on top that says '250KW'. But in these pictures, none of them have that sign. At least, not YET..........
I have been to dozens of V3 chargers, and not a single one was marked with the little 250kW sign. Best to learn between the different types, ESPECIALLY at the sites that have both V2 and V3's.

I usually do my homework about which charger locations I will stop at during a long road trip, and know if they are V2 only, V3 only, or a mixed V2 & V3 site. Plugshare.com reports are GOLD with this, someone has usually commented "the chargers nearest the hotel entrance are V3's" or something like that.

In the rare instance I have not done my homework, or the original travel plan has changed, here's my drill pulling into a charge stop:
1) Look for V3's: Look for V3 style cabinets. Look for thin cables. Look for chargers with no numbers, and or chargers labeled with a letter higher than "B" (all V1/V2's by default are labeled A or B).
2) If V2's (thick cables): Look for paired charger spots that have both the A and B stalls open (i.e. 1A&1B open, 2A&2B open,etc.), and pull into one to charge. Don't share paired A & B spots unless you have to as it slows everyone down. Don't assume paired stalls are next to one another, 1A could be on one end of the charger row, while 1B is on the other end (does not happen often, but such sites do exist).
3) If on a mixed site and you are in an older Tesla that does not support V3 charging rates, PLEASE do not block those of us that can take advantage of V3 rates. A real pet peeve of mine when a P60 comes in just ahead of me and takes the last V3 stall, and I have to go to a V2 stall.
4) Don't forget the in car nav will list the highest supported rate at that site.

Anyways sorry. So many Tesla drivers out there don't know (or care) about charging etiquette. I hope these new ABQ chargers are finished by next weekend, as I have another trip to Santa Fe coming up then 👍 .
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3) If on a mixed site and you are in an older Tesla that does not support V3 charging rates, PLEASE do not block those of us that can take advantage of V3 rates. A real pet peeve of mine when a P60 comes in just ahead of me and takes the last V3 stall, and I have to go to a V2 stall.

I wouldn't worry about it so much - in this case, they may be doing you a favor. You will usually get a higher charge rate from an unpaired V2 charger, than you will from a V3 stall if all the other stalls V3 stalls are full (the exception being if the other cars connected to the V3 are collectively drawing a low rate).
I wouldn't worry about it so much - in this case, they may be doing you a favor. You will usually get a higher charge rate from an unpaired V2 charger, than you will from a V3 stall if all the other stalls V3 stalls are full (the exception being if the other cars connected to the V3 are collectively drawing a low rate).
Yes true, all sorts of exceptions. I do talk to and praise drivers of older models pulling in and purposely looking/going for V2's first. They get it. On my coast-to-coast trips, it can add up in needlessly lost time. I still stand by if you can't charge at V3 speeds, have courtesy and at least look for a free pair V2 stall first, even if V3's are open.

Illustrating another exception, my last trip to ABQ sitting at Buckeye absolutely alone, not another Tesla in sight:
V3 = 37kW max (~18% SOC), also tried another V3 stall same thing
V2 = 64kw max
Yes true, all sorts of exceptions. I do talk to and praise drivers of older models pulling in and purposely looking/going for V2's first. They get it. On my coast-to-coast trips, it can add up in needlessly lost time. I still stand by if you can't charge at V3 speeds, have courtesy and at least look for a free pair V2 stall first, even if V3's are open.

Illustrating another exception, my last trip to ABQ sitting at Buckeye absolutely alone, not another Tesla in sight:
V3 = 37kW max (~18% SOC), also tried another V3 stall same thing
V2 = 64kw max
Even old Model Ses are better off at v3 though, especially now that someone can plug into your paired v2 and drop your charge rate. Really don't think any expectation of behavior modification is reasonable here.