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Supercharger - Albuquerque NM

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Progress as of 3:30pm.

No one on site. Buildout looks essentially complete. Stalls finished; landscaping done; signage up;. site cleared of debris/equipment; and PNM sticker on transformer indicating installation is electrified. Orange cones probably mean site has not been certified yet. Was told lights for the site won't arrive for some time, but it did not seem like that would creat a delay for operations.

Two general parking stalls, four dedicated stalls (45 min parking limit).

Will try to swing by tomorrow.


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One more point of reference on Shamrock to Tucumcari. Headed west into 20+ mph winds, I had to drive 60mph (15 under the speed limit) for three hours and arrived with 10 miles left. Headed east at or a little above the speed limit arrived in Shamrock with 29 miles left. Don't forget westbound is up hill too.

Good points, great observation about driving effectively (reducing your driving speed to maximizing driving range).
Driving on long interstate routes while keeping cruise control turned "OFF" helps you WRT to obtaining better range.

For your consideration: If you have a chance to even "slightly" draft behind a semi, a large pick-up/SUV/mini-van or even another car it would increase your effective range while maintaining a higher driving speed.
The other vehicle does (at least) some of the work punching a hole in atmosphere making your car even more aerodynamic.
(To whit: The Team that recently set the new Coast-to-Coast EV time record had a large SUV lead vehicle which they drafted behind, allowing their MS to keep their speed up while not impacting their range).
Good points, great observation about driving effectively (reducing your driving speed to maximizing driving range).
Driving on long interstate routes while keeping cruise control turned "OFF" helps you WRT to obtaining better range.

I wish there were some real study to prove or disprove your point you try to make here. All I have is personal anecdotal comment, but *in my experience* (and I only have about 73,000 miles on my 2012 Signature) the human foot is not as smooth or controlled as the cruise control. When I do long trips (which is fairly often), I set the car on cruise and consistently get better range.

I have noticed that there are many people who are less able than I am of keeping a steady foot. Most long trip drivers tend to subconsciously vary the pedal pressure according to traffic and topography, and while cruise also does this, it is smoother, in general. On "foot", the brain keeps tending to make you keep up with traffic. If you are one of us unfortunates with excess testosterone, the brain wants you to go faster. Range suffers.

I would invite you and others who want to try driving off cruise to test this theory for themselves, driving the same route with and without cruise, preferably several trials. I have noticed for my own foot, I get about 10 more miles per charge with cruise.

I'm not even going to start on the question of drafting.

YMMV. For Sure.
Was on site around noon today. Tony, a Tesla employee, is on site. PNM is suppose to arrive and finalize hookups. Tony brought out an MS from Phoenix to test superchargers. Hopes to finish testing chargers today. I will try to keep everyone posted.


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Just when you thought things would really happen...

The power company, PNM, never showed. Site not open. No word on when site will be completed. Pretty frustrating...reportedly there were assurances from the power company that they would be here today. Oh well...
I wish there were some real study to prove or disprove your point you try to make here. All I have is personal anecdotal comment, but *in my experience* (and I only have about 73,000 miles on my 2012 Signature) the human foot is not as smooth or controlled as the cruise control. When I do long trips (which is fairly often), I set the car on cruise and consistently get better range.

I have noticed that there are many people who are less able than I am of keeping a steady foot. Most long trip drivers tend to subconsciously vary the pedal pressure according to traffic and topography, and while cruise also does this, it is smoother, in general. On "foot", the brain keeps tending to make you keep up with traffic. If you are one of us unfortunates with excess testosterone, the brain wants you to go faster. Range suffers.

I would invite you and others who want to try driving off cruise to test this theory for themselves, driving the same route with and without cruise, preferably several trials. I have noticed for my own foot, I get about 10 more miles per charge with cruise.

I'm not even going to start on the question of drafting.

YMMV. For Sure.

I don't have any data because my driving patterns aren't regular enough that I've bothered to keep track, but anecdotally it seems to me that I, too, get modestly better range with the cruise on than with it off.
Actually, Tesla's Jerome Gillian says cruise control is the most efficient, starting at 6:50:

TESLA D LAUNCH EVENT - Switzerland - YouTube

Not to dissuade Jerome's statement for most drivers, but jerry33 averages between 230 and 260 kWh on his drives with his speed around 60 to 65 mph without using cruise control.

I have pulled a portion of his 2015-04-09 post and quoted it here:

"Actually, I don't look at the speedo that much, I look at the power metre a lot more. Steady power is more important than steady speed. If the hills are just right, it's possible to do 70-75 and get 240 to 250 kWh/mi. But mostly it's just practice--a lot of practice."

I have done the same long distance drive as Jerry and a bunch of other (mortal) drivers, and everyone had around 30 miles of rated range left in their pack after a 200 mile RT drive to Austin and back to Waco.
Everyone that is, except Jerry, who still had around 80 miles of rated range in his pack.

Data don't lie.

Now, when Jerome can get the cruise control to consistently deliver 280 miles of real world range (on a 260 Mi range charge), I will switch and be using cruise control exclusively.
Occasionally I can get down to 280 to 267 kWh using just my right foot and watching the power meter, but then again, I am still mortal.
And practicing.

YMMV. Absolutely.

That 'record' deserves an asterisk since it was done piggybacking (to some extent) on an ICE.

Completely agree.
** for the current EV Coast to Coast Time Record **

Just when you thought things would really happen...

The power company, PNM, never showed. Site not open. No word on when site will be completed. Pretty frustrating...reportedly there were assurances from the power company that they would be here today. Oh well...

Looking forward to Monday(??) when this hopefully gets some juice.
With to constraint of a given time to cover the distance (you can always use less energy by slowing down/covering the course in greater time), and given that the road is not a set of short, steep rolling hills, the least energy is used with constant speed and not constant power.

If you are on open roads where the cruise control/TACC doesn't pump the throttle with traffic, and you smoothly engage and disengage cruise control, it can be very efficient equal or better than most humans; Jerry may be Borg.
I Stopped by tonight after 9:00PM (5-31-2015). I am traveling though to Tulsa OK, and could used a 120KWh charge, but had to settle for the CHadeMo at the the WinRock shopping Center. Charged for an Hour and added 25.6KWh

Notice the Electric Meter is not installed (sorry for the poor pic). Also noticed the LED Light poles are not in place either. Until they finish the LED lights, I do not think they the Power Company will come out with the wires exposed above the ground. Hope I am wrong, but it could be a few weeks away before it opens.

Just stopped by site. No workers, no activity.

I do not have a beautiful Model S so I don't know how to check if power has been turned on to the charger bays...

I am going to be very involved with family activities over the next few days and won't be able to check the site. I'll have to leave it up to other members of the team to take over. Wish I could have been there when they first turned on the juice! I have no idea when that might be. Hope it's soon. I think this is going to be a busy site once it gets operating. At least I hope so!