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Next time you see anyone official there ask them if Globe is next please,, Im hoping..
I think I'd use the Kayenta SC before I'd use Globe in my travels. I would think Showlow would be in the plans, but doesn't even show up on Tesla's future plans. Once we get Kayenta, Globe, and one more Phoenix SC, there are no more SCs planned for AZ, which I hope changes.
I think I'd use the Kayenta SC before I'd use Globe in my travels. I would think Showlow would be in the plans, but doesn't even show up on Tesla's future plans. Once we get Kayenta, Globe, and one more Phoenix SC, there are no more SCs planned for AZ, which I hope changes.
Yea, Showlow/Pinetop! See how we are never satisfied and always want more!
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We have snow in Payson but no electricity at the Superchargers, next week we hope.
Charging in Payson a couple of hours ago. HOWEVER, CAUTION IT IS NOT OFFICIALLY OPEN. I got caught in Larmie, Wyoming in this trap so I was able to charge but not official.View attachment 364501
Actually, it was me who was out in the cold in Laramie. I checked into the hotel and the employees told me the supercharger went down earlier that day :( I was (barely) able to hypermile to Rawlins the next morning and arrived with a few miles remaining. I did report the issue right away on TMC, but maybe you missed it.
Don't believe just because someone charged there, in this case me this afternoon, that it will remain open before the oficial opening date. When I say I got caught in the Larmie trap, i did. People had been charging in Larmie for days but it wasn't ofically open and when I arrived there from Rawlins with 35 miles left they had closed it until the opening date, I had to get to Cheyenne which was 30 miles away, up the mountain. I made it with about 2 miles left because I drove at 35 mpr with 18 wheelers passing me going up the mountain. When I talked to Tesla roadside assistance they said, don't ever rely on a SC unless it has been listed as operational on their map. That's why I posted the warning.
Don't believe just because someone charged there, in this case me this afternoon, that it will remain open before the oficial opening date. When I say I got caught in the Larmie trap, i did. People had been charging in Larmie for days but it wasn't ofically open and when I arrived there from Rawlins with 35 miles left they had closed it until the opening date, I had to get to Cheyenne which was 30 miles away, up the mountain. I made it with about 2 miles left because I drove at 35 mpr with 18 wheelers passing me going up the mountain. When I talked to Tesla roadside assistance they said, don't ever rely on a SC unless it has been listed as operational on their map. That's why I posted the warning.
There was no "official opening date" for Laramie. What happened was they activated it, TMC members noticed, charged there, posted about it, supercharge.info was updated, etc. Then Tesla didn't add it to the Nav or the website for about a month. Then when I got there, the front desk informed me that there was a defective part and they shut it down earlier that day to replace the part (They probably knew there was some type of issue which is why they hadn't added it to the Nav). Then I think it was down for a week or so which is probably when you visited. Then the part was replaced, it was re-activated, added to the Nav and everything has been fine since then.

Also the Cheyenne supercharger is quite a bit lower in elevation than the Laramie supercharger, so while going up and over that initial climb would not have been fun with only a few rated miles remaining, the elevation change actually helped you reach the Cheyenne supercharger.
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^ We had a delayed official opening with Poncha Springs CO. As I recall, one of the street light poles was damaged and couldn't be installed. The station was turned on and worked fine -- I used it less than a day later -- but it wasn't added to the Tesla map until the light pole was installed days later. So, it can be little things delaying the official opening.

Best to have a "plan b" in case the new station gets turned off, but you would have to be pretty unlucky for that to happen.
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If it makes anyone feel better... supercharger officially shows up on the Tesla Map. Congrats to @RickArcadia for having the nearest guess date. Thank you everyone who was involved in picture taking and coverage. Happy New Years to all. Also, when is everyone getting together for the grand opening?


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It's considered officially open when Tesla adds it to their Supercharger navigation and pages.
Okay this "officially open" terminology was confusing to me as well. I was thinking you guys were talking about a ribbon cutting or something, which used to happen sometimes in the early days of superchargers, but are rare now. They are often slow about adding new superchargers to the Nav and website and I think often there is no rhyme or reason with why they wait so long. Laramie (and Rock Springs) were obviously exceptions. They waited along time to add those to the Nav and they both went down at some point in the interim.