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Wiki Superchargers Visited

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More Info: Supercharging.Life database

This is a friendly contest for Tesla owners to track the number of unique public Superchargers where they have charged

- "Supercharger count" is the number of unique public Superchargers where you have charged (just being there does not count), whether or not you were the person plugging in the vehicle (such as a Valet Parking garage or a Passenger) and whether or not it was your own personal vehicle (such as a rental, a loaner, or a friend's Tesla) as long as you were the one who drove >50% of the distance to reach the charger(s).
- The list of chargers in the supercharging.life database are the ones included in the game. If you think one should be added or removed from the list, let us know.
- Only chargers available to the public without special permission are included in the game.
- Chargers not connected to the grid are not counted.
- Doublet locations like the North/South Supercharger 'pairs' in CT, ME, NH, etc. count as individual locations.
- More than 1 charger at the same address, such as Lenox Square Mall (Atlanta, GA) or Montgomery Mall (Bethesda, MD) count as individual locations when they appear as a separate location on the Tesla Nav screen.
- Inactive competitors will be archived and removed from the leaderboard. Just post an update to be reactivated.

See Supercharging.Life database for info on how to post your own visits to the database (preferred), or post your locations with date visited to this thread and one of the admins will update your list for you. All visits must be posted to this thread - not just entered in supercharging.life. If you are the first in the game to visit a supercharger location, please post to the thread as soon as you can so others know it has been visited.
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Don't count on it. ;)

While I doubt I will ever catch you, I expect there will be new "professionals" that emerge and will pass the amateurs - and even the semi-professionals.

That said, I too am not griping and will leave the rule setting to the consensus of the "professionals". :)

I'm far from professional / a professional but if I head out to get both Mt Shasta locations and then in the Spring they add a 3rd one in the same shopping plaza then I will definitely lobby that any of them should count as a single location and have no problem lowering my count by 2 since they'd all count as the same location.

I'm 2,500 miles from Mt Shasta on the most direct route (so more like 2,700 to 3,000 miles on a normal road trip route) and I'd be none too pleased to have to do a 2nd trip just to hit a charger in the same parking lot complex as the other 1 or 2. Move or add it 1 mile away like Madison, WI did and I agree it could be counted as a new location but not the same basic parking lot area. Heck, it could be my local supercharger and I'd still lobby that it should be counted as a single location.

Let's not forget that Miami has 2 separate locations at the same street address in supercharge.info (701 South Miami Avenue) but one is labeled as "SW 7th St" and the other is "SW 8th St" and are physically in separate parking garages across / diagonally across the street from each other and ~1,000 ft apart (from the supercharge.info locations) but I think the entrances are across the street from each other. Physically different parking garages and structures.

I was there a few weeks before they were open and I only visited one of them just to check it out so I still get to make a trip that way at some point. Someone could certainly lobby that both of these spots should be considered as a single location and I'd be fine with that as it holds up with my Mt Shasta argument that it is the same general "Brickell Center" shopping area and parking garage area.
Is it across a street? Is one visible from the other?

Just kidding. No dog in this hunt. Popcorn ready. :) :)

Yes they across from each other and yes you can most likely see one from the other. Google Street View doesn't have Parking Lot Street View" so this is the best that I could get but you can see both of them in the same photo. It's across an access road to the shopping plaza -- more of a glorified "entrance driveway." I wouldn't really consider it a full street (with mailboxes and painted lines down the middle and such) but it is a street with a name and addresses assigned to it.

Whether you are trying to visit every charger or not it is worth discussing. Maybe even moreso because you don't have a dog in the fight. This certainly won't be the last time a location like this will exist.

@Darren S I was just kidding about seeing one from the other, and the professional part.

Tesla lists the Darien north and south as two different locations (2.5 miles apart), and also Milford north and south even though they are right across the highway from one-another.

Darien North is a strange one. 4 stalls - two non-adjscent locations. I don't think anyone would argue these are two different locations.

Here is my serious suggestion. Simply agree on the "general" rules, and have a "database of record" which is a list of all superchargers. When there are "edge cases" debate the merits, and then there is a vote. My suggestion is @Half Dollar Bill and @JSergeant and the top 5 leaders (not counting @Half Dollar Bill and @JSergeant) get votes, so there are exactly 7 votes - no ties. Use the "supreme court" rule that precedence is important, so while decisions can be overturned, they generally should not be.

I couldn’t see the original Shasta charger from Shasta 2. I presume the hotel and strip mall have different ownership. When I was charging at Shasta 2, the NAV said to proceed to Shasta 1 to charge before heading onward as it didn’t seem to recognize I was at a charger already. Now there are two distinct charger pins at different addresses. I thought we’d come to accept address as a fairly powerful distinguisher.

I did both Miami superchargers (7th and 8th) and they seemed to be in two different parking garages. Took several minutes to get from one to the other. Not particularly easy to find within the garages either.
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@Darren S I was just kidding about seeing one from the other, and the professional part.

Kidding or not, you can fit both supercharger locations inside an MLB park from just behind Home Plate to the Center Field wall. They are THAT close to one another. Don't joke about the professional job. I'd love to be part of a team that visits sites, surveys them, checks them afterwards, etc. Maybe I could sign up as a Google Street View or Apple Maps driver. Hmmm.

Tesla lists the Darien north and south as two different locations (2.5 miles apart), and also Milford north and south even though they are right across the highway from one-another.

Darien North is a strange one. 4 stalls - two non-adjacent locations. I don't think anyone would argue these are two different locations. View attachment 329496

Yep, I've been to Darien and actually visited BOTH locations just because I could and it was a needed stop on a trip with someone as we headed to and from the Barrett-Jackson auction at Mohegan Sun. I knew it only counted as 1 location but it beat stopping at a non-supercharger Rest stop for 15 minutes. Those ARE 2 different locations but the rules have always indicated that the opposite Turnpike or limited-access Parkway (like Greenwich on the scenic Merritt Parkway) locations only counted as the same location.

Here is my serious suggestion. Simply agree on the "general" rules, and have a "database of record" which is a list of all superchargers. When there are "edge cases" debate the merits, and then there is a vote. My suggestion is @Half Dollar Bill and @JSergeant and the top 5 leaders (not counting @Half Dollar Bill and @JSergeant) get votes, so there are exactly 7 votes - no ties. Use the "supreme court" rule that precedence is important, so while decisions can be overturned, they generally should not be.

I like that idea a lot but would vote that it should move around otherwise it might be the same 7 folks voting on things for months or years. Maybe start at the top and then the next issue moves down to the #6 thru #10 spots then the next discussion would be the #11 thru #15 spots. A caveat would be to ensure those 5 folks are from at least 2 or 3 different areas of the country. If all 5 folks are from CT then they might lobby to make both Darien locations unique and separate but throw in half the votes from the other side of the country and it would help possibly help balance out the outlook.

We already do generally use a "database of record" and it is supercharge.info and the Tesla nav screen but one feeds from the other so they aren't really unique listings. I feel the Tesla list should be the master version as that is what is pushed to the Nav screen. The trick is, Tesla nav lists the new Tampa one as "Tampa, FL - West Swann Avenue" and supercharge.info lists it as "Tampa - West Swann Ave, FL" so they are not consistent. I keep wishing the supercharge.info database would pull directly from the Tesla list with the name and GPS but there are some subtle differences.

This is why I was working to get the list consistent on how sites are indicated "Tampa 2, Tampa - W Swann, Tampa (West Swann), Tampa - Swann, etc." or whatever and then could make everything match to the Tesla nav screen since all vehicles have that available. It seemed that the majority of the list matched to what Supercharge.info had so that was step 1 and it is a work-in-progress thing at the moment. If only we could have a list or a map of the country and you click the chargers in the order you visited and it auto-populates your list and moves you up in the order but I don't know how to do that.
@Darren S
I passed a couple Apple Maps vans driving I-80 in WY this morning. Shall I give them your contact info if we cross paths again?

Eh, I'm an Android fan myself so thanks but no thanks. :) I pass an Apple Maps vehicle about twice a year but ironically almost never see the Google Street View car (I've seen it twice in my town in the past 15 yrs). I was at the same hotel as a Tom Tom mapping vehicle once and even left the same time they did and followed them for a mile. I always wondered if I was in their Street View images.
I realize it's a bit of a technicality, but the two Mount Shasta locations are different addresses, different ownership, etc. and they are across the street from one another. If we count those as one location, it starts to get very arbitrary very quickly and could lead to us debating many different locations, so I think that's a rabbit hole we don't want to go down.

I would be okay with counting the turnpike locations separately, but I'm fine with the status quo there as well. Sure it's annoying to get off, turn around, pay a toll, etc. but it's not any more annoying than it is to pay for valet parking in NYC or whatever. Also, IIRC, there is a northbound/southbound couplet on the NJ turnpike that are counted separately, probably because they are in two different cities. But they are actually closer together than one of the CT locations that are counted as one, so that seems inconsistent.

Lastly, Springfield, OR is a unique case. I believe we are counting it as one, but the expansion was put in the lot of an adjacent hotel, so obviously they are different addresses. Unlike Shasta though, the expansion was immediately adjacent to the original supercharger location, so I guess that could be a distinguishing factor. You can literally touch a bollard in one hotel lot with one hand and touch a bollard in the other lot with your other hand simultaneously, so it does seem like it would be silly to count them as separate locations.
Listen, let’s realize that this whole game/contest isn’t about the highest number but about checking a box. It’s like geocaching but without the potential of finding a little prize. Whether you’re only out there getting your local chargers or driving around the country, you want to be able to say “I was there. I did that.” And the difference between urban chargers and gas station chains, between paid parking lots and grocery store lots, between paired and unpaired sites is just an internal rationalization. If you’re playing the game, then that rationalization allows you to feel better because you decided to either visit or to not visit a site.

I hope superchargers are never as ubiquitous as gas stations. But today that’s only because of the limitations imposed by the switching gear and electrical infrastructure. Technology will evolve, though, and I suspect that too will change in time. So maybe the charger crowd is doomed to be drawn to places they thought they wouldn’t have to visit again over and over because new sites open up. And for me, that’s fine, because it’s just another box to check, in another part of the country I’ve never been.

I don’t think this thread’s founding fathers envisioned and day with over 500 sites around the country. Or that the thread would be maintained for as long as it has. Practically speaking, if this were to ever turn into a mobile app, I suspect that each physical location would have to count, or rather that users of the app would WANT a way to identify that they’ve visited the multiple locations of a single site. Users are clearly going to want to say “I’ve visited all the sites in my home state” or possibly “I’ve used the most urban sites” but that’s all achieved in the sophistication of the app design. I think that it’s the individual achievement that drives this clan; imposing limits only lessens the fun. I didn’t create the thread so I respect the rules of those that did. If I wrote an app, I’d have different rules for different reasons. This thread is really about exploration.

Caveat for service center sites – I wholeheartedly agree with the prior determination that sequestered superchargers at those are off limits. I don’t believe that anything we do for fun should make someone’s job harder.
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Day 10: We had a day trip out to Whistler and then came back in time to drive across Vancouver in rush hour traffic to reach Tsawwassen. So we added two new SpC's - Whistler, BC; Tsawwassen, BC, bringing my total to 500. Tsawwassen has the honor of being #500. The air was turning hazy again today, but nowhere near as bad as it was in Montana.
Day 10: We had a day trip out to Whistler and then came back in time to drive across Vancouver in rush hour traffic to reach Tsawwassen. So we added two new SpC's - Whistler, BC; Tsawwassen, BC, bringing my total to 500. Tsawwassen has the honor of being #500. The air was turning hazy again today, but nowhere near as bad as it was in Montana.

CONGRATS on #500 !!!
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Day 10: We had a day trip out to Whistler and then came back in time to drive across Vancouver in rush hour traffic to reach Tsawwassen. So we added two new SpC's - Whistler, BC; Tsawwassen, BC, bringing my total to 500. Tsawwassen has the honor of being #500. The air was turning hazy again today, but nowhere near as bad as it was in Montana.
Congrats on #500!!

I'm pretty sure it's just a timing thing with the haze. I think the Puget Sound area got worse smoke than Montana did overall, but from what I hear it's not so bad now. It was awful last week. My mom still lives in the house where I grew up and she said she couldn't see the water from her deck which is about 100 ft. And that is far away from Seattle so it's hard to describe how crazy that is. It's normally a very fresh, idyllic setting.
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