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Tesla Email: $30,000 Off P100D!!!!

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Ok update from Tesla: For all inventory purchases, all rims requiring repair/refinish will be done prior to delivery and returned to oem perfect spec :) They also Shampoo interior and buff and wax exterior for a showroom delivery. All door trim will also be checked for alignment...basically it goes through an extensive new car check over. :)

Fantastic!!! Thanks for the response! I also asked Tesla actually, and got the same answer! Let's hope our cars show up looking gorgeous :D
That's the best way to purchase a Tesla: pull the trigger, don't look back, don't second guess, and just enjoy the environmentally friendly ride (after the 2 month torture of waiting for delivery, of course).

Thanks! Sometimes 'Analysis Paralysis' can kick in lol. Financially for us it made sense to trade in 90D for this P100D inventory...essentially same payment... so why over think it?!

Can't wait to tint 20% rear and 35% sides :) classy and will make it look more stealth!
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Thanks! Sometimes 'Analysis Paralysis' can kick in lol. Financially for us it made sense to trade in 90D for this P100D inventory...essentially same payment... so why over think it?!
Our MX replaced a 1993 Plymouth minivan. I know you're thinking "hey, it must have been tough giving up the cassette player and rusted quarter panels," but sometimes you have to make sacrifices to advance transportation technology. I can't find my car in parking lots anymore by following the trail of coolant, but now I have GPS...
You made the right decision.
Dilemma...Tesla offering me $7100 (plus tax plus interest) off the price to disable AP2. Hmmm. Over the term of the lease it's literally $245/month for the one feature which compared to AP1 seems to be sporadic in functionality? Anyone have any opinions?

I'm used to AP1 reliability.

Unless you spend a lot of time in traffic or taking long highway trips, I would skip it. Maybe add it later on if it ever gets perfected.

I like my AP2.0, but I'm not sure I would get it again with what I know today.

Just my 2 cents.
Unless you spend a lot of time in traffic or taking long highway trips, I would skip it. Maybe add it later on if it ever gets perfected.

I like my AP2.0, but I'm not sure I would get it again with what I know today.

Just my 2 cents.

Thanks for your input. Are you saying AP2 is not as reliable as it was reported to be? Ie. even in traffic of highway it's spotty? Or does it perform reasonably well in those 2 areas?
Thanks for your input. Are you saying AP2 is not as reliable as it was reported to be? Ie. even in traffic of highway it's spotty? Or does it perform reasonably well in those 2 areas?

AP2 suffers from steering anomalies and ghost brakings even on highways, so compared to AP1 at least, it is signficantly inferior. I find it a stressful aid, personally, since it is so unpredictable.
Thanks for your input. Are you saying AP2 is not as reliable as it was reported to be? Ie. even in traffic of highway it's spotty? Or does it perform reasonably well in those 2 areas?

AP2 is certainly not perfect and sometimes its more of a hinderance than a help, unfortunately. Hopefully it will get better soon. There are many threads here that address this in excruciating detail.
Yes I've been reading up on the threads. There are those who have issues, those who are neutral and those who say AP2 works great. Argh.
Consensus seems to be 'not quite there yet but getting better'.

I suppose the other issue I'm facing is without AP2, apparently adaptive cruise also goes. Only regular non adaptive cruise stays.

Should keep the 90D AP1 ...argh...
Should keep the 90D AP1 ...argh...

Definitely. AP2 is worse and by the time it is better, an interior camera equipped new suite (same as Model 3) will likely be out and offer more value for money. If you already have AP1, enjoying that and waiting before buying new makes sense.

It is also possible other things such as an interior refresh or new battery or new charging come to Model S/X based on Model 3 progress...
Definitely. AP2 is worse and by the time it is better, an interior camera equipped new suite (same as Model 3) will likely be out and offer more value for money. If you already have AP1, enjoying that and waiting before buying new makes sense.

It is also possible other things such as an interior refresh or new battery or new charging come to Model S/X based on Model 3 progress...

Would have definitely waited if not for the large inventory discount on the P100D. So far I'm hearing if I must get it, don't bother with EAP and simply purchase at a later date when it's improved .
I agree with you on most of the items you’ve identified. The car has the hardware to support a much more robust user experience.

Tesla release the true power of the car and open up to use of applications that make sense and work beautifully.
Yes I've been reading up on the threads. There are those who have issues, those who are neutral and those who say AP2 works great. Argh.
Consensus seems to be 'not quite there yet but getting better'.

I suppose the other issue I'm facing is without AP2, apparently adaptive cruise also goes. Only regular non adaptive cruise stays.

Should keep the 90D AP1 ...argh...

Update: picked up my unicorn P100D yesterday (obsidian blk/white but soon to be blue/white) and first thing was to try AP2 on the highway.

Initial Impressions of AP2 from a former AP1 Owner:

1. First few minutes: While on a long straightaway, surprisingly good. I was intrigued that it read the speed limit sign and displayed it on the left side, equally surprised that it still showed 3 lanes at various times, and lastly started seeing the car in front of me turning blue. All except for reading vehicles beside you and seeing trucks and bikes as in AP1. Truthfully if I didn’t know better, I would thought I was driving with AP1! I was expecting none of the functions as listed. I was quite pleased until the car tried to take an exit while I was on the left hand lane. That was definitely unexpected as AP1 would never default to the exit and would stay the course.

2. First Curve on the highway: the blue lines seemed to waver quite a bit as if the system was having trouble ‘locking on’ to the actual lane markings. Odd since the lane marking were quite clear on a normal day at 3pm. This would cause the car to make subtle shifts left or right...and I mean ever so slight. However travelling at 110km/h those slight shifts translated into the car seemingly driving drunk? Best way to describe it. It was unnerving to say the least and failed to instil any confidence in letting go of the wheel for longer than a second. With AP1, I’ve taken the same curve at speeds even higher and could do so with my eyes closed and reading a book (if I was so inclined lol).

3. Touching the wheel prompts: AP2 seemed to ask me to touch the wheel every 20-30 seconds where as with AP1, I could go 3-5 minutes without a request. Definitely more of a nuisance.

4. City stop and go driving: more or less exactly the same as AP1. With the exception of the lines waving at times causing the occasional odd feeling of ‘drunkeness’, it performed its task quite similarly with respect to stopping, accelerating and accurately detecting and responding to a vehicle which happened to cut me off. Speed signs were displayed correctly and AP2 did restrict to 10km/h over the posted speed limits as would AP1.(which may lead to the car actually reading the signs or gps...not sure which) Again if I didn’t really pay attention, I would have thought it was actually AP1 with a few shots of vodka lol...but more stable than I was expecting.

Conclusion: This are my initial impressions on the first drive home from the SC. All in all a much more pleasant experience with AP2 than I have read about. Perhaps I purchased at an inflection point where AP2 is now pretty much at parity with AP1? Time will tell with further updates :)

As for P100D brute force vs the 90D smooth power delivery...more details later. For now pushing the pedal 3/4 down was like the 90D floored. That last 1/4 on the P100 was...eye popping! I’ve only tried ludicrous without max battery and no ludicrous+ yet...and my lord it moves faster than I can blink!


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I was intrigued that it read the speed limit sign and displays it on the left side

It probably did not. This is a common misconception, it is based on database only so far.

The blue car a few people have reported seeing. I can only see white cars personally, even when tailing a lead car.

First Curve on the highway: the blue lines seemed to waver quite a bit as if the system was having trouble ‘locking on’ to the actual lane markings. Odd since the lane marking were quite clear on a normal day at 3pm.

IMO nothing off about that, quite common on AP2.
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Ok fellow owners! Received my P100 back from the wrap shop yest eve after 5 painful days of waiting.

Obsidian Black is now Deep Blue Metallic

And I present....


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