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Ford's head of electric vehicles throws shade at Tesla, saying the new Mustang Mach-E's 'roof doesn't come off'

Ford exec takes swipe at Tesla as the Mach-e is hitting dealerships. (Ford’s most important car in decades).

Here’s another innovative car released by Ford a few decades ago.

Ford Edsel: See all 18 models of the 1950s car that failed disastrously & lost more than a quarter billion dollars

“We decided to bring out a new make of car. An automobile more distinctive than anything on the American Road. This is the Edsel.”

They should have reused the Edsel brand name instead of Mach-E, lol.
Oracle recently announced HQ was moving from CA to TX.

Elon recently announced he's moved to TX, but Tesla HQ has not (yet)

Could his discussion topic with Ellison be as simple as that?
Tesla does own 2,500 acres of land. Could lease some of it to Oracle for buildings. Maybe... a datacenter for Dojo and all that? I doubt Elon wants to go near AWS.
No matter how many idiots say Apple is launching a car brand they will not make it true.

While I agree with your post, the Apple Brand is an asset. The Apple Brand is most useful to those without a brand, but using the brand is a risk. My conclusion there is a <= 5% chance that a Apple branded car might be built in China.

For everything else, there is lots Apple could do well that current car makers don't do well:-
  • Car software
  • FSD hardware and software
  • Chips and electrical components.
What Apple does not do is:-
  • Battery manufacturing
  • Casting - Materials science
  • Car design and engineering
  • Making manufacturing equipment
Elon has stated Tesla wants to be best at manufacturing because others will eventually have good EVs with FSD.
People assume existing car makers are better at manufacturing than Tesla, and up to the last year or so that was correct.
But Tesla is pulling ahead, casting is a big part of that, and something that can't be quickly replicated.

So IMO Apple will either help American and European car makers fend off Chinese competition, or help the Chinese out compete the Americans and Europeans (excluding Tesla and possibly VW).

Even given the remote possibility that an Apple branded car is built in China, it is an equally improbable event that the combination of Apple and China could out complete Tesla on manufacturing. Even if that was possible, it may take decades to achieve. (or end up being insignificant).

So if Apple comes on board in any capacity it accelerates the mission and over a 5-10 year timeframe that helps Tesla. It helps build EV brand awareness, and a public charging infrastructure. If helps sell solar and batteries, and it helps further dilute the FUD.

Overall Tesla is making all the right movers to be best at manufacturing, even Apple has no quick fix for that. Most of the small number of really great manufacturing engineers are already working for Tesla or SpaceX.

Even poaching staff is less likely to succeed now, many senior Tesla staff also have considerable Tesla shareholdings. They stand to gain more financially by helping Tesla continue to succeed. Any salary has to overcome that hurdle. Not many US or European Tesla staff will want to go work in China. Having a factory in China and manufacturing R&D outside of China is less efficient.

So overall I'm finding it hard to construct any narrative where Apple represents a threat to Tesla.
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The day ended with 390 Teslas registered in Norway. Mainly Model 3s.

We might actually beat June 2019. Only a few hundred cars left:


The all time high record month was when the flood gates were opened in March of 2019 when Norway registered 5,315 Model 3 Teslas.

So far today 177 Teslas hav been registered in Norway. All Model 3 except for one Model X.

Yesterday 107 Teslas. None on the 25th and 26th.

But an impressive 10 on Christmas Eve which is our main day of Christmas. Best gifts ever I would think!

Source: Tesla Registration Stats
That's a theory I've seen floated around. Their "old" price targets essentially had people laughing at them, but now, not so much. I assume their new price targets are also shockingly high, even compared to their prior estimates.

I wonder whatever happened to the new ARK Tesla research and price targets. Maybe they figured the numbers were too breathtaking for the world to handle.
I'm not sure if this has been answered, but how likely is it for the Federal EV Tax Credit to be reinstated and back-applied for 2020 if it passes through the legislature and executive branch here in the US?
AH off topic. I secured a couple usernames in the Tesla arcade. I’d suggest you all do the same. It’s not crazy to think that I could sell either of these in a decade or two when Tesla arcade is bigger than PlayStation. Only half joking there. So, technically, this is Tesla investment related.

Username: 2 [1 was taken]
Username: 420.69 As the stock is nowhere near this point I beg that the mods will show forgiveness. ❤️

BTW it seems you can play the new games while driving. Of course you shouldn’t. It’s like caraoke you have to confirm it’s the passenger playing. I’m not sure who would do this other than in a taxi situation....maybe ARK Tasha is correct? hmmm
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