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Workplace 110V Charging Issue 9/12A

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I finally had enough of not being able to charge at work today. I said the hell with it, I'm gonna try my 5-20 in that outlet!

I brought my charge adapter to work with me and mid morning, with few people in the building, I plugged it up for 5 minutes to get some numbers.

With the charge cable just plugged in, before the amps begin to ramp up, I have 121 volts. At 16 amps draw, it drops to 114 volts. If I dial the amps down to 8 or 10, the voltage floats around 117 to 118. I didn't get any power quality warnings.

114 volts at 16 amps was getting me 6 mph of charging.

Dammit manager, let me charge here!!!!! I think I'm due for a performance review, I'll offer charging instead of a pay raise, which I'm sure would be tiny anyway.

Yes, by my estimation a 5-20 gives you about 42% faster charge rate than the included 5-15 (you'd think it would be only 33% faster, but you have to take into account the overhead of running the computers, fans and cooling which is the same regardless of how you charge). So if you have a plug with that horizontal blade (see here for a picture CarCharging.us), then getting the 5-20 adapter is well worth your while.
If I am ever able to charge here, I'll get nerdy about it, and write down miles at beginning, miles at end, total charging time, and over a few days I'll be able to get a pretty good average number of what 6mph really means, I think it could be anywhere from 5.50 to 6.49 .
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I finally had enough of not being able to charge at work today. I said the hell with it, I'm gonna try my 5-20 in that outlet!

I brought my charge adapter to work with me and mid morning, with few people in the building, I plugged it up for 5 minutes to get some numbers.

With the charge cable just plugged in, before the amps begin to ramp up, I have 121 volts. At 16 amps draw, it drops to 114 volts. If I dial the amps down to 8 or 10, the voltage floats around 117 to 118. I didn't get any power quality warnings.

114 volts at 16 amps was getting me 6 mph of charging.

Dammit manager, let me charge here!!!!! I think I'm due for a performance review, I'll offer charging instead of a pay raise, which I'm sure would be tiny anyway.

I think those voltages are good. Probably no reason to dial back the speed. At 120v the voltage always drops a bit... Good luck getting approval! Just don’t give up pay for it. :) You won’t be able to get that much energy value out of a 120v 20a circuit. :)
Good luck getting approval! Just don’t give up pay for it. :) You won’t be able to get that much energy value out of a 120v 20a circuit. :)

I don't even really care about the money, I would be amazed if it were more than a 50 cent / hour raise. It's the "getting something for nothing" part that appeals to me, as I said in my recent YT videos on garage charging. And I'd be getting roughly $1 per day of power savings on my home power bill if I could charge here. Maybe a bit more.
I don't even really care about the money, I would be amazed if it were more than a 50 cent / hour raise. It's the "getting something for nothing" part that appeals to me, as I said in my recent YT videos on garage charging. And I'd be getting roughly $1 per day of power savings on my home power bill if I could charge here. Maybe a bit more.

You'd forfeit a $4/day pay increase to save $1/day on electricity?
You'd forfeit a $4/day pay increase to save $1/day on electricity?

It's not so much that, it is the "getting something for nothing" part, that's why I want to charge at work so badly. I know, it's not really for nothing, but I'm weird like that. In my head it works better. The industrial rate for power has got to be less than my residential cost. So they pay less and I save more.

I tried another power outlet on the side of the building today, it didn't go so well. Due to its location I have to use an extension cord, so I have to use my 5-15 plug in adapter, not my 5-20. But even so, the car was reading only 104 volts, and it dialed the amps back to 9/12, for only 2mph of charging. Not worth the trouble, so I unplugged it right away.
It's not so much that, it is the "getting something for nothing" part, that's why I want to charge at work so badly. I know, it's not really for nothing, but I'm weird like that. In my head it works better. The industrial rate for power has got to be less than my residential cost. So they pay less and I save more.

I tried another power outlet on the side of the building today, it didn't go so well. Due to its location I have to use an extension cord, so I have to use my 5-15 plug in adapter, not my 5-20. But even so, the car was reading only 104 volts, and it dialed the amps back to 9/12, for only 2mph of charging. Not worth the trouble, so I unplugged it right away.
Any extension cord you use to charge should utilize at least #12 conductors for optimum transmission...and lowest voltage drop.
Had kind of a tense moment at work this morning. Over the weekend I had emailed the employment company (it's a weird setup where one company works with this company and handles the employees. Not a temp agency but similar), to ask when there'd be any sort of a performance review, as I had just gone over 6 months here.

As I had guessed, the email from the person at the employment company bounced it back to my manager here. I didn't think it'd be a big deal, but rather a gentle nudge to get some communication happening, but he seemed a little miffed about it, like I'd gone over his head or something. Completely not the idea I had.

So we had an impromptu review of my activities here. What it came down to is that I know the hardware and have the computer knowledge, but I don't always respond to emails fast enough to suit them. And one guy who had worked here for many years (let's refer to him as Joe) was laid off a few months ago for similar performance issues. I worked with him for a few months and he was lazy enough to make me look motivated.o_O

So it didn't seem like the right time to bring up Tesla charging at work. I wanted to get the manager into a conversation and steer things in that direction, but it didn't work as planned.:eek: So my Tesla charging workplace frustration continues. I know it's a little thing, but in my head it's a big thing.
It's not so much that, it is the "getting something for nothing" part, that's why I want to charge at work so badly. I know, it's not really for nothing, but I'm weird like that. In my head it works better. The industrial rate for power has got to be less than my residential cost. So they pay less and I save more.

It's not really for nothing. You spend the time and effort on this. It also seems to stress you a lot. If you have a way to plug at home, just plug in at night and relax. The savings don't worth the hassle.
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