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  1. S

    Possible Solutions for the New User Interface UI 11?

    While I agree with all the crappy changes listed, they pale in comparison to the now-glitchy backup camera. Anyone else having that issue? It's incredibly stuttery and I have to back up at about a third the speed so it can catch up. It's almost useless.
  2. S

    Tesla's Self-Driving Beta Fleet Is Generating An Immense Amount Of Data

    That, and their charging network - I'm really surprised another manufacturer hasn't skipped trying to do their own network and piggybacked on Tesla's. Seems like this car making thing could be just to get the other revenue streams off the ground. Like Google and any one of their apps - it's...
  3. S

    Tesla Model 3 With 4680 Pack: Estimated Charging Time, Power, And Size

    Well, technically if you read the article and whiteM3SRplus didn't you are more enlightened. He's just asking for forgiveness because he didn't read the article and consequently isn't as enlightened. I think you should grant his request. Give a man fish... whiteM3SRplus just wants to eat, for...
  4. S

    Are Tesla Vehicles Really That Much Better For The Environment?

    Dunno - I got $5k back from Tesla for giving up Supercharging, so we bought a solar array. My math was focused on generating more electricity from our panels than the car would use, which we've achieved. Solar feeds the grid in the day (when energy is at high demand) and draws at night (when...
  5. S

    Are Tesla Vehicles Really That Much Better For The Environment?

    The Netherlands will ban the use of coal in electricity generation by the end of 2029, so it's great they're getting their house in order now so the future will only be cleaner.
  6. S

    Are Tesla Vehicles Really That Much Better For The Environment?

    We got solar panels installed a month ago and we're producing way more energy than our car consumes. After incentives / rebates, it was only a few thousand dollars so that refund I got for foregoing Supercharging is now paying for at-home charging.
  7. S

    The Tesla Effect Is Making Luxury Cars Lose Value Faster Than Ever

    A few things come to mind. 1. it's all in percentages, so they may have sold more cars each quarter but the others sold EVEN MORE - you can't infer volumes from this. 2. Didn't Tesla start pushing all their inventories overseas around that time? 3. They had a huge backlog of orders so the...
  8. S

    Model 3 Software Update 2019.9.x

    Ugh - totally agree. Red on red is next to impossible to see unless you really look closely.
  9. S

    Confirm Performance Stealth (non-PUP) $5,000 refund

    Thanks. Seems easier to do that than to issue $5k checks to do many people, so at least you got that going for you.
  10. S

    Confirm Performance Stealth (non-PUP) $5,000 refund

    I thought track mode for all Performance was just an idea. Do you have a tweet to reference?
  11. S

    Taptes new wireless charging pad

    No issues for me. I was gonna take a photo with them on top of each other but they're identical in height so there's no good way to do that. Instead, here they are side by side. My guess is there were production issues more recent ly resolved? Received mine last week.
  12. S

    Taptes new wireless charging pad

    Mine doesn't slide around at all. It fits so tight I had to remove the lip timet to get it in. I just don't want it coming up, which is why I'm adhering it.
  13. S

    Taptes new wireless charging pad

    I bought one of these January 4 after reading this thread. It arrived 1/16. My Note 9 with a case barely fits in there (really tall), but with a push, it's locked in. I'm seldom in the car long enough to get a solid read of the charging graph, but from the 45 minutes I had it on yesterday, it...
  14. S

    Confirm Performance Stealth (non-PUP) $5,000 refund

    This is all really encouraging! I submitted a request last week. I feel like I'm gonna buy a set of winter tires with some of the money... kinda a quid-pro-quo. Problem is, it hasn't really snowed yet so I don't know how well the stock tires will hold up. LOL
  15. S

    Does a full battery weigh more?

    The full battery will weigh more so keep that in mind. Ideally charge is 20% for those runs.
  16. S

    I ordered a Performance 3. The car at delivery was an AWD.

    After tens of thousands of deliveries, they must be finally getting the details figured out.
  17. S

    WSJ: Musk Called Out for Using SpaceX Resources for Boring Co.

    Both have been dishonest in the past (intentionally or not). I don't trust anyone all the time; even when my mom told me I was the handsomest kid in my grade growing up. Best bet is to get information from a variety of sources and weight each one accordingly. I do trust that the WSJ knows more...
  18. S

    VW Cutting Models, Powertrain Combos To Accelerate EV Investment

    VW is the company behind the 'Plug in to the present' commercial I've been seeing a lot lately. Volkswagen TV Commercial, 'The JetStones' [T1] No branding on anything until the last few seconds of the spot.
  19. S

    Flufferbot, 'Hollowgate' and the hollow floor noise

    What was the manufacture date?
  20. S

    Watch Tesla Model 3 Navigate On Autopilot: New UI Images + Videos

    Stupid Illinois signs say "Slower traffic keep right" which no one thinks they're going too slow, so no one keeps right.
  21. S

    Flufferbot, 'Hollowgate' and the hollow floor noise

    Agreed - it's embarrassing that a luxury car sounds like Yugo made their floorpan. The floorpan is the foundation for the car so if that's crappy build quality, it's hard to not be suspect of other parts. Even the backseat floor of my cousin's Cutless Surpeme, which was rotted out and you could...
  22. S

    Flufferbot, 'Hollowgate' and the hollow floor noise

    Murphy's law - we're a couple miles from the service center and have a short list of issues we haven't felt are bad enough to get addressed.
  23. S

    Flufferbot, 'Hollowgate' and the hollow floor noise

    That's every new production model, ever. Even the first batches of Accords and Camrys each model cycle have abnormally high issues (it's all relative, of course). Consumer Reports always discourages getting the first new model year of a car.
  24. S

    Front license plate Model 3

    I bet you could talk your way out of that one.
  25. S

    Front license plate Model 3

    They can't talk to you if they can't catch you. ;-O
  26. S

    Flufferbot, 'Hollowgate' and the hollow floor noise

    So does that mean they'll address the issue?
  27. S

    Watch Tesla Model 3 Navigate On Autopilot: New UI Images + Videos

    No - the right lane is the passing lane in UK. ;-)
  28. S

    Watch Tesla Model 3 Navigate On Autopilot: New UI Images + Videos

    Huh. My wife was walking me through the finer points of how it all worked... guess we're married to different women.
  29. S

    Watch Tesla Model 3 Navigate On Autopilot: New UI Images + Videos

    My thoughts after putting on a couple hundred miles over the weekend in Chicagoland highways. I'm now a left lane parker. :-( The software should say, 'hey, there's no traffic in the right lane so you should move back over there'. Particularly embarrassing to get passed on the right (see...
  30. S

    Elon Musk Buys $10M Worth of Tesla Stock

    Meh - $10m on a market cap of $56b is like a percent of a percent.
  31. S

    Drive on Navigation

    Our car tries to commit suicide while on autopilot with some regularity. Things are going just fine then all the sudden it beeps crazy and veers to the side (usually right, but sometimes to the left towards cars) and shuts off autopilot. Really makes us pay attention. I'd say it happens about...
  32. S

    DashCam - Caught accident

    Sometimes things are better for society, not just for you. Maybe someday someone will be able to help you out with their dashcam.
  33. S

    DashCam - Caught accident

    I ride as if half the people don't see me and the other half are trying to kill me. Adds a bit more to my defensiveness. ;-)
  34. S

    Front license plate Model 3

    For $160, do they come to my house and install it?
  35. S

    Tesla Charging Cable Organizer vs Amazon alternative?

    Uh oh - I was just going to hang the cable around the charger - not a good idea or are people just anal retentive?
  36. S

    Obvious features/functions that weren't obvious to you

    It's dumb that it doesn't say it can't/won't change lanes. I just sit there with the turn signal on for miles, waiting for it to decide it's OK to do.
  37. S

    Obvious features/functions that weren't obvious to you

    Ditto with mine. While I was explaining to someone how to 'acknowledge' that I'm not dead or asleep, I realized how overkill that much force is. My steering is set to heavy - wonder if that impacts it? The speed change is good to know... but I'll just keep increasing the speed 1mph until the...
  38. S

    Where does xxxx part belong?

    YOU WON!!!!!! The was the first place I checked before posting but I couldn't figure out where. Yesterday we checked all four doors just to be sure, but they all had them so I pulled off the passenger door piece that was installed and they were identical part numbers, etc. Guess Tesla figures...
  39. S

    Obvious features/functions that weren't obvious to you

    Odd - that's been my experience too - even on limited access roads (speed limit 45 and limited entrances/exits), it still just sits there with the turn signal on. The manual says nothing about this, only that you have to be going over 30mph.
  40. S

    Where does xxxx part belong?

    When I worked at a place that had an engineering department, my boss would pickup any random odd thing he could find and interoffice it to them asking them how quickly they could reproduce. He'd put random people's names in the "from" on the envelope. Said he'd been doing that for decades and no...
  41. S

    Where does xxxx part belong?

    My turn - far less critical. Found this on the passenger side of the front seat. Anyone?
  42. S

    How fast does the car go in reverse?

    An eight minute video to show an S going 15 mph once then 17 mph a second time. :rolleyes:
  43. S

    Biggest Positive and Negative Surprises About Model 3 AWD Performance Version

    That doesn't work for me - it lops off the /payment-history and goes right to my account info. :-(
  44. S

    How fast does the car go in reverse?

    It's not in my manual. https://www.tesla.com/content/dam/tesla/Ownership/Own/Model%203%20Owners%20Manual.pdf
  45. S

    How fast does the car go in reverse?

    Was backing up the other day and wondered, what's the top speed in reverse? There's no technical reason it's different than the top speed forward, is there? Real world anecdotes appreciated. ;-)
  46. S

    Biggest Positive and Negative Surprises About Model 3 AWD Performance Version

    I'm getting free supercharging (and I'm supposed to), but my account still says I'm supposed to pay for it.
  47. S

    plastic on screen- took me a month to notice it..

    Our delivery guy specifically said he left it on so make sure we take it off sometime later. Door sills had the plastic on them too.
  48. S

    Flufferbot, 'Hollowgate' and the hollow floor noise

    Mine definitely sounds hollow - was wondering if it was just me. :-( Sounds like a rusted out car from the 70s - not on par with everything else in the car. VIN 96xxx
  49. S

    Lane-splitting motorcycle stoplight drag-race dilemma

    The important thing is that it's being done where legal (California and most of the rest of the world). That way people are expecting it and both parties are following a set of rules (limited speed differentials, not past certain vehicle combinations, etc.). People who do it around here...
  50. S

    Loving phone instead of FOB

    I have a Note 9 and had no issues at all... until last night. I got near the car and it randomly started honking. I pulled out my phone to see if I was somehow pushing buttons, but I wasn't. When I glanced back at the house, I see my jerky wife waving and laughing. Guess she was having fun with...