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2017 Investor Roundtable:General Discussion

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also for all the people saying "omg this is a 35k car, can't expect everything like the S". Here is the current Audi A4 dash ($35k), it has a full LCD like the Model S with optional HUD. i don't understand if the interior really is this barebones how Elon could claim its the best $35k car you can buy. too much hubris towards FSD imo.

Let me know when the Audi A4 has their car running on batteries for $35k. Enough said. You're comparing an A4 dash with a Tesla? How many people are lining up for any Audis? There's your difference.

Personal preference here but I would never buy an Audi, do you know the headache involved with fixing them? Go ahead and click on the link below. My friend's Audi was a nightmare. Perhaps Audi should have focused less on the interior and more on what really matters. 3 out of 5 stars, can we end this pathetic discussion now?

Top 441 Complaints and Reviews about Audi
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For those of you concerned about the lack of HUD I'd suggest trying what I did today. Mount your smart phone in the approximate position of the upper left hand corner of the Model 3 display and run a GPS speedometer app. I found it quite an easy adjustment to glance slightly down and to the right instead of slightly further down and to the left where my current speedometer is in my car. You can even cover your existing display with some paper so you aren't tempted to look at it. I'm one of those people who previously thought I'd never buy a vehicle with only a center display, but I also always try to be flexible. Bottom line, it's just not an issue, the upper left hand corner of the Model 3 display will be an easy adjustment.
You know, I haven't seen anyone mention this, but what if there is something no one has yet imagined. Something that is truly new...? Like what? I don't know. But when Elon says we "won't care", then I think something unimaginable might be what's coming. Just a thought. Trying to think outside the box.

Edit: See Willy Wonka above.
Obviously, the Model 3 will come with a Neuralink. Just plug it into your brain, and you'll know how fast the car is going all the time. There is also no need for the steering wheel or pedals, but for now the government requires those. Works great, but be careful your mind does not wander off the road.
Let me know when the Audi A4 has their car running on batteries for $35k. Enough said. You're comparing an A4 dash with a Tesla? How many people are lining up for any Audis? There's your difference.

Personal preference here but I would never buy an Audi, do you know the headache involved with fixing them? Go ahead and click on the link below. My friend's Audi was a nightmare. Perhaps Audi should have focused less on the interior and more on what really matters. 3 out of 5 stars, can we end this pathetic discussion now?

Top 441 Complaints and Reviews about Audi

Again this is the mass market car, not just the car for people who want an EV. It should be the best 35k car period, not the best 35k ev. Also the Audi is simply an example. Other 35k cars have similar full mModel S like LCD screens. And using ease of repair is not smart given the trouble many current Tesla owners have

This really feels like the lack of center console thing. Buyers, to Teslas surprise did care about the storage
For those of you concerned about the lack of HUD I'd suggest trying what I did today. Mount your smart phone in the approximate position of the upper left hand corner of the Model 3 display and run a GPS speedometer app. I found it quite an easy adjustment to glance slightly down and to the right instead of slightly further down and to the left where my current speedometer is in my car. You can even cover your existing display with some paper so you aren't tempted to look at it. I'm one of those people who previously thought I'd never buy a vehicle with only a center display, but I also always try to be flexible. Bottom line, it's just not an issue, the upper left hand corner of the Model 3 display will be an easy adjustment.

It's not just speed tho, it's nav/music etc
First, as a disclaimer, I don't think Tesla needs some exotic solution to displaying data beyond what we've already seen for the Model 3 and Tesla to both continue with tremendous success.

Now for speculation of an improbable exotic new design that "still has one display", as per Elon, but displays it twice.

1) Look at this video from the Model 3 reveal test rides and pay attention to the middle of the top of the windshield. Would this reflection be there in full if the display screen were not tilted quite a bit to make it so? How high up the windshield are ones eyes looking while driving with the use of current AP technology vs. where they are looking when just driving oneself?

2) Remember that Elon said the first application of the new "Tesla Glass" in house technology group would be in the Model 3 (though, of course, it could roll out at the same time in the S and X so as not to run counter with the philosophy of the flagships getting new tech first or Elon's tweet about nothing substantially new in the Model 3 not seen in S or X).

Tesla Model 3 will feature new type of glass developed in-house, Elon Musk confirms ‘Tesla Glass’ tech group

3) In relation to media coverage, or other vehicle makers efforts, I've seen times where Elon has exhibited what could be called hubris, annoyance, or even contempt, but, never have I seen him exhibit it to owners of Teslas or TSLA. Over the years those two groups have asked a pile of fundamentally uninformed and/or well off the beaten path questions, and every time I've seen it, Elon gave gracious, patient answers. I'm reasonably optimistic the "you wont care" tweet today wasn't about arrogance or annoyance, but rather his strong confidence that what we don't know will delight us.

All this has me wondering if "Tesla Glass" tech is to be used in a portion of the windshield that can somehow capture (and reverse) the image on the screen we've already seen in the prototypes in a way that is clear and dependable in all conditions (ie. weather and lighting) and that people inside Tesla feel is better than conventional offerings... 4) a bit in the direction of a spaceship feel : )
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...also for all the people saying "omg this is a 35k car, can't expect everything like the S". Here is the current Audi A4 dash ($35k), it has a full LCD like the Model S with optional HUD. i don't understand if the interior really is this barebones how Elon could claim its the best $35k car you can buy. too much hubris towards FSD imo.
Gad. That's the current A4? Thanks for saving me a trip to my Audi dealer.
That IC looks "like a spaceship" from a 1967 Oldsmobile commercial. If Tesla offered that in any form for the 3, I'd say they'd lost whatever design mojo they had.

Similar to what @JRP3 mentioned above, I mounted my phone with a GPS app to the dash of my wife's LEAF just to the right of the steering wheel on the AC vent. Then I drove to work. The first thing I noticed while driving was how infrequently I look at any of the gauges. My gaze is usually towards the cars in front, then rear and side mirrors. Restricting myself to getting the speed from the phone was not any more significant effort than from the digital speed readout just above the steering wheel. So, I learned this particular issue, for me, is much ado about nothing.
Off topic, sitting here watching Bill Nye on MSNBC. had a thought, California should drop the hammer on the Big 3 auto manufacturers. If they want to Ban a California company from selling cars in Michigan, how's about we charge a hefty state import tax in return? I would say Ban them completely but that may be a bit much for the consumers, though we could just buy imports. I personally wouldn't miss the big 3, would never buy their products anyways.
Musk mentioned on Twitter that Tencent connection is more than just an investment in Tesla stock:
@business Glad to have Tencent as an investor and advisor to Tesla

Very speculative question:
Could this be some kind of precursor of a joint venture with a Chinese company for mass production of battery packs or Model 3 in China?
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Musk mentioned on Twitter that Tencent connection is more than just an investment in Tesla stock:
@business Glad to have Tencent as an investor and advisor to Tesla

Very speculative question:
Could this be some kind of precursor of a joint venture with a Chinese company for mass production of battery packs or Model 3 in China?

Haha I posted the exact same speculation this afternoon in the other thread.
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Looks like 8.1 is starting to install in the fleet this morning. If I'm not mistaken this will allow a greater portion of Q4 '16 and Q1 '17 Enhanced Autopilot revenue recognition. Not sure if it gets them to 100% (not sure if 4 camera's are active or not). So that's something like $75m-$150m if napkin math is right.
I've only seen images of 17.11.3. Doesn't look like a kernel/ui update included.

But it does have AP improvements.
Looks like 8.1 is starting to install in the fleet this morning. If I'm not mistaken this will allow a greater portion of Q4 '16 and Q1 '17 Enhanced Autopilot revenue recognition. Not sure if it gets them to 100% (not sure if 4 camera's are active or not). So that's something like $75m-$150m if napkin math is right.

Revenue? Who cares about revenue.

In all seriousness, 8.1 will show what level of wacky Elon is operating on with his continuing autonomous car talk in the near future. Can he back up his talk with software, or are we supposed to continue to assume his neural net will become self aware and solve all the autonomous driving problems.
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