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Updated to 28.3 from an earlier 28 version last night. EAP and NoA were both worse with phantom braking plus I had to cancel navigation when I realized NoA was going to miss my work exit. The other issue which I've not seen before is creep was enabled which startled me while driving in traffic this morning. When I checked the creep setting it was in a disabled state but the graphic color was off. Put car in Park reset Creep to off and now it's fine along with a normal graphic.

Sounds creepy.
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The other issue which I've not seen before is creep was enabled which startled me while driving in traffic this morning. When I checked the creep setting it was in a disabled state but the graphic color was off. Put car in Park reset Creep to off and now it's fine along with a normal graphic.

What do you mean by “the graphic color was off”?
If you’re not in Park, the toggle button is grayed out such that you can’t change it while driving.

Oh and my car was just updated to 28.3.1 over WiFi from 24.4, looks like a wide rollout now.
Oh and my car was just updated to 28.3.1 over WiFi from 24.4, looks like a wide rollout now.

Same here as of about 5 hours ago... and FWIW I have my car set to NOT receive updates as a priority (advanced or whatever they're calling it now) since it seems to help avoid my getting the .0 and .1 versions of updates that inevitably get replaced with .2 and .3 bug fixes soon after.
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Just got the notification about 2 hours ago and installed. Haven’t driven it yet.

Interesting observation from last update: I have been fighting NOA because it wants to lane shift to the right one long before I prefer (for an exit). Usually wants to switch 3-4 miles out when I prefer 0.5 - 1 mile out. Last night it didn’t try to switch until I was 0.9 mile out. Like after MONTHS of fighting it it finally learned what I like.

But this was last night, not today with 28.3.1. We’ll see if that improvement was more than a one shot.
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What do you mean by “the graphic color was off”?
If you’re not in Park, the toggle button is grayed out such that you can’t change it while driving.

Oh and my car was just updated to 28.3.1 over WiFi from 24.4, looks like a wide rollout now.
Normally the setting is blue when creep is enabled. The upgrade turned creep back on but it wasn't a blue background. Almost light brown in color.
It's fine now after I disabled creep.
Two weird things this evening on 28.3.1. First was Nav switched from showing next turn and heading up to showing the entire route with North up as I neared my destination. Second I got a notification that climate control had been on for extended period of time while sitting in my driveway. It was on for 3 hours and I did not turn it on or leave it in dog mode. I’m going out to reboot the car just in case.
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Haven’t driven yet but after dinner did go out to the car with my husband to try the chess. He hasn’t played in a while and game set to default level. He said he made one mistake but did prevail in the end.


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and FWIW, "Advanced" has shown to do absolutely nothing.

AFAIK, this isn't true. There are a few people who've posted that they tried enabling the "Advanced" software update mode and that it had no obvious effect, based on one or two update cycles. I've also seen people post that the setting does have an effect. There's enough variability in update times and lack of clarity about precisely what the setting is supposed to do that, absent inside access to Tesla's procedures surrounding this setting, we'd need a controlled study involving dozens or hundreds of vehicles, likely over several software updates, followed by competent statistical analysis, in order to make a judgment on the question of whether the "Advanced" software update switch does anything. I have yet to see any such analysis posted here, or even any effort to organize one. (I am not volunteering to do so.)
AFAIK, this isn't true. There are a few people who've posted that they tried enabling the "Advanced" software update mode and that it had no obvious effect, based on one or two update cycles. I've also seen people post that the setting does have an effect. There's enough variability in update times and lack of clarity about precisely what the setting is supposed to do that, absent inside access to Tesla's procedures surrounding this setting, we'd need a controlled study involving dozens or hundreds of vehicles, likely over several software updates, followed by competent statistical analysis, in order to make a judgment on the question of whether the "Advanced" software update switch does anything. I have yet to see any such analysis posted here, or even any effort to organize one. (I am not volunteering to do so.)
nicely said. To add...… reminds me of what the wife said yesterday..... "I took two aspirin 5 minutes ago, and I still have a headache. Aspirin doesn't work" :rolleyes:
Just updated from 2019.24.4 to 2019.28.3.1. There were all kinds of whirring and clicking sounds during the update that I hadn’t noticed in the past.
My car is HW3 with FSD.

Build Date 3/19 HW3?
yes, as you said. You hadn't noticed before. Depending on the update, these things happen and have occurred for a long time. :) Mostly a set of system testing and related things.
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