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AWD delivery thread

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I wasn't disagreeing with the presence of a record, I was disagreeing with your pathetic, roll-over-and-take-any-abuse attitude. I'm a pretty reasonable person, and I've found that in all functional organizations, a visible record of reasonable, unresolved complaints will actually get me to a manager and get people fired. I've gotten people fired -- not often, but I've done it. They deserved it. There are probably others here who have.
Pathetic,roll over and take any abuse? You clearly don't know me. Get people fired? HA! Whatever. Inever let a situation get to that point. I also don't work through the 888 number anymore.
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I think I've had more fun waiting in line at airport security versus waiting for this car. At least in line I can look around and see what's going on and that things are moving. The complete radio silence is the most annoying part. I received an e-mail asking for my preferred delivery date given a window. I replied over a week ago. No acknowledgement they even got my reply. Nothing has been updated on my page. So, did they get my e-mail or not? Should I keep nagging?
Absoutely. This means they didn't read your email. You need to nag the hell out of them. Call them daily (politely) until you actually get a real response. Make it clear what days are possible for you -- be as flexible as you can, but if certain days are flat out, emphasize that.

Perhaps best to call the local delivery center, because some of these delivery dates are jokes and will be cancelled on you because the car isn't there yet. :-(

If you don't need a VIN for insurance, just get the insurance preemptively. Similarly for finance. If you do need the VIN for insurance or finance, you have something else to nag Tesla about.
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I had a valuation in about three days after I submitted the info but it was a horrible offer so I have emailed them to remove the trade in but they haven't yet.
Horrible because it was less than you wanted or way less than KBB suggested.. I'm getting close to irritated but they are trying to close out the month, so I'm cutting them some slsck. My acct is updated but still no trade-in value.
It's all over the place. My buddy and I got delivery dates (next weekend) but no VINs,and almost no contact from our IDAs. Others have VINs without delivery dates. Still others have been contacted by the actual delivery center with tracking information for their car.
I have called Tesla 4 times now and even though my account is stuck at "A delivery specialist is reviewing your changes" (I had none), nobody can seem to unlock the page from that status. The last 2 emails from my IDA requested I update that page, but I cannot do that until someone unlocks.

Yeeeeeah. That's an "escalate to management who knows how to unlock the page" problem. You may need to spend a while on the phone or you'll never get your car.

I suspect the moment the page gets unlocked everything will be smooth as silk. You just need to pressure them to fix whatever went wrong with your page. Once that's fixed, thank them politely and don't call again unless something else goes wrong.

I think in my case things may work out OK, but you can tell TSLA is in over their heads right now. It will be OK in the long run though. I'm sure we will all look back and joke about what a cluster F* this whole thing was, while at the same time remembering what an awesome time this was an how we were a part of history. Sounds corny but I think this will be true (channeling my inner Elon) :)
I’ve been through two non-responsive DA’s until I called the 800 number and got a delightful, helpful woman in Vegas customer service named Jennifer. She followed up with emails, called my DA’s supervisor to get new DA (other one MIA).
This is how to do it if you're stuck with non-responsive DAs.

Final step is trade in info and photos. SMS link didn’t work, so I emailed Jennifer and got a call from Kris/Inside Advisor within an hour and offered to help me with trade in info personally. Maybe I got lucky with Jennifer, but wait times on phone aren’t bad and if you’re pleasant and patient with CS, they should help. Kill em with kindness.........
Be sure to ask to put a commendation on the records of Jennifer and Kris.
If that were even true, that would be OK, but the problem we've been hearing is that there are people with *identical* configurations in *identical* locations where the person later in the queue got their car and the person earlier in the queue didn't. (I think there have been three fully documented examples so far.)

This leads to the conclusion that some people's orders have gotten lost. So people who ordered in early June probably have a good reason to pester.

That doesn’t prove orders are lost it just shows Tesla isn’t following the queue we think they should follow.
I'm scheduled to pick my M3 up next Wednesday but have yet to be assigned a VIN# and need it to finalize my financing. Is it normal to be 3 business days away from pickup without a VIN? I called my local Tesla this morning and they didn't have my VIN# yet and were supposed to call me back but haven't. Getting nervous that my car won't be ready for Wednesday....

Be really, really relaxed on the phone. Explain that you're happy to pick the car up, but that if you don't have the VIN by day XXX (which depends on how fast your bank works and when you can get time off work to go to the bank, so ask the bank), you won't have the financing on Wednesday, and you'll just have to take the car home without paying Tesla. Ask them if that's OK.

I realize it's a bit sarcastic, but it gets results.
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It’s sad to hear such bad experiences with IDA’s. Mine has been excellent and responsive to all my questions, although my transaction is easy with no trade or financing. My original delivery date was 9/22 and he moved me up to 9/18 and assured me the car would be delivered in Minneapolis this weekend. Sure enough, I stopped by the lot today and the car is sitting there just delivered off the truck, looks great, no issues at first glance (misaligned panels, etc) although it still needs to be washed and detailed. Barring any mechanical issues, we are excited to take her home on Tuesday!


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That doesn’t prove orders are lost it just shows Tesla isn’t following the queue we think they should follow.

If you have two people in the same location with literally identical configurations, both paying cash, and one reserved before the other one *and* ordered before the other one, then the person who did both first should be earlier in the queue.

Otherwise it doesn't actually qualify as a queue at all. "Queue" has a definition.
Wait, no "pathetic and weak"? I figured you'd go apoplextic with the "kill em with kindness".
There are good employees and bad employees; the good should be commended and the bad should be fired. It's important to be able to tell the difference. This person had two "delivery advisors" who didn't do their jobs, didn't respond to contacts, and should be reprimanded or fired -- followed by, after calling and escalating, two very helpful people, one in the call center and a new delivery advisor, who did the work that the first two *didn't* do. The good people need to be promoted.
If you have two people in the same location with literally identical configurations, both paying cash, and one reserved before the other one *and* ordered before the other one, then the person who did both first should be earlier in the queue.

Otherwise it doesn't actually qualify as a queue at all. "Queue" has a definition.
While, yes, that is correct for a single receiver, if multiple people are draining the same queue, yes, it can appear out of order to an onlooker. This goes back to something I said, that you actually liked. They have a lot of inexperienced people and some experienced from S, X, and Roadster experience. This is why they need to hire and train now for the onslaught that will be base $35000 M3. THAT has every possibility of being a real *sugar* show.
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While, yes, that is correct for a single receiver, if multiple people are draining the same queue, yes, it can appear out of order to an onlooker.
You would be describing a "pool" rather than a queue. I have been wondering if they've ended up with pools intstead of queues. This has the unfortunate effect of leaving a few people with very early orders in the position where they will never get their order pulled out of the pool except by random chance, unless they manually intervene. It's not OK.
There are good employees and bad employees; the good should be commended and the bad should be fired. It's important to be able to tell the difference. This person had two "delivery advisors" who didn't do their jobs, didn't respond to contacts, and should be reprimanded or fired -- followed by, after calling and escalating, two very helpful people, one in the call center and a new delivery advisor, who did the work that the first two *didn't* do. The good people need to be promoted.
Yes, thanks to you I read the thread and you are correct, and right to recommend commendations for the two 'stars'. I gather I have two more people I need to deal with, one, maybe next one, the IDA? and after him, the one working the paperwork just prior to delivery... When I last talked to Mt Kisco they did say there would be two more people in my 'life'. I was seriously impressed with the "We got this" comment from Mt Kisco. Two weeks from today, I pick up mine.
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You would be describing a "pool" rather than a queue. I have been wondering if they've ended up with pools intstead of queues. This has the unfortunate effect of leaving a few people with very early orders in the position where they will never get their order pulled out of the pool except by random chance, unless they manually intervene. It's not OK.
Outside of CS I doubt anyone knows the difference. And, yes, a thread pool, n consumers, m suppliers. I think it's a pretty safe bet there are more than one consumers of customers waiting for the next point in the workflow.
I would Call the tesla financing people. Mine took 2 days also.

So I shot a note to an OA I've been talking to and he sent me an email back the next day asking if I could provide a more legible copy of the title. Of course this was late on Saturday, so nothing I can do until tomorrow morning and my concern now is that lien holder said options to get a copy were fax (which I originally did - hence the poor quality) or to mail a copy and I'm concerned it won't be arrive before 9/24 delivery. I don't get why they can't email copies in the year 2018.
Call the 888 number and ask the person on the other end to give you the number to the financing team or google tesla financing and it will show up. When I called, I left my name and number and I got a call back about two hours later Hope this helpsb.
Are they strictly doing tesla internal financing? I am going through a credit union as CT does not allow Tesla to set up shop here. I assumed Tesla has folks interfacing with banks and credit unions. Do you have tesla financing or private?