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We just handed $2T in tax dollars to corporate investors, that goes a long way.

Primarily it's that we're at Thursday march 26th and the world hasn't ended. The death rate of this thing(under any significant suppression effort) is relatively benign compared to the "end of days" scenario spouted by doctors several weeks ago. I had a feeling once that was fairly clear, all the cash would start flowing back in. There's simply too much wealth on the sidelines and nowhere for it to land.

Even Chevron has recovered by 25%, so I wouldn't call any of this "rational" per se.

Things don't go to *sugar* overnight, we are only a few weeks into lockdowns in several big states. We saw 3M new unemployment claims today.. To put this in perspective I've included the historical chart. Mnuchin says they are not relevant. If we know this is all caused by a virus, does that somehow make it irrelevant? What will unemployment claims be by next Thursday? 5M, 6M? Your guess is as good as mine. But I think it's relevant, and it is not looking good.


I think we're closer to the first inning than the ninth right now.
They should 3D print a machine that makes masks. How many 3D printers would it take to match the speed of machine like this:

home printing is often very slow; but you are only spending $200 for a printer.

the trick is to optimize the design so that it can print fast; perhaps break the main unit into parts and have them glue or tape (maybe?) together. then you can have a bank of printers cranking out sub-parts to be assembled later.

there's also printable 'rubber' (TPU) that can at least TRY to help form a seal. I have some TPU at home, as well, so I might try a rubber layer around the edge.

what I'd love to figure out: any kind of sensor that we can install to detect if the fit is leaking or if the 'use time' is beyond X amount of hours. ie, a 'smart mask'. I think there's some potential here.
Things don't go to *sugar* overnight, we are only a few weeks into lockdowns in several big states. We saw 3M new unemployment claims today.. To put this in perspective I've included the historical chart. Mnuchin says they are not relevant. If we know this is all caused by a virus, does that somehow make it irrelevant? What will unemployment claims be by next Thursday? 5M, 6M? Your guess is as good as mine. But I think it's relevant, and it is not looking good.
When you shut down large sectors of the economy that means people are going to be unemployed. I assume by not relevant he means completely expected.
But I think it's relevant, and it is not looking good.

Yeah, me too. I just don't understand the market reaction. Sure, $2 trillion is a lot of money and as mentioned by @deonb may be good to keep things sort of bumping along for 10 weeks depending on the assumptions. But it's already been nearly two weeks, and I don't yet see evidence of the feds working on a workable exit plan (test, track, isolate in massive numbers). And it will take time for the transmission chains to cool down. Some places are perhaps 2 weeks behind New York - and really doing nothing about it yet. So they're probably going to be hitting their peak in roughly say 4-5 weeks (beginning of May!).

It just seems chaotic and disorganized to me. It's all very well to defer to state authorities and have a plan to leave things open that definitely do not have problems. But there is no actual plan to measure the degree of problem in every area so you can use a data-driven approach. You have to have a workable metric to implement that sort of strategy. I see no evidence of that. Yet.

There was no reason we couldn't have been done with this whole thing within the next week or two, but that would have required decisive action in mid-February or earlier. I just see us falling into yet another trap of inaction (more like reaction) like that now, with continuing severe consequences.
home printing is often very slow; but you are only spending $200 for a printer.

the trick is to optimize the design so that it can print fast; perhaps break the main unit into parts and have them glue or tape (maybe?) together. then you can have a bank of printers cranking out sub-parts to be assembled later.

there's also printable 'rubber' (TPU) that can at least TRY to help form a seal. I have some TPU at home, as well, so I might try a rubber layer around the edge.

what I'd love to figure out: any kind of sensor that we can install to detect if the fit is leaking or if the 'use time' is beyond X amount of hours. ie, a 'smart mask'. I think there's some potential here.
The general population does not require a tight fitting mask for public health. Follow the Asian example
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At this point we know the US numbers are underreported due to collection methodology if nothing else.
We also know we can no longer estimate US total exposures because CDC does not report total testing, they do not even collect it, and they do not report tests linked to individual when they do discuss but only a gross test estimate.

You might distrust China data for some reason. However, keep in mind that Chinese posted their genomic data openly for everyone else to use and have been providing aid in material and expertise for Italy, among others.
The present US tests, such s they are, were developed using that Chinese genomic data.

In the world today we have enough distrust to go around. If you think China is misstating data can you tell us why?

I'll take this political bait, and, respectfully, disagree with you.

China had a vested interest in publishing the genome for the coronavirus. Despite their advances, they are still a distant second to the USA in terms of biomedical innovation, and they know it. Getting this data out helps them, indirectly, and makes them look good to the world for sharing (directly).

Conversely, they have no benefit politically to keep reporting the likely growing numbers of infections they have. It just gives them a black eye politically. But if they report just a relative "few" each day to make it seem like they are still testing, but not growing substantially, then they can claim superiority of their methods to those being used in the USA. And make no mistake, they REALLY want to appear better than the USA on the world stage. It means more to them than anything, certainly the lives of their own citizens.
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A doctor is 3D printing face masks to help meet the desperate need for protective gear - CNN

View attachment 526050

3D Printable Mask for COVID-19


View attachment 526054

I have the STL files and I'm going to do a test print today. printers says it will take many hours (more than 5) but I have a cheap $200 slow printer. still, its not doing anything right now, so lets give it something to do...

Fantastic idea. This would be the best use of my 3D printer since I have had it.

Please do share your results!
Yeah, me too. I just don't understand the market reaction. Sure, $2 trillion is a lot of money and as mentioned by @deonb may be good to keep things sort of bumping along for 10 weeks depending on the assumptions. But it's already been nearly two weeks, and I don't yet see evidence of the feds working on a workable exit plan (test, track, isolate in massive numbers). And it will take time for the transmission chains to cool down. Some places are perhaps 2 weeks behind New York - and really doing nothing about it yet. So they're probably going to be hitting their peak in roughly say 4-5 weeks (beginning of May!).

It just seems chaotic and disorganized to me. It's all very well to defer to state authorities and have a plan to leave things open that definitely do not have problems. But there is no actual plan to measure the degree of problem in every area so you can use a data-driven approach. You have to have a workable metric to implement that sort of strategy. I see no evidence of that. Yet.

There was no reason we couldn't have been done with this whole thing within the next week or two, but that would have required decisive action in mid-February or earlier. I just see us falling into yet another trap of inaction (more like reaction) like that now, with continuing severe consequences.

Right, the state by state, city by city patchwork of approaches makes me think the US may end up with the worst outcomes among developed nations. We need to rapidly scale testing and methods of public health surveillance to be able to get back to a "new normal".

I wonder why they didn't want to ask the US for a comment? I've read 5 articles on this yet nobody has asked the Americans anything? I'd say it's odd, but sadly it is not. Rumor drive panic, panic sells advertising hits. Politicians (most) lie. Especially in an election year.

For now I'm filing this with the "Doctors can't be female", "US will lose 50% of people to COVID", "National Guard is Enforcing Curfew", "Vitamin C cures everything!", and "Man Could Not Have Landed On the Moon" stories until America makes a comment on it.
Fantastic idea. This would be the best use of my 3D printer since I have had it.

Please do share your results!

just started printing, now. should be done in 5-10 hours (yeah, based on slow printing speed).

using 20% fill since there is a bit of solid part (no need for extra weight).

needs no supports. should be an easy print once you rotate so that the bottom is flat.

hoping this will turn out ok!

edit: print in progress:

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