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Elon Musk: Departing presidential councils

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That you don't seen to know who William F. Buckley, Bill Kristol, and the Wall Street Journal are, or how this author is about as far from the "feel-good politically left" as they come, says a great deal about what the Republican party has been co-opted into in recent times. William F Buckley is surely spinning in his grave. I'm saddened at the loss of reasoned conservative discourse in this country.

Conservatism as traditionally defined in the intellectual sense has generally been about caution. Intellectual conservatives wanted to know that money spent on social programs was money that wasn't wasted. They didn't want to force fast social values changes on ordinary people, who would resist at all costs. Deliberation was a virtue, because people are fallible and decisions often have unintended consequences.

Much of what passes for "conservatism" today (but not all) is NOT about caution, value for money, or unintended consequences. The ideas of the Alt Right, as represented by figures like Steve Bannon and Jeff Sessions, are about purity of the White race and Christian religion. Many people who are conservative are Alt Right sympathizers but won't publicly support these ideas because of the association with Nazism. But people privately tell me that they are sick of Hispanics and Spanish language, that they think African Americans are a net drain on White taxpayers, and that Islam is a violent and unwelcome religion to them. The heart of these fears is the looming demographic shift of the 2040's, where Whites no longer make up a majority of the U.S. population thanks to booming Hispanic fertility rates. At best, Alt Right and Alt Right sympathizers see a future where Whites become a hated minority. At worst, they have a paranoid belief that the White race will soon be extinct.

These ideas and fears are not new. One can actually find them reflected in the literature of the 1920's. F. Scott Fitzgerald's great classic The Great Gatsby actually covers this in some detail: the loathing of characters watching newly rich minorities chauffeured by a white man, and Tom Buchanan's discussion of a book on population trends and race with Nick Carroway, the narrator. The difference today is that these fears spread with far greater speed and intensity 100 years later, thanks to a toxic combination of social media and cable news.
For liberals, free speech = hatred. See riots at UC Berkeley as proof.

Anything contrary to what they believe is hatred. The Democrat credo is people should be allowed to believe whatever they want, as long as it's what they believe.

This is partly true, but incomplete.

What extremely liberal people openly admit to me, is that the have intolerance for people who are intolerant towards others on the grounds of race, non-discriminatory religious practice, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and perhaps some other categories.

So they are not anti-Christian per se, but are vehemently opposed to Christians who discriminate against people who identify as gay.

Antifa, or the leftist equivalent of the Alt Right, is probably the most visible manifestation these ideas.

And yes, members of the Antifa and their sympathizer are filled with the same kind of rage as the Alt Righters.

I actually think that people, particularly younger adults, get some kind of high or adrenaline surge from Antifa and Alt Right ideas. It's like snorting lines of cocaine, except the coke comes in the form of postings on Reddit or outrage pieces on Breitbart or Huffington Post.
This is partly true, but incomplete.

What extremely liberal people openly admit to me, is that the have intolerance for people who are intolerant towards others on the grounds of race, non-discriminatory religious practice, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and perhaps some other categories.

So they are not anti-Christian per se, but are vehemently opposed to Christians who discriminate against people who identify as gay.

Antifa, or the leftist equivalent of the Alt Right, is probably the most visible manifestation these ideas.

And yes, members of the Antifa and their sympathizer are filled with the same kind of rage as the Alt Righters.

I actually think that people, particularly younger adults, get some kind of high or adrenaline surge from Antifa and Alt Right ideas. It's like snorting lines of cocaine, except the coke comes in the form of postings on Reddit or outrage pieces on Breitbart or Huffington Post.

Very true. They are guilty of the same level of intolerance that they accuse others to possess. It's the ultimate hypocrisy. The fact they can't even see it makes it more troubling.
This is partly true, but incomplete.

What extremely liberal people openly admit to me, is that the have intolerance for people who are intolerant towards others on the grounds of race, non-discriminatory religious practice, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and perhaps some other categories.

So they are not anti-Christian per se, but are vehemently opposed to Christians who discriminate against people who identify as gay.

Antifa, or the leftist equivalent of the Alt Right, is probably the most visible manifestation these ideas.

And yes, members of the Antifa and their sympathizer are filled with the same kind of rage as the Alt Righters.

I actually think that people, particularly younger adults, get some kind of high or adrenaline surge from Antifa and Alt Right ideas. It's like snorting lines of cocaine, except the coke comes in the form of postings on Reddit or outrage pieces on Breitbart or Huffington Post.

Well, it's sort of moot point because they already state that all people except themselves are intolerant. They don't need any proof or actions by the offender, they are wrong because they exist, not because of what they do.
Very true. They are guilty of the same level of intolerance that they accuse others to possess. It's the ultimate hypocrisy. The fact they can't even see it makes it more troubling.

In my interactions with very left-leaning people, this does seem to be some kind of mental blind spot.

Well, it's sort of moot point because they already state that all people except themselves are intolerant. They don't need any proof or actions by the offender, they are wrong because they exist, not because of what they do.

Existence and action are often intertwined though.

For example, during the gay marriage debate, I had some friends who angrily denounced Christian conservatives who refused to allow their businesses to participate in gay weddings. They didn't denounce them because they were Christian. They denounced them for the action of refusing to provide services like cakes and photography.

Such Conservative Christians exist in that they have beliefs, but those beliefs are also translated into action.

Personally, I don't mind if gay people want to get married. Nor do I mind if people want to run their businesses according to their religious beliefs.

My line for intolerance in the public sphere is criminal activity. If a religious group were, for example, to molest children or commit bank robberies in the course of their religious practice, I would be intolerant of that.
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In my interactions with very left-leaning people, this does seem to be some kind of mental blind spot.

Existence and action are often intertwined though.

For example, during the gay marriage debate, I had some friends who angrily denounced Christian conservatives who refused to allow their businesses to participate in gay weddings. They didn't denounce them because they were Christian. They denounced them for the action of refusing to provide services like cakes and photography.

Such Conservative Christians exist in that they have beliefs, but those beliefs are also translated into action.

Personally, I don't mind if gay people want to get married. Nor do I mind if people want to run their businesses according to their religious beliefs.

My line for intolerance in the public sphere is criminal activity. If a religious group were, for example, to molest children or commit bank robberies in the course of their religious practice, I would be intolerant of that.

You are a wise man. My beliefs are similar to yours. Let everyone do as they please as long as it doesn't cause direct harm.

My right to swing my fist ends where your nose begins.
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Existence and action are often intertwined though.

For example, during the gay marriage debate, I had some friends who angrily denounced Christian conservatives who refused to allow their businesses to participate in gay weddings. They didn't denounce them because they were Christian. They denounced them for the action of refusing to provide services like cakes and photography.

Such Conservative Christians exist in that they have beliefs, but those beliefs are also translated into action.

Personally, I don't mind if gay people want to get married. Nor do I mind if people want to run their businesses according to their religious beliefs.

My line for intolerance in the public sphere is criminal activity. If a religious group were, for example, to molest children or commit bank robberies in the course of their religious practice, I would be intolerant of that.

The segment of America that refuses to service customers based on sexual orientation is very, very small. The number of Christians is very large. The number of news articles about the issue are wildly out of proportion.

The religious zealots willing to kill at random, focus on killing gays, rape children, kidnap for ransom, rape adults, rob, and commit other atrocities are not mostly Christian. But to suggest otherwise is taboo.
The segment of America that refuses to service customers based on sexual orientation is very, very small. The number of Christians is very large. The number of news articles about the issue are wildly out of proportion.

The religious zealots willing to kill at random, focus on killing gays, rape children, kidnap for ransom, rape adults, rob, and commit other atrocities are not mostly Christian. But to suggest otherwise is taboo.

You must be talking about Muslims and Islam, a religion of peace.

Islam and violence - Wikipedia
No he's a quitter and took the easy way out. This article is clearly written by someone who lives in fantasy land. Has this guy ever traveled outside the USA? I'll take him places where they will knife him for $5. Author is correct for about 80% of humans, but 10-20% are sociopaths who are in it to win it. Trump might be one but I don't think so actually. Elon Musk probably is based on his actions if he is in control of Tesla.

David Brooks a quitter? He covered Chicago crime beat in the 80s, his son serves in the Israeli Defense Forces, he's a conservative that thinks and deeply. Trump has engaged in a pattern of fraud deception and intimidation throughout his life. He's a huckster fraudster and ..everything will be done in 2 weeks. Brooks and other thinkers have long sense seen through the deception that is trump.

Elon Musk grew up in South Africa, moved to Canada and then the US in his early 20s.

Both of these guys know real life and the tragedy that surrounds it. Trump? no..you are insulting Brooks and Musk to associate them Trump in terms of having moral behavior.
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bernie supporter?

Ha that's good. Bernie was another fraudster. Holy cow, even worse than Trump in my view. Bernie and his wife bankrupted 2 universities. Do you know how stupid you have to be to do that? Amazingly stupid. He makes a very nice income and never does anything. Amazing that the voters send him back every year. What a disgrace to a good state.
Ha that's good. Bernie was another fraudster. Holy cow, even worse than Trump in my view. Bernie and his wife bankrupted 2 universities. Do you know how stupid you have to be to do that? Amazingly stupid. He makes a very nice income and never does anything. Amazing that the voters send him back every year. What a disgrace to a good state.
VT is a strange state, it has become dominated by very well to do people from NY and MA, and college kids at uvm.