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So does this mean he will own 100% of Twitter? $46.5 Billion is a lot of money even for Elon. He better not screw this up!

He will control it. He will own about half of it, the rest will be owned by lenders and some direct shareholders that want to directly own a chunk of another company controlled by Elon, since there aren’t many opportunities for that. Personally, I would stay a Twitter shareholder if I could, and some big funds will.
He will control it. He will own about half of it, the rest will be owned by lenders and some direct shareholders that want to directly own a chunk of another company controlled by Elon, since there aren’t many opportunities for that. Personally, I would stay a Twitter shareholder if I could, and some big funds will.
I think ever since the X.com/PayPal situation, he has done an awful lot to ensure he has control in his companies so I agree he'll bend over backwards to ensure he can't be forced out.
I think ever since the X.com/PayPal situation, he has done an awful lot to ensure he has control in his companies so I agree he'll bend over backwards to ensure he can't be forced out.

Oh? What has he done? Other than run his companies well? Facebook famously has different classes of shares so Zuckerberg can't be forced out, but Tesla does not have that. He has even stated in the past that shareholders can toss him out of Tesla whenever they want. Elon was THE early controlling Tesla shareholder, so he could have instituted different share classes but did not. While SpaceX is private, he doesn't own a majority of shares, so likewise shareholders can toss him out should they want to.
Oh? What has he done? Other than run his companies well? Facebook famously has different classes of shares so Zuckerberg can't be forced out, but Tesla does not have that. He has even stated in the past that shareholders can toss him out of Tesla whenever they want. Elon was THE early controlling Tesla shareholder, so he could have instituted different share classes but did not. While SpaceX is private, he doesn't own a majority of shares, so likewise shareholders can toss him out should they want to.
Certainly running the company aggressively with a high profile, etc. helps but I had always understood he maintained near complete voting rights control through supermajority rules with TSLA. And I understood it to be similar with SpaceX (quick Google search says 78.3% voting control there).

I recall much of this from the now-dated 2016 Ashlee Vance biography. Happy to be corrected if I'm wrong.
Well just wonderful...a misogynist libertarian will have a hold on the news....

Twitter is not "the news" anymore than anything else is. There's lots and lots of channels to get information out, as there should be.
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Certainly running the company aggressively with a high profile, etc. helps but I had always understood he maintained near complete voting rights control through supermajority rules with TSLA. And I understood it to be similar with SpaceX (quick Google search says 78.3% voting control there).

I recall much of this from the now-dated 2016 Ashlee Vance biography. Happy to be corrected if I'm wrong.

Change of control requires 2/3 vote of shareholders, but I believe Elon's stake is now down around 20% of Tesla, so he really can't block even that. I think Musk can be replaced as CEO by simple Board majority vote as well. This is all kinda moot right now for a large number of reasons.
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Well just wonderful...a misogynist libertarian will have a hold on the news....

Better than a far left communist who loathes in their censorship.
Well just wonderful...a misogynist libertarian will have a hold on the news....

The various media entities have had plenty of time to work on their hit pieces given when the bid went in. It’s fascinating to watch them all come out one after the other now that the deal is gonna happen. I’m pretty sure the world is literally gonna end when he takes control… literally 😂
If Elon institutes policies on Twitter that a lot of people there now don't like, somebody will start a similar platform with similar rules to Twitter now and everyone will migrate to that. Then Twitter devolves into Parlar and becomes almost worthless.

People's loyalties to social media platforms is very fluid. It isn't like buying something physical, people will overlap membership between multiple forums until they find one they like the most then spend most of their time there.
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If Elon institutes policies on Twitter that a lot of people there now don't like, somebody will start a similar platform with similar rules to Twitter now and everyone will migrate to that. Then Twitter devolves into Parlar and becomes almost worthless.

People's loyalties to social media platforms is very fluid. It isn't like buying something physical, people will overlap membership between multiple forums until they find one they like the most then spend most of their time there.
I very much doubt this will come to pass. The people who might leave Twitter on ideological grounds also like its reach. Talking on something like Parler is like holding forth at the pub. If millions of people aren’t reading your tweets, what’s the point.
I very much doubt this will come to pass. The people who might leave Twitter on ideological grounds also like its reach. Talking on something like Parler is like holding forth at the pub. If millions of people aren’t reading your tweets, what’s the point.
Likewise I think most people don't like screaming into an echo chamber. A place without an opposing point of view isn't an interesting place to engage in.

It's one of the reasons places like parler haven't had much success. There are no libs to be owned there.

People will rage and threaten to leave. Some will but not in any amount that will matter.
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My unsolicited feeling on this is that the hand wringers are probably wringing their hands far too much. And the strongest celebrators are probably celebrating too much. Elon has sunk billions - let that sink in, billions, of his own money into this venture. It may be an expendable sum to him, but I doubt he looks at it that way. It seems more likely that he wants to "unlock" the value in one of the biggest social media names in the world, which is trading well below its peers in terms of market capitalization. It would be surprising to me if he decided to do anything that would jeopardize the bulk of the user base.

One thing this and some of his recent actions have seemed to do, from my limited perspective, is change the way a segment of the population views him and his businesses. He was viewed as a government-leeching environmentalist by many for a decade or more, but now I notice in comment sections on some platforms that he is embraced wildly. That may in fact help Tesla by endearing the company to a group that had written EVs off as environmentalist trickery. Or I'm overstating it.

As I've repeated in this thread since a few years ago, I'm no fan of Twitter so I feel like it has a lot more potential to get better than it does to get worse.
My unsolicited feeling on this is that the hand wringers are probably wringing their hands far too much. And the strongest celebrators are probably celebrating too much. Elon has sunk billions - let that sink in, billions, of his own money into this venture. It may be an expendable sum to him, but I doubt he looks at it that way. It seems more likely that he wants to "unlock" the value in one of the biggest social media names in the world, which is trading well below its peers in terms of market capitalization. It would be surprising to me if he decided to do anything that would jeopardize the bulk of the user base.

One thing this and some of his recent actions have seemed to do, from my limited perspective, is change the way a segment of the population views him and his businesses. He was viewed as a government-leeching environmentalist by many for a decade or more, but now I notice in comment sections on some platforms that he is embraced wildly. That may in fact help Tesla by endearing the company to a group that had written EVs off as environmentalist trickery. Or I'm overstating it.

As I've repeated in this thread since a few years ago, I'm no fan of Twitter so I feel like it has a lot more potential to get better than it does to get worse.
I agree 100%, and no I don’t think you are overstating Elon‘s new found appeal on the right. He hasn’t completely unlocked all those customers yet, but he is making good progress.

And yeah, Elons changes will be subtle but far reaching. We probably won’t even notice what is happening, but it should get better. As you say, couldn’t get much worse.
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