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Elon & Twitter

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Wow that didn’t take long - have a look. I’m not sure that is really what he’s doing, but I thought it was funny since you raised it here..

Let me take this opportunity point out that a mere “$8” is the same thing as “$96” (a year). And $480 (for 5 years).
Monthlies are the oldest financial trick around.
*cough cough* and this is from Bonnie. She used to be on here...

As usual, Bonnie is right on point. It's too bad she stopped participating here, but like Karen, found the Tesla Superfans too much to deal with. I've been using the Ignore button liberally and now if only I could also Ignore reactions from those whom I've ignored, this would be a much nicer place.

BTW - want to see another example of Tesla Superfans chasing people off TMC and Tesla in general? Here's a good example that the mods have completely failed to reign in:
Lot's of critics in here, reminds me of a great T.R. excerpt -

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

Whether he fixes Twitter, or doesn't / overpaid, tried to get out, whatever - he is in there doing something that he feels is right.
Who are we to criticize that effort?
This is about the 100th time I’ve seen some variation on “who are you to tell Elon what to do?” or “who are you to criticize Elon?"
I’ll tell you who I am, someone who doesn’t worship false gods, for starters.

Oh no...NO ONE should come to a forum expecting to freely speak their mind, to trade thoughts and opinions. Nope. Un Unh.
Well, OK..Maybe if they pay $8 a month.
A rational person will of course apologize when they do something wrong.
Matt Taylor of the European Space Agency should never have apologized. He may have lost his job, but he did nothing wrong. Same with Elon in most cases if it's the mob demanding his head on a pike. This has been tested. There is no path to redemption. It was horrifying to see how badly Taylor was treated and Elon may know about this.

Generally I agree with you IF an actual wrong has been done, but what the mob thinks is 'wrong' often isn't.....it's a disingenuous group of purity-filtering, virtue-signaling actors looking for a pariah or scapegoat, and there's no mercy to be had. This is especially true of the WokeMob™.

Apologies won't repair the sensibilities of those who have an irrational hatred of Elon. Mistakes were made. Tweet was deleted. No need to belabor the point.
Matt Taylor of the European Space Agency should never have apologized. He may have lost his job, but he did nothing wrong. Same with Elon in most cases if it's the mob demanding his head on a pike. This has been tested. There is no path to redemption. It was horrifying to see how badly Taylor was treated and Elon may know about this.

Generally I agree with you IF an actual wrong has been done, but what the mob thinks is 'wrong' often isn't.....it's a disingenuous group of purity-filtering, virtue-signaling actors looking for a pariah or scapegoat, and there's no mercy to be had. This is especially true of the WokeMob™.

Apologies won't repair the sensibilities of those who have an irrational hatred of Elon. Mistakes were made. Tweet was deleted. No need to belabor the point.
so sharing a batsh*t crazy conspiracy theory (gay lover! he brought it onto himself! - ... just read that "article") with *millions* of people when a 82yr old man is still hospitalized with a fractured skull isn't an "actual wrong" and only "the mob thinks it's wrong" ? seriously?
Here's some details from TFA:

Musk appears to be using a “carrot and stick” approach to these abusive practices, as he has publicly declared vast numbers of layoffs are in the offing, thus cultivating an atmosphere of “fear and distrust” at the company, according to Kolodny’s reporting. Employees claim they’ve been left largely in the dark as to whether they’ll be targeted, even as their managerial taskmasters implement weekend assignments, sleeping (presumably) on cots laid out in their offices on Friday and Saturday nights, according to reporting by Grace Dean of Business Insider.

(Also includes reporting from Grace Dean of Business Insider... Is this person also bad?)
Is it not obvious the catastrophizing language being used here? 'Targeted'. Does anyone expect Elon NOT to make changes at his new privately-owned company? 'Fear and distrust' could also be called 'transition'. This is obviously a hit piece. Kolodny should.....apologize. :D

I think the Twitter employees who don't want to be fired are just putting in their best effort right now. Predictable human nature. Some will simply quit on their own, and Elon will make his own choices based on need and work performance. Nothing surprising here.
Ah, so you resort to calling names. I'm far from a Musk fanboi. I have heard accounts from friends that worked at Tesla during the Model 3 ramp that were just bone-chilling.

But I'm also a businessman. Twitter corp is like 90% FAT, 10% substance. I'm 100% behind anyone that cuts the fat on unnecessary bloat like that.
Exactly. There's a very good reason Elon bought Twitter, and it wasn't to leave things as they were. Everyone should expect chaos until Elon is done...restructuring.
so sharing a batsh*t crazy conspiracy theory (gay lover! he brought it onto himself! - ... just read that "article") with *millions* of people when a 82yr old man is still hospitalized with a fractured skull isn't an "actual wrong" and only "the mob thinks it's wrong" ? seriously?
Elon deleted the tweet. There's no need for him to apologize to anyone. But, he should be more careful about what he shares on Twitter.
Elon deleted the tweet. There's no need for him to apologize to anyone. But, he should be more careful about what he shares on Twitter.

Elon just fanned the flames - without evidence - of a baseless conspiracy theory, playing into the hands of a conspiracy theory driven, increasingly violent mob of Americans.

But sure, he should be "more careful."
Elon just fanned the flames - without evidence - of a baseless conspiracy theory, playing into the hands of a conspiracy theory driven, increasingly violent mob of Americans.

But sure, he should be "more careful."
the tweet was visible long enough and retweeted enough so now the next group is "taking over" ... aka the Glenn Beck's , Donald Trump juniors, Tucker Carlson's of this world...
the tweet was visible long enough and retweeted enough so now the next group is "taking over" ... aka the Glenn Beck's , Donald Trump juniors, Tucker Carlson's of this world...
If Twitter is going to just be a service like Parler and Gab, and is run by a guy who treats it like Parler and Gab, then everyone else should treat it like Parler and Gab too. US government could start by pulling all of its official accounts off of the service.
the tweet was visible long enough and retweeted enough so now the next group is "taking over" ... aka the Glenn Beck's , Donald Trump juniors, Tucker Carlson's of this world...

I have to agree here. Saying that you quietly retracted your original shouting of "fire" in the theater does not absolve you of the consequences, especially if you're on the team who supposed to be making theaters safer and better.
If Twitter is going to just be a service like Parler and Gab, and is run by a guy who treats it like Parler and Gab, then everyone else should treat it like Parler and Gab too. US government could start by pulling all of its official accounts off of the service.
yeah.. turning twitter into Parler and Gab but expecting twitter like advertisement revenues isn't going to work.
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