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Epidemic of Model 3 small window break-ins

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For those affected just curious:
- do you think frunk is safer if you have to actually leave stuff in car?
- did any of the dash cam videos help, or as mentioned above are police too busy and this too small even if you had security?
- do you all think an alarm like the one just released by Tesla for s or x would help deter them from looking in the back (obviously wouldn’t stop them from breaking the window originally)

I hope that's not the order of action that they followed, i.e., went to restaurant, put backpacks in trunk.
One never knows whose watching when you arrive. Your friends could have telegraphed that they were securing
the valuables right in front of the thieves.
Should put the stuff in the trunk, then drive to the restaurant. We don't want to draw attention to the action of putting stuff in the car and then leaving the car unattended.
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For those affected just curious:
- do you think frunk is safer if you have to actually leave stuff in car?
- did any of the dash cam videos help, or as mentioned above are police too busy and this too small even if you had security?
- do you all think an alarm like the one just released by Tesla for s or x would help deter them from looking in the back (obviously wouldn’t stop them from breaking the window originally)

I used to think the frunk was safer but then I saw a youtube video where you can pop open the frunk with a jump starter
Most likely wouldn't happen unless you were in a garage where they had more time to do something like this. Best bet is to carry a backpack and take anything of value with you.

I was wondering if the dash cam would help. I don't have one, but I know in the most recent update, the front camera can record, however I'm not sure how that function works. I have yet to insert a USB drive to record video.

Someone asked me if I had received an alert on the app when the window was broken. I didn't know that was possible, but no, no alerts on the app. We came back to the car and that's when we saw it. Although I have heard some people using a window alarm like the one in this thread from Doberman Security
I fell so sorry for you.
This is not a bad area, quite lively in fact, with various type of restaurants.
I go quite often to the 24 Hours Fitness gym, two blocks away, but at least I can use the indoor garage.
I have some friends students who just went to a restaurant in the same area.
They put their backpack with laptops in the trunk of their car and when they came back all was gone.
They had some of the content of their laptop saved on the clouds but still loose a lot of their work.
I thought the same thing. One of my projects is a block away on Webster and I know the area well. My mom works in the area and I frequent the restaurants in the area. And we even parked on the main road, in front of a well-lit apartment complex across from the new Athletic Club Bar. And this happened at 7pm with people still milling around the city. None of the other cars parked in front or behind were hit, just mine. Which makes me believe most people are targeting tesla's because of the trunk access. After reading the messages on this thread I was surprised to hear so many instances in Oakland. I thought SF was bad but Oakland is becoming bad as well.
What would it take for Tesla to retrofit the cars so this window is alarmed?

Maybe use a (fake) decal for now?

They have a kit for S/X as of last week.
Model S Enhanced Anti-theft

No idea on the 3.

I assume Tesla’s are hit because they are easy, but also because the people that buy them may slightly tend towards having money and having tech stuff (expensive computers).
Sorry to see this. We got a Google map going in one of the FB groups I'm in called SF Bay Area Tesla Model 3 Owners
To see where this happened so far in the Bay Area here is the MAP and don't forget to add the location of your incident to help others.

I attached the invoice on what I paid and they sent a Tesla Ranger to my house after calling a bunch of Service Centers, Dublin SC worked out in the end but that probably has changed since this is happening so often after they decriminalized this act in California, every 17 minutes: Inside the Wave of 'Smash-and-Grab' Car Robberies Plaguing San Francisco . This is happening not just on Model 3's but from my experience this happened to my friends Nissan SUV and another friends Mini Cooper just in the month of September. Some people are devising up some possible solutions not just leaving the rear seats down (which I have been doing) and tint. I will share once there is a good one thought up. I used clear packing tape to cover the hole until the replacement came. Good luck.....

@laudbrian Where did this happen? Alameda? A shame if it happen there ... it's really a gem of a place
Haha, that's hilarious - almost sounds like The Onion, with the Inside Edition van getting burglarized while they're doing a story about burglary. SF is such a craphole.

Agreed... San Francisco does not prosecute "non-violent" property crimes.

number of car burglaries is at least four times higher than in Los Angeles, San Diego, Sacramento or San Jose.


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@laudbrian Where did this happen? Alameda? A shame if it happen there ... it's really a gem of a place

Hey Trevor B, this happened on College Ave, in front of Bosko's, close to where Claremont Ave and College Ave intersect. High visibility, high foot traffic, big open spot, thought it was the perfect place to park for everyone to admire my beauty which I had only for 11 days, but backfired big time. I was completely clueless at the time as I didn't notice till I got home, now ffwd 3 months later I'm still paranoid. Although still a gem, I've heard of lots of recent car break-ins at the Southshore Center Mall parking lots in Alameda as I live really close to there. They are opening a Supercharger in the mall area of Alameda so hopefully security will be beefed up by completion.


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This has been happening to many cars of various manufacturers but our Model S was hit as well a while back. We don't keep our parcel shelf up any longer as a result. When our car was hit it was a pretty expensive repair, $1300 I think and told the whole chrome frame had to be removed and then replaced, which added to the cost. Others reporting the same breakin reported similar costs for repair. I think from posts I've seen more recently the cost has come down...Sadly probably due to volume. And let's face it the little window glass isn't that pricy. I was afraid that the Model 3 we were buying would be a target as well since it has the same triangular window basically and fold down seats. But worse in some ways -- due to the trunk design you don't even have a parcel shelf to remove. I guess folding down the back seats is the only other option.

We spoke to Tesla during an event when the Model 3 was just coming out and brought up this crime and the expense to owners and asked them if there wasn't something they could do. They did change the chrome molding on the car, adding a seam in the upper portion around the triangular window so that only that small part would need to get replaced. If they can't get in through the triangular window, and they think or see something of value is in your car, they will then smash other windows (side or liftgate) or pop your trunk in the case of Model 3.

One Model S owner last year captured on his dashcam his and fellow cars parked near him being broken into at night in a Costco parking lot and with shoppers walking right near by. Very brazen and so quick that people don't even notice or hear it happening. Another Model S owner who apparently didn't have people walking around had his perp break the side window, flip the seat down, see something, then break a side window...couldn't quite get to what he wanted, tried to smash the liftgate, and I think ended up going back to the rear seat passenger window to fish what he wanted out. Our car was a 2 guy operation with one sitting in the getaway car. The Costco one I think was a group of 4 working the lot. There is an epidemic of property crimes like this in the SF Bay area.

With so many crossovers out there also with no separate trunk compartment and with the popularity of fold down seats, there's a ready supply of cars that are easier targets. Even if you don't keep anything in your cargo or trunk area, you are still subject to being a target of this crime and paying the price of repair if they want in your car. Many on here had their windows smashed, seats flipped and had nothing to take but a repair bill all the same.
Probably less of an issue in places like Texas I’d guess.
Hey Trevor B, this happened on College Ave, in front of Bosko's, close to where Claremont Ave and College Ave intersect. High visibility, high foot traffic, big open spot, thought it was the perfect place to park for everyone to admire my beauty which I had only for 11 days, but backfired big time. I was completely clueless at the time as I didn't notice till I got home, now ffwd 3 months later I'm still paranoid. Although still a gem, I've heard of lots of recent car break-ins at the Southshore Center Mall parking lots in Alameda as I live really close to there. They are opening a Supercharger in the mall area of Alameda so hopefully security will be beefed up by completion.

Yes and think of the brazen attitude to do a break in on a street like that with traffic and probably people passing by within close proximity. One break in I saw dashcam footage of was in a Costco parking lot with many people (including mothers pushing shopping carts with their kids in tow) walking by a row over from where these guys were punching in windows and peering in back seats.
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This is why I am purchasing a GoPro cam to mount in my M3, to augment the forward-facing one the car has.

Our MS with 2-channel Blackvue in parking mode recorded the break in in our car. Unless your perp is known to the police or you get car plates of the vehicle he came in (and its not a stolen vehicle) or he's wearing a name tag on his clothing or he shows his driver's license to the camera, cameras for this "use" aren't very helpful. Use to think so, but our own experience has altered that view. Best camera use is for car accidents where a higher property damage would be involved.
What would it take for Tesla to retrofit the cars so this window is alarmed?

Maybe use a (fake) decal for now?
I ended up ordering a pair of these: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B010HWCS50/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Video of it here:

My windows are tinted so hopefully the decal will not be as noticeable. Not sure if this will help but hopefully it will be somewhat of a deterrent, if not before the break the window, then maybe as they are trying to break it
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I think we are going to see a lot of “smash and grab” damage in the model 3. Keeping valuables out of site in a parked car helps prevent this. However the screen in the M3 scares me, to the unknowing eye it looks too much like an iPad Pro on a mount.

It’s sad even here in Alaska most trail head parking lots are littered with smashed auto glass from things like this.
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